MLB igra?

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MLB igra?
« : 07. Studeni, 2016., 13:49 »
Sad skoro je bio World Series gdje su Cubsi pobjedile i vratile su se iz 1:3 u seriji i bilo je jedno od boljih finala u MLBu. Pa eto dobio sam inspiraciju da napisem ovaj post za novu MLB igru i vasih razmislanja o nju. Zadnju igru u serijalu sta sam igrao je bila MLB 2k12 i igrao sam to na PC a Wikipedia kaze sledece:
 2K Sports gave many signals on May 22, 2012 that the game would mark the end of the MLB 2K series. The game was left off the list of games for 2K's 2013 fiscal year, which was the same way they signaled the end of the NHL 2K series (although it returned on mobile devices in 2014) and the College Hoops series. A Take Two spokesman commented, “Our legacy Major League Baseball agreement will sunset in fiscal 2013. MLB 2K12 is our last offering under that agreement. At this time, we have no further comment.”

However, on January 9, 2013, 2K Sports eventually announced that they had reached an agreement with Major League Baseball, the Major League Baseball Players Association, and Major League Baseball Advanced Media to release Major League Baseball 2K13. The game was released on March 5, 2013. Ironically enough, MLB 2K13 was in fact, the final installment of the series.

Znaci nemamo novu MLB igru vise od 3 godine, a prije 2k Sports licencu je drzao EA i imao svoju igru MVP Baseball i bila je jednu od boljih i drzao je licencu od 2002 do 2007. However, an exclusive licensing deal between Major League Baseball and Take-Two Interactive in 2005 prohibited EA Sports from making another MLB game until 2012. In response, EA made NCAA college baseball games in 2006 and 2007, but discontinued the series in 2008 because of poor sales. Ali prije su bile Triple Play igara takodge iz EA koji su isli od 90tih do 2002 kad se desio renaming u MVP serijal. PA interesuje me sta vi mislite, dali zelite novu MLB igru bilo is 2k ili EA i ima li mogucnost takvu igru da se probije na pazar gdje vlada Madden serijal (US) i FIFU (World). Ja i 2k12 sam igrao kao pitcher i bilo je stvarno naporno da igras 9 ininga i plus ako igras i ofanzivnu stranu onda igra moze potrajati jako dugo. Ja sam se navlekao na Baseball, preko jedan anime koji se zvao Major a nakon toga i Diamond of Ace. Propustio sam da kazam za neki Japonskih igara za Yakyuu koji su mozda izlazile u Japan only, ipak je Baseball tamo nacionalni sport. Pa eto ocekivam vasih razmislenja in the comments bellow, a ja odoh u MVP Baseball 2005  :D   



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Odg: MLB igra?
« Odgovori #1 : 07. Studeni, 2016., 22:27 »
Koliko znam, Sony svake godine izbacuje MLB The Show.


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