League of Legends

  • 1908 Odgovora
  • 565703 Hitova


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  • 1958
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Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #195 : 10. Studeni, 2012., 22:14 »
Što znači elo reset? Svima se vraća na 1200 ili?

Opet ce svi imati 10 placement matcheva sa povecanim Elo gainom.
Elo reset ce ici ovako nekako:

A player with a 2200 rating will be around 1700 after the reset.
A player with an 1850 rating will be around 1550.
A player with a 1500 rating will be around 1400.
A player with an 1150 rating will be right around 1200.
A player with an 800 rating will be around 1000.
A player with a 450 rating will be around 850.



  • *****
  • 1958
  • Feeeeejk
Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #196 : 10. Studeni, 2012., 22:31 »
Double post, al' ae. Evo kompletan trenutno poznati info oko promjena itema.

Dobra je stvar sto supporti dobivaju dva specijalizirana itema.
Jedan im daje wardove, drugi im nakon 3 levela oslobada item slot a da zadrze sve efekte od itema.

Removed items:

Elixir of Agility
Rejuvenation Bead
Meki Pendant
Heart of Gold
Moonflair Spellblade
Cloak and Dagger
Ionic Spark
Force of Nature
Madred's Bloodrazer
Purchasable in 5s:

Wicked Hatchet
Blade of the Ruined King
Current Items:

The Brutalizer
+25 Attack Damage
UNIQUE Passive: +10% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive: +10 Armor Penetration (was 15)
Now builds into The Black Cleaver.

The Black Cleaver
+45 Attack Damage (was 55)
+10% Cooldown Reduction (new)
+10 Armor Penetration (new)
Passive: Dealing physical damage to an enemy reduces their Armor by 5% for 6 seconds. This effect stacks up to 5 times on the same target. (new)
(Removed: attack speed, previous passive)

Tear of the Goddess (700 Gold [was 995])
+250 Mana (was 350)
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
UNIQUE Passive – Mana Charge: Each time you spend Mana or cast a spell, your maximum Mana increases by 4 (3 second cooldown). (changed)
Bonus Mana: 0/750 (was 1000)

Archangel’s Staff
+250 Mana (was 400)
+60 Ability Power (was 45)
+10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds (was 25)
UNIQUE Passive – Insight: +(3% of Maximum Mana) Ability Power
UNIQUE Passive – Mana Charge: Each time you spend Mana or cast a spell, you gain 5 maximum Mana (3 second cooldown). (changed)
Bonus Mana: 0/750 (was 1000)
Transforms into Seraph’s Embrace at 750 Bonus Mana

Eleisa's Miracle (1175 Gold [was 1300])
+10 Health per 5 seconds (was 25)
+15 Mana per 5 seconds (was 20)
Unique Passive - Aid: Your Heal, Clairvoyance and Revive cooldowns are reduced by 20% (new)
Unique Passive: If you gain 3 levels while holding Eleisa's Miracle, you gain 10 HP/5, 15 MP/5 and the Aid Passive permanently and the item disappears from your inventory. (new)
(Removed tenacity)

Guardian Angel
Greatly reduced stats gained by upgrading.

Unique Toggle: Your basic attacks and single target spells drain an additional X% of your current mana and deal twice that amount in bonus magic damage over 2 seconds. (new)

Regrowth Pendant
Numbers may be adjusted. Builds into what Rejuvenation Bead used to build into.

Faerie Charm
Numbers may be adjusted. Builds into what Meki Pendant used to build into.

Spirit Visage
Builds from Negatron Cloak instead of Null Magic Mantle. Passive increased.

Is now a passive wave clearing item.

Movement speed reduced.

Phantom Dancer
Movement speed reduced.

Avarice Blade
New build options.



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Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #197 : 11. Studeni, 2012., 10:04 »
edit: pogrijesio u vezi sa elo  :bonk:
If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.



  • *****
  • 1958
  • Feeeeejk
Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #198 : 13. Studeni, 2012., 11:29 »
Season 2 zavrsio nocas, svi dobili Elo reset.
Elo ranking vam trenutno mislim nije prikazan uopce, ali trebali biste biti blizu starog rankinga, kao sto je napisano u postu iznad.

n00b, javi mi se ako si raspolozen za ranked duo-queue navecer, opet je dostupan povecan elo gain u prvih 10 matcheva, pa se isplati igrat.



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Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #199 : 13. Studeni, 2012., 12:15 »
nezz samo zasto su morali micati ovo: Rejuvenation Bead, Heart of Gold, Cloak and Dagger, Ionic Spark, Force of Nature, Madred's Bloodrazer. bas jucer igrao ranked sa kogmawom i madredsbloodrazer mi je bas nekako kogmaw item, a rejuvenation beed mi je mundo item  :hiha: isto kao i FoN...
If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.



