Devil’s Third

  • 2 Odgovora
  • 2159 Hitova


  • Suradnik
  • ******
  • 9142
Devil’s Third
« : 23. Srpanj, 2012., 16:37 »
Nakon što je THQ odbio izdati igru, Devil’s Third IP vratio se u ruke Itagakia i Valhalla studija. Za razliku od njegovih prijašnjih igara ovo će biti TPS. Igra je osim za PS3 i X360 sada najavljena za PC i tablete. Nažalost datum izlaska još nije poznat.

The game is set in a world where the Kessler Syndrome has come to pass, rendering low-earth orbit full of debris and nearly all satellite destroyed. "In the resulting turmoil, war erupts around the world as the balance of military power is thrown into chaos. For a better idea of Devil's Third, please try to imagine in what ways infantry battle would be altered in a world without satellite technology,"

Devil's Third Announcement Trailer - Official

Odg: Devil’s Third
« Odgovori #1 : 23. Srpanj, 2012., 17:54 »
Izgleda dobro i zabavno, vrlo zabavno



  • Suradnik
  • ******
  • 9142
Odg: Devil’s Third
« Odgovori #2 : 10. Lipanj, 2014., 20:31 »
Isuse koji rivajv. :wildboy:

Devil's Third nije mrtav, postao Wii U ekskluziva

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