18.(19. za javnost)-22.08. sve oči gaming svijeta biti će uprte u njemački Köln (Cologne), gdje će se održati 2. po redu GamesCom Expo, najveći europski sajam igara.
Sajam bi nam mogao donijeti puno novosti ali i pokoje iznenađenje, kako to obično biva na tako velikim sajmovima.
Ova je tema namjenjena općoj raspravi o sajmu; komentarima, linkanju novosti, trailera, odabiru najljepše hostese....
Službeni web:
http://www.gamescom-cologne.com/en/gamescom/home/index.phpEvo i nekih najava najvećih izdavača:
Sony * Killzone 3
* Gran Turismo 5
* inFamous 2
* LittleBigPlanet 2
* DC Universe Online
* Motorstorm: Apocalypse
* Sorcery
* Journey
Nintendo * The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
* Metroid: Other M
* Donkey Kong Country Returns
* Kirby's Epic Yarn
* Professor Layton and the Lost Future
* Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
* Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Miniland Mayhem
* Wii Party
* Art Academy and more
Namco Bandai * Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
* Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
* Dragonball: Raging Blast 2
* Maijin and the Forsaken Kingdom
* Despicable Me: The Videogame
* Pac-Man Party
Square Enix * Deus Ex: Human Revolution
* Final Fantasy XIV
* Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light
* Front Mission Evolved
* Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
* Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
* Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
EAAt the EA Booth * Crysis 2
* Darkspore
* Dragon Age 2
* FIFA 11
* FIFA Manager 11
* Medal of Honor
* Need For Speed Hot Pursuit
* Rock Band 3
* The Sims 3 on console
* Star Wars: The Old Republic.
For the iPod * The Sims 3
* The Sims 3 World Adventures
* 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa
For the iPad * Need For Speed Shift
* Command & Conquer
* Red Alert
* Mirror's Edge
* Tetris
Behind closed doors * Bulletstorm
* Crysis 2
* Darkspore
* Dead Space 2
* Dragon Age 2
* EA SPORTS Active 2
* FIFA 11
* FIFA Manager 11
* Medal Of Honor
* Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
* Rock Band 3
* The Sims Medieval
* Star Wars: The Old Republic
* Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1
* The Sims 3 on console.
Madden NFL 11 for iPhone as well as MONOPOLY Streets will be available for hands-on play in the EA Business Lounge.
Ubisoft * Assassin’s Creed® Brotherhood (PlayStation®3, Xbox 360®) )
* DRIVER® San Francisco (PlayStation®3)
* Michael Jackson The Experience (Wii™)
* R.U.S.E™ (PC, PlayStation®Move, Xbox 360®)
* Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. ® 2. (Playstation®3, Xbox 360®)
* Raving Rabbids®: Travel in Time (Wii™)
* Your Shape™: Fitness Evolved (Xbox 360® Kinect™)
* Motion Sports™ (Xbox 360® Kinect™)
* Racket Sports (PlayStation®Move)
* Just Dance® 2 (Wii™)
Fali line-up Microsofta (i još nekih), ukoliko ga (ih) pronađete, svakako postajte ovdje