  • *****
  • 1958
  • Feeeeejk
Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #200 : 13. Studeni, 2012., 17:10 »
Madred's Bloodrazor je noob-trap item koji nema koristi.

Infinity Edge/Bloodthirster + Zeal/Phantom Dancer ce uvijek radit veci damage na Kogu nego Bloodrazor kao prvi item.
Zeal + B.F. Sword ce cak raditi veci damage generalno nego Bloodrazor.
Madred's Bloodrazor zadaje magic damage koji bi kao trebao oduzimati postotak enemy max healtha, a svaki champ ima minimalno 30-60 magic resista bez ikakvih itema.
740 golda za Negatron Cloak je dovoljno da u potpunosti nulificira damage koji stize od Bloodrazora.

Odigrao 4 ranked matcha sa frendom u duo-queue, furamo Draven+Leona combo.
Garantirana smrt ili forsani Flash ako nekoga uhvatim sa Leonom, ogavno visok damage.
Kao nesluzbeno digao ranking na 1320~ nakon 3 dobivena matcha.
Jedini loss je zbog intentional feedera, koji je bas morao biti nas AP mid koji je nafeedao Annie.

Jos 6 matcheva sa povecanim elo gainom preostalo.  :ementaler:
« Zadnja izmjena: 13. Studeni, 2012., 17:13 Yuri »



  • Suradnik
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  • 9339
Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #201 : 13. Studeni, 2012., 18:02 »
Kad dolaze ti novi itemi?



  • *****
  • 1958
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Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #202 : 13. Studeni, 2012., 18:13 »
Ne tako skoro.
Nisu samo novi itemi u pitanju, vec i rework junglea i generalno mastery pageova.



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Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #203 : 13. Studeni, 2012., 18:38 »
naravno da ne uzimam prvi item madreds, btw yuri s kim igras? mislim, jel ima premade partnera ili nadjes random lika i trazis da uzme dravena/leonu.

edit: nisam vidio ovo s frendom... probat cu bas to s leonom, jer dravena cesto igram pa ono...
If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.



  • *****
  • 1958
  • Feeeeejk
Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #204 : 13. Studeni, 2012., 19:02 »
Igram support Leonu najcesce kad sam na Skypeu sa nekim frendovima.
Ono, sinkroniziras inicijaciju i gg. Draven i Leona u bot laneu imaju najveci early-game damage u igri, prelako je dobit killove i rijetko koji support/carry combo im moze nesto napraviti.

Pogotovo je slatko kad netko odabere Blitza kao supporta protiv Leone. Baitam njihov pull i zatucemo ih ko stakore. <3

naravno da ne uzimam prvi item madreds

Madred's ne uzimas uopce na AD carry champovima, ikad. Bacanje golda bezveze.
Last Whisper je sve sto ti treba da ubijas tankove kao late-game AD carry.



  • Suradnik
  • ******
  • 9339
Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #205 : 13. Studeni, 2012., 21:27 »
Ja mislio da će to sve biti uključeno s dolaskom nove sezone. Nego ovi okviri što su stavljeni kod loadinga, to je iz ranked nešt ili?



  • *****
  • 1958
  • Feeeeejk
Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #206 : 14. Studeni, 2012., 00:40 »
Da, nagrade za ranking u season 2.



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Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #207 : 14. Studeni, 2012., 13:47 »
nezz ne igram ranked bas cesto, nemam neki razlog al eto, btw madreds sam UZIMAO samo na kogmawu, al bilo mi je jadno jer kad vec dodjem do njega ima dost AD-a, i attack speeda, tako da mi recurve bow ne treba, a glupi mi je uzimat wolverine rukavice... BTW blitz je rijetko kad dobar support jer sa passiveom od ulte krade creepove, ja njega stalno igram kad treba supporta, i sonu, i cesto se frendovi zale da kradem cs zbog random munja. al ako early game pullas nezz recimo 5 killova kasnije je njihov adc beskoristan...
If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.



  • *****
  • 1958
  • Feeeeejk
Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #208 : 14. Studeni, 2012., 14:48 »
Blitz je odlican support i ult passiveom nenamjerno ukrade mozda jednog creepa svakih 20 sekundi. Jako rijetko zapravo. Ne znam o cemu brijes.



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Odg: League of Legends
« Odgovori #209 : 14. Studeni, 2012., 15:34 »
znam da je odlican support, po meni najbolji, nego cesto se dogodi da ukradem creepa. uglavnom hoces mozda game danas, sutra?
If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.


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