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Gaming => Videoigre => Autor teme: Flea - 06. Prosinac, 2007., 01:36

Naslov: Counter Strike
Autor: Flea - 06. Prosinac, 2007., 01:36
ehehe, opet ja

dakle, ako tko ima iskustva sa igranjem CSa preko hamachia

ovako, imam hamachia i hamaliasa, al kad me nađe prijatelj u lan kaže invalid cd key, skinija sam najnovijeg countera 1.6 i ne kužim zašto sad opet govori invalid cdkey

neki patch?  :ementaler:

EDIT: nisam dolje vidija CS 1.6 temu  :wildboy:
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: vilim - 07. Prosinac, 2007., 10:34
Treba ti 1.6 non steam. A onda kad to nabaviš trebaš prčkat po hamačiju i parametru po shortcutu igre, no to je druga priča već
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Flea - 07. Prosinac, 2007., 11:25
Treba ti 1.6 non steam. A onda kad to nabaviš trebaš prčkat po hamačiju i parametru po shortcutu igre, no to je druga priča već
nisam zna da se ovdje naplaćuje svako slovo 50 lipa, pa se škrtari sa odgovorima  :tired:

nije druga priča!  :wildboy: daj molim te napiši sve lijepo
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Affirmative - 07. Prosinac, 2007., 11:52
Treba ti 1.6 non steam. A onda kad to nabaviš trebaš prčkat po hamačiju i parametru po shortcutu igre, no to je druga priča već
nisam zna da se ovdje naplaćuje svako slovo 50 lipa, pa se škrtari sa odgovorima  :tired:

nije druga priča!  :wildboy: daj molim te napiši sve lijepo

jedno od riješenja:

http://forums.hopzone.net/showthread.php?t=53 (http://forums.hopzone.net/showthread.php?t=53)
Minimum Requirements:
- Windows XP , at least 1GHz processor and at least 256MB RAM
- internet connection (at least 100KB/s metropolitan and extern) through optic fiber
- Routable IP / Port Forward
- 1-2 GB Hard Disk space
- a lot of patience
Downloading Files
Download the following files:
- HLDSUpdateTool -> http://www.steampowered.com/download/hldsupdatetool.exe
- NoSteamPatcher -> Google it, i`m not allowed to post this type of links
- AdminMod + MetaMod -> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/h...n.zip?download
- StatsMe -> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/s...e.zip?download

Server Installation
- create a new folder where you want to install the game server. As an example we will use C:/HLDS
- open hldsupdatetool.exe and click Next, then Agree and we have to choose the destination folder. Press Browse and select the C:/ drive and after that double click on HLDS folder.The message tells us that the folder already exists and we press Yes, then next until the end of setup.
- the next step is to give a command from DOS command line. To do that, press Start button, press Run, write cmd and press OK. Change the current directory by writing the following command: cd C:\HLDS.
- Download the files needed to install the server. Depending on the Internet connectio speed it may take up to a couple of minutes or few hours. Write the following command in DOS command line: hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game valve -dir .
This command starts the HLDS download. After the download is complete, the following message is displayed: HLDS installation up to date.
Installing Counter-Strike Mod
Download the Counter-Strike Mod files by typing to DOS command line the following command: hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game cstrike -dir .
After the download is complete, the following message is displayed: HLDS installation up to date
Patch the server in order to accept NoSteam clients
Extract hldsw32-emporio.rar to C:/HLDS
Configure the server.cfg file
The server.cfg configuration file is located in C:\HLDS\cstrike directory. Open it with TextPad or Wordpad. Delete all lines and add the lines located here
To <HOSTNAME> write anything you want (eg. Best CS 1.6 Server). To <PAROLA> write the password for remote administration.
Install and configure AdminMod for Windows

Click here to install and configure AdminMod for Microsoft Windows.
Extract statsme-2.8.3-cstrike.zip to C:\HLDS\cstrike directory. Go to C:\HLDS\cstrike\addons\metamod directory and open plugins.ini with TextPad or WordPad. Add the following line at the begining of the file: win32 addons\statsme\dlls\statsme_mm.dll
Go to C:\HLDS\cstrike\addons\statsme and open statsme.cfg with TextPad or WordPad. Modify the sm_menupassword from r3wt with another password. When entering the game you will have to write in the console statsme_menu password_from_statsme.cfg.cfg in order to modify last settings.
/rank and /top10
Open statsme.cfg and change the sm_storebyauth from 1 to 0.
Secure server
It is important to have a non secure server because of many reasons. To do that, go to C:\HLDS\cstrike and open liblist.gam with TextPad or WordPad. Modify secure from 1 to 0. Save and exit.
Starting the server - method #1
(This is the simple mode - more resources involved)
Go to C:\HLDS. Double click on hlds.exe and select the following options:
- Game: CounterStrike
- Server Name: eg. Best CS 1.6 Server
- Map: anything
- Network: Internet
- Max. Players: as many as you want
- UDP Port: the port on which the server will run (default: 27015)
- RCON Password: remote password administration
- Secure (Valve Anti-Cheat): unchecked!
Starting the server - method #2
(Simpler method, less resources involved)
Go to C:\HLDS. Right click on hlds.exe and choose "Create Shortcut" or "Send to > Desktop". Right click on the created shortcut and choose Properties. In Target field you will see C:\HLDS\hlds.exe after, add the following: -console -game cstrike +ip EXTERNAL_IP +sv_lan 1 +maxplayers PLAYERS_NUMBER +map de_dust2 -nomaster. Press Ok and double click on the shortcut.

to nije hamachi riješenje, ali bi trebalo probat... ja nisam probao
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: ito - 09. Prosinac, 2007., 11:57
ja prek hamachia jednostavno odem samo na dedicated server ikonicu, startam server, u konzolu upisem sv_lan 0 i to je to
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Flea - 10. Prosinac, 2007., 14:56
uglavnom serete svi...

evo kako treba

u hamachiu uključite advance options i svakom igraču podesite VPN alias tako da bude isti kao vaš hamachi IP ali zadnj dio IPa promjenite te stavite bilo koje brojke različite od vaših 0-255
zatim na ikonu od CSa morate promjenit target na properties i mora izgledat ovako "C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike 1.6\hl.exe" -nomaster -game cstrike +ip tu unesete vaš hamachi ip

to je to  :tired:
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: ito - 11. Prosinac, 2007., 00:13
Meni radi onako jednostavno  \:D/
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: vilim - 05. Siječanj, 2008., 15:47
Eh, jedno pitanje u vezi Sourcea, da ne otvaram novi topic. Instaliram igru, stavim patch v7, i kad se spajam na server(piratski naravno) na svakom mi javi "disconnected: Server uses different class tables", čini mi se da je tak pisalo. U čem greda? :duksy:

I zna li netko kako osposobiti Source da se može igrati preko hamachija?
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Dodo - 23. Travanj, 2008., 13:11
Imam problem u CSS-u.
Nemrem dodat serverić u fejvritse. Svaki put kad ga upišem niš se ne dogodi. Imal tu CSSovaca uopće?  :tired:
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Lewka - 23. Travanj, 2008., 13:15
meni bi se upisali, al bi nestali kad bi drugi put ušao u igru :solidus: pojma nemam šta je
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: --HS-- - 23. Travanj, 2008., 13:42
plati meni 50 kn za CS... Mislim sad fakat vise nije tak ni skup-
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Affirmative - 23. Travanj, 2008., 14:15
e imam ja par pitanja za steam:

1.) kad platiš s kreditnom karticom, jel ispadne točno tih 10$ ili ti još neš uzmu?
2.) kad si kupim CS 1.6 na steamu, jel moguće da odem do frenda, kod njega si skinem (jer frend ima flat), donesem doma i instaliram? oću pitat dal ja skinem posebnu instalaciju, ili baš moram skidat na svom kompu?
3.) ne znam sad točno, al kad se sjetim, pitat ću :)
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Dodo - 23. Travanj, 2008., 14:38
Imam problem u CSS-u.
Nemrem dodat serverić u fejvritse. Svaki put kad ga upišem niš se ne dogodi. Imal tu CSSovaca uopće?  :tired:

Rješio sam.

Što sam napravio?
U \Counter-Strike Source\platform\config, našo masterservers.vdf i serverbrowser.vdf (OBAVEZNO NAPRAVIT BACKUP TIH FAJLOVA), otvorio ih u notepadu i pobriso sve kaj ima u tom fileu i sejvo. Nakon tog sve radi za 5, čak ugasim i upalim igru i ne gube se fejvritsi. gg? gg.

plati meni 50 kn za CS... Mislim sad fakat vise nije tak ni skup-

šaljiv si.
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Affirmative - 23. Travanj, 2008., 14:39
pobrisal si cijeli file? da je prazan?
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Dodo - 23. Travanj, 2008., 14:39


da ja neb bio kriv ak vam se neš sjebe slučajno  :ementaler:
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: mr_solidus - 23. Travanj, 2008., 14:48
e imam ja par pitanja za steam:

1.) kad platiš s kreditnom karticom, jel ispadne točno tih 10$ ili ti još neš uzmu?
2.) kad si kupim CS 1.6 na steamu, jel moguće da odem do frenda, kod njega si skinem (jer frend ima flat), donesem doma i instaliram? oću pitat dal ja skinem posebnu instalaciju, ili baš moram skidat na svom kompu?
3.) ne znam sad točno, al kad se sjetim, pitat ću :)

1. naravno da ne uzmu  :wildboy:
2. moguće je, samo mora bit tvoj akaunt
3.  :wildboy:
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Affirmative - 23. Travanj, 2008., 15:04
1. naravno da ne uzmu  :wildboy:
2. moguće je, samo mora bit tvoj akaunt
3.  :wildboy:

1.) mislim na ove koji ti daju kreditnu karticu, dal moraš neš doplatit zbog online plačanja
2.) znači, odem do frenda, stavim njemu na komp steam, kupim si CS, i onda skinem CS na svoj HDD. moguće? ili skinem instalaciju CS-a, spržim si ga, dofuram do svog kompa i instaliram kao da sam si ga ja sam skinuo?
3.) koliko je uopće velik taj CS 1.6 paket? onaj za 10$?
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: T.N.T. - 23. Travanj, 2008., 15:10
skini ga kod fredna, kopiraj njegov steam folder na dvd, te ga stavi na svoj komp...
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: mr_solidus - 23. Travanj, 2008., 15:30
jednostavno upališ svoj akaunt kod frenda, skineš ga i spržiš na dvd. Al da bi ga igrao moraš imat steam na svom kompu, naravno.
Taj od 10 baksa ima jedno gigu tak neš ;(
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Affirmative - 23. Travanj, 2008., 15:40

tnx :thumbs:
Naslov: Re: Counter Strike
Autor: Maarek - 26. Svibanj, 2008., 13:09
sramota je da nemozete dat 50kn za original  :wildboy: