Kao veliki fan serijala očekujem već dugo neku vijest o petom nastavku.
Sada je ona tu i daje naslutiti kako se Dante vraća, po željama publike:
"Yes, there are a lot of fans of the Devil May Cry series,” he said. "We need to look at them, analyse what they want in a game, what they don't want in a game, and then take that into account for if we are going to create a future title, and see if there is something we can create that is going to overcome their expectations, as well as create a title that's going to get a lot of critical acclaim and be reviewed quite well.”
"We don't just want to come at it and just say, oh it's a popular series, let's make a sequel. We want to say,
let's make a sequel that's going to be custom-tailored to what the fans want, and on top of that, prove that, again, it's a great game, it's a fun game, it's got lasting appeal, and it's going to be particularly well-liked by the media as well."
IzvorŠto više reći, sretan ko malo dijete
A vi?
UPDATE: Promjenjeno ime teme