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Gaming => Videoigre => Autor teme: FatCook - 15. Kolovoz, 2015., 22:56

Naslov: Fat Cook - domaći platformer za iOS/Android
Autor: FatCook - 15. Kolovoz, 2015., 22:56
Pozrav Haceelovci!
Dajte da vam oduzmem nekoliko trenutaka i predstavim svoju novu igru - side-scrolling platformer Fat Cook kojeg ćete uskoro moći igrati na Androidu i iOS-u.
On the night when the Cook falls through the floor of his restaurant, he finds a letter which predicts his fall and the situation that surrounds him. The author of the letter is surprisingly aware that the city streets are abandoned, and that many people have turned into cyborgs. The author, who appears to be the Cook's friend, sends him of to a quest to find the ingredients of a secret recipe that will help save him, and all of mankind.
Throughout the game the Cook reveals other letters that his unnamed friend has left him. They contain clues which guide him to hidden ingredients that he needs to collect in order to prepare the secret recipe. However, these ingredients aren't the only things he discovers. After many surprises and adventures, the Cook solves the biggest mystery - the identity of the "Friend" and how he came to know what lies in the future.

Igra je temeljena na Unityju, više-manje je gotova i spremna za izlazak koji smo zakazali za 1. listopada. Nešto prije toga održat ćemo beta testiranje kojem će moći pristupiti stotinjak igrača, no o tome ćemo više informacija imati za koji dan.
U međuvremenu bih vam ponudio novi trailer i nekoliko slika iz igre. Sve je priloženo uz tekst.

! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=642H4nwFPdM#)


Ako imate kakvih pitanja i komentara samo pucajte, a ako vam je draže dostupni smo i na Facebooku (http://www.facebook.com/FatCookGame), odnosno Twitteru (https://twitter.com/FatCook_Game). :)
Naslov: Odg: Fat Cook - domaći platformer za iOS/Android
Autor: FatCook - 14. Rujan, 2015., 21:53
Hej ekipa, evo nas opet. :)
Samo da javimo da je nedavno počelo beta testiranje, pa vas pozivamo da skočite na http://fatcookgame.com/#beta (http://fatcookgame.com/#beta) i prijavite se.
Beta ima 10 odabranih levela iz nekoliko svjetova, a kako napreduje izbacivat ćemo nove buildove s različitim kombinacijama kako bismo pokrili sve.

P.S. Ekipa koja dovrši sve dostupne nivoe i ostavi feedback dobit će mjesto u creditsima kao znak zahvale. :clap: