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Gaming => Videoigre => Autor teme: Dudley - 28. Rujan, 2012., 00:02

Naslov: Mijenjam League of Legends acc za Guild Wars 2
Autor: Dudley - 28. Rujan, 2012., 00:02

Na accountu ima večina championa, kupljeno otprilike desetak skinova
Na 1450 elo trenutno (Highest 1671)
Ima nešto RP i otprilike oko 5000 IP-a
EU West server
Oko 1100 normal winova, nikad bannan
Igrano preko dvije godine
Full tank, AD i AP rune pages

Champions: Ahri, Akali, Amumu, Annie, Brand (Cryocore skin), Darius, Mundo, Evelynn, FIddlesticks, Gangplank (Spooky skin), Garen (Dreadknight skin), Graves (Jailbreak skin), Jax, Karthus, Kassadin , Katarina, Kayle (Judgement skin) , Lee Sin, Lux, Malzahar, Master Yi, Mordekaiser, Nasus, Nautilus, Nocturne, Nunu, Olaf, Pantheon, Renekton, Riven, Ryze, Shaco (Royal skin), Shen, Shyvanna, Sion, Talon, Tristana (Riot skin), Tryndamere, Urgot (Butcher skin) , Veigar, Vladimir, Xin Zhao , Yorick, Zilean

Zamjena za BILO KOJI GW2 acc

Detalji ukoliko ste zainteresirani
Naslov: Odg: Mijenjam League of Legends acc za Guild Wars 2
Autor: Strifium - 15. Siječanj, 2013., 18:00
Javi se na [email protected] :D