ova igraMeni ovo bila jedna od prvih igara
tamo prije dosta godina u osnovnoj
drugi il treći osnovne
jedan jedini -> Dave
nedavno je buraz to skinuo odnekud s nekog krepi slovenskog sajta
igra ima valjda 4KB
uglavnom, svatko bi se trebo sjećat ovog

enivejz, u oko mi je upalo to kaj je igru napravio legendarni i višestruko nagrađivani, sam guru gaminga,
John Romero

osim toga, u oko mi je i upala priča iz ridmi kurca
evo, ovdje je c/p dotičnog
ja sam se valjo od smeha

by John Romero
Clyde Cooper, son of a NASA scientist, won all the Idaville skateboarding
trophies. You always coveted those trophies, so you bet him you could win a
footrace against him, as long as you pick the course and get a four foot
headstart. He agreed and you chose the course--a ladder! You won the trophies
but Clyde was mad and hid them in a deserted pirate's hideout!
"Just try and find them, fella! Ha ha ha!" laughed Clyde as he walked away.
"The entrance is down that silver tube...."
You, yes, YOU, Dangerous Dave, must find the ten trophies and escape from
the pirate's hideout alive!
You'll face deadly WeirdWeeds, infernal FearsomeFire, horrible WickedWater, and
maybe the terrible inhabitants of the hideout! Get the trophy and get to the
Of course, you'll have help against these foes. You might find some of the old
pirate's pistols, and since the hideout is on the Cooper's land, Clyde's dad
might have left some experimental jetpacks around. But be careful--they have
very little fuel!