Football Manager 2013

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Football Manager 2013
« : 07. Rujan, 2012., 12:31 »

Football Manager 2013

Izdaje: Sports Interactive
Release Date: jesen 2012 (vjerojatno sredinom litopada)
System Req(neslužbeno): Processor: XP: 1.6GHz or Faster. Vista/W7/W8: 2.2GHz or Faster
                              Memory: XP/Vista/W7/W8: 1.0GB RAM
                              Hard Disk Space: 2 GB hdd space
                              Video Card: 128MB *Supported Chipsets
                              DirectX®: 9.0c

Hrpa novih featura:

Match Engine
The 3D match engine has seen huge improvements this year. Everything on the pitch looks more realistic; from the stadiums, the players’ movement, intelligence,  and the way the ball moves through the air.

We’ve also introduced hundreds of new animations to make the game feel more realistic and we’ve made the whole experience more televisual by introducing new camera angles and showing the kick-off and final whistle.

Manager Roles
Another notable difference is the significant restructure of the manager’s staff and a revamp of their roles. The most obvious is that we’ve introduced the position of Director of Football into the game for the first time, which will allow managers to pass on some of their workload, such as contract negotiations, if they choose to.

In addition to this, we’ve also increased the number of specialist coaching roles within the game and given the manager greater flexibility to choose which coaches offer advice and when. The manager can also choose to complain about boardroom interference – although that particular option should probably be used sparingly.

This year sees a total revamp of team training, with a new simplified overview panel combining general training and match preparation. Choose your weekly team weekly, give the lads a rest after a big win or drag them into training the day after bad performance. You can now even send your coach to acquire more training badges to improve their skills and send the whole squad away on a training camp.


Classic and Challenge Modes
Football Manager Classic is a less time-consuming way to enjoy Football Manager. The essence of the game is exactly the same – the manager still takes charge of a squad of players and competes at whatever level he or she chooses – but they will now find that a number of their responsibilities have either been taken over by their support staff or have disappeared completely.

For example, while the player still takes charge of training in FMC, this is carried out at a 'full team' level only – there's no individual player training. And when it gets to matches themselves, there are no team talks or opposition reports... you just go straight to a game using the same 3D match engine as Career Mode. The games are played out in a quicker 'highlights only' fashion, but you can even speed this up by going straight to ‘Instant Result’.

Players who opt for Football Manager Classic will also find that they have a couple of further options in terms of how they play the game; they can either play a full open-ended ‘Career’ or they can choose to play in the new ‘Challenge’ mode.

In Challenge mode they’ll find themselves in a particular situation which will test their management skills over a shorter game time – usually half a season. Can you win a trophy with a team consisting almost entirely of kids? Or could you guide your club to safety despite being bottom of the table at Xmas?

We first introduced Challenge Mode in Football Manager Handheld 2012 and it proved to be so popular that we’ve decided to include it in FMC too.

The game will come with four free-to-play challenges, each of which feeds in to a global leaderboard.

Network Play
The brand new Network Play is fully integrated with Steam’s network functionality which means that players should be able to set up and enjoy games against their friends far more easily than before. The Network Mode also allows people to set-up special one-off leagues and cups and to import their team from their career mode, so you can now end any debate about whose FM team is better.

The deeper integration with Steam will also allow us to manage worldwide leaderboards, so, for the first time you’ll really know how good a manager you are.


There are more than 900 new features, most of which will be announced via a series of video blogs. The  key changes include a revamp of the loans system, a major overhaul of scouting, new press conference tones and an international management revamp.

Eto, opet će nadmašit sami sebe sa hrpom odličnih noviteta. Network play po meni najznačajniji, i konačno su nakon 3-4 godine poboljšali trening. Nadam se da će se moć određivat vježbe koje će se radit svaki dan na treningu, to bi bilo najbolje ikad.

Jel se još netko veseli ovome? Očekivanja, nagađanja?


Dodaci iliti besplatni DLC-ovi

HUGE database
Carbon skin - tamni skin s popravljenim bugovima
Cut-out faces - preko 120 000 slika igrača
Metallic logos megapack - preko 23 000 grbova
Stadium Superpack - ukjlučuje 869 sadašnjih i budućih stadiona
Transfer & Data packs update

Upute za instalaciju:

1. Extract the zip/rar fajl u My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2011/graphics
                                         My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2011/skins (samo za skinove)
2. Ako folderi ne postoje treba ih se napraviti
3. Pokrenuti FM, kliknuti na Preferences i namjestiti OVAKO
4. Klik ''Confirm''

« Zadnja izmjena: 26. Studeni, 2012., 19:15 Mzehn »



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Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #1 : 07. Rujan, 2012., 12:54 »
Classic mode  \:D/

Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #2 : 07. Rujan, 2012., 13:26 »
Ko i svake godine prvi tim koji se vodi Hajduk kao svaki zadnji manager :piva:



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« Odgovori #3 : 07. Rujan, 2012., 13:37 »

Neznam, nije mi napeto više vodit jake ekipe s kojima ti je sve servirano na pladnju, pa tako ni Dinamo ili Hajduk s kojima se osvoji liga da se samo continue stišće cjelo vrijeme. Zabavnije je doć u neki krš i sam napravit nešto od kluba, dofurat svoje skautove, coacheve, napravit svoj omladinski pogon, mrežu affiliated klubova i tako u nedogled. Od osrednjeg kluba iz osrednje lige napravit da pod normalno bude igranje u ligi prvaka.

Zadnjih par godina fino loadam sve lige moguće