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Gaming => Videoigre => Autor teme: snowblind - 09. Listopad, 2012., 22:47

Naslov: East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game
Autor: snowblind - 09. Listopad, 2012., 22:47

The RTS/war-game East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game takes place during the dangerous Cold War era between 1946-1991. This Cold War experience is crafted jointly by BL-Logic in collaboration with Paradox Development Studio. East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game, based on the Clausewitz engine allows you to relive the diplomatic, economical and military tension of the Cold War in this grand strategy game.
Još jedna grand strategija od Paradoxa stiže iduće godine. Ono što je interesantno, moći će se izabrati bilo koja država iz razdoblja u kojemu se igra odvija. East vs. West sadržavati će različite fičure poput 3D topografske mape, korištenje diplomacije, politike, ekonomije i špijunaže za utjecanje na politiku ili ekonomiju druge države. Moći se se zatražiti podrška Ujedinjenih naroda, bitke će se voditi na zemlji, u zraku i na moru te će biti mogućnost kostumizacije vlastitih brodova. Istraživanje novih tehnologija omogućiti će sudjelovanje u svemirskoj utrci ili razvoj nuklernih obrambenih sistema. Multiplayer će također biti podržan i to za 32 igrača. I naravno crveno dugme biti će uključeno u igru.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wljN0NEgVEQ# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wljN0NEgVEQ#)
Naslov: Odg: East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game
Autor: redhillunited - 09. Listopad, 2012., 23:31
Moglo bi biti zanimljivo :D
Naslov: Odg: East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game
Autor: pufdrcna - 13. Listopad, 2012., 00:48
Imam od njih kupljen arsenal of democracy,neloše su tu igru napravili,pa bi moglo bit i nesto od ovoga east vs west :D
Naslov: Odg: East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game
Autor: Elbobo - 06. Studeni, 2012., 19:28
Moglo bi biti zanimljivo,ali kao i sve paradox-ove igre tek nakon 2-3 ekspanzije i 10 patcheva...
Naslov: Odg: East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game
Autor: snowblind - 06. Studeni, 2012., 19:35
Pa s Crusader Kings 2 pokazali su da znaju izdati dovršenu igru, a s obzirom da na ovome radi i njihov interni tim moglo bi se dogoditi da će sve raditi kako spada. Samo se nadam da im se više neće ponoviti Sword of the Stars 2.
Naslov: Odg: East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game
Autor: snowblind - 27. Studeni, 2012., 19:11
East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game Video Introduction (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD4__jlhWo8#ws)
Naslov: Odg: East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game
Autor: KamikazeCr0 - 28. Studeni, 2012., 13:26
nemrem docekat igro sam sve paradoxove igre i pretvoril sam se u pravog fanboya :bonk:
Naslov: East vs. West A Hearts of Iron Game
Autor: Armox - 01. Listopad, 2013., 20:56
Eto još jedne, po svemu sudeći odlične strategije iz Paradox Interactivea. Najavljena je za prvi kvartal 2014. ,a trebala bi koristiti isti engine kao i Hearts Of Iron 3, točnije Clausewitz 1.5. Developeri su iz BL-Logic poznati po Arsenal of Democracy, preradi legendarnog Hearts of Iron 2,a igra će bit prva strategija PIa sa tematikom Hladnog Rata. Moguće će biti igranje sa bilo kojom državom toga doba,te je voditi od 1946. do 1991. godine.

Po nekim objavama na službenim forumima, dalo bi se naslutiti da će igra bit hibrid klasičnog HoIa što se tiče ratovanja, ali i Victorije 2 i nekih potpuno novih mehanika za simuliranje ekonomije,razvoja,međunarodne trgovine itd.
Mišljenja? Siguran sam da ima bar nekoliko vas koji su igrali barem Europa Universalis i znaju koliko duboko u detalje idu PI igre :mrgreen:

] EDIT: Evo svih prikupljenih informacija otkad je otvoren East vs West podforum (prema službenim potvrdama samih developera)
- You may select or pick any nation that existed in the world as of the start date.
- The game will have much more economic and diplomatic features than Hearts of Iron 3 or Darkest Hour.
- There will be six scenarios: Cold War Begins 1946, Arab-Israeli War 1948, Korean War 1950, Vietnam War 1961, Afghanistan War 1979, and Gulf War 1991.


- Units are organized into "active" and "reserve"
- Equipment is now a value for units.
- Land units are color coded and split into main body units and support units.
- You will want to demobilize your forces and send them home.
- There will be a proper reserve and mobilization system.

- NATO and Soviet/Warsaw Pact navies will have different focuses, but they can effectively counter each other.
- You will be able to design your own ships.
- The naval combat system will be more realistic.
- A detailed naval log will be provided for combat.

- Helicopters are represented both in the form of land units as air cavalry and attack helicopters brigades, and maritime helicopters, close air support helicopters, and helicopter gunships that are part of the airforce.

- There will be a "Rich, 3D topographic map" to allow for deep strategic decisions.
- Nations will be divided into regions, which will mostly be based on real-life provinces/states, but in some cases changes for gameplay will be made.
- Below the regions are provinces, where troops will move and combat takes place. This is also where the population and production are counted.
- There will be over 15,000 land provinces and over 3,000 sea provinces.

- There will be several different policies in several different categories to allow you to change the economics and political shape of your nation.
- There will also be political choices that affect your standing in the world.
- Every population will be part of a generic culture for the region and religion.
- Every nation has a national identity linked to something.
- Every ideology in the game will have a political party in each nation.
- There will be a system of dissent and national unity.

- Nuclear weaponry won't require manual deployment of missiles. Instead, you will build silos to store your nuclear weapons in and use special buildings to produce them.
- Nuclear attacks will deal damage to enemy buildings, both economic and military, and cause a population loss.
- Nuclear attacks on one province will have smaller effects on neighboring provinces.
- Nuclear weapons are divided into SLBM's, ICBM's, and bomber-launched weaponry.
- You can distribute how many of your nukes go into each category.
- You can build expensive Anti-ballistic missile weapons that take a long time to build but have a chance of downing any ballistic missiles launched at the region where it's built.
Naslov: Odg: East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game
Autor: Armox - 02. Listopad, 2013., 00:24
Isprike adminu,nisam htio necroat staru temu :mrgreen:
 Ali nazad na topic, za sve koji prate razvoj igre,kakva su vaša mišljenja o ovom naslovu? Iako na paradox forumu dobivamo informacije na kapaljku,moram priznat da sam ugodno iznenađen. Jedina zamjerka mi je scale OOBa,tj. nekako mi nije jasan potez developera da najmanje jedinice opet budu divizije.
Krajem Hladnog Rata većina oružanih snaga s obje strane Željezne zavjese,ali i neutralne zemlje su se prebacile na brigade kao glavne operativne borbene jedinice. U svim sukobima tijekom Hladnog rata (osim Korejskog rata), brigade su bile najveće organizirane i operativne borbene jedinice, dok se u nekim slučajevima nije išlo iznad bataljuna (primjerice bitka Dien Bien Phua '54.) iako je sami broj trupa bio dostatan za nekoliko divizija,brigade su bile organizirane kao "kostur" svih borbenih operacija.
 Neki nagađaju da je to bio potez da se smanji lag u kasnijim stadijima igre (glavni problem Hearts of Irona 3 nakon '44-'45). Još se čeka na te Dev Diarye. Pogotovo o ekonomiji,teritorijalnim morima,ulozi UNa i vetoa Vijeća Sigurnosti koji nije baš detaljno pojašnjen tijekom live streama itd. Ali svejedno nestrpljivo čekam izlazak pošto me niti jedna PI igra do sad (a PI igre igram od prve Viktorije) nije razočarala. :ave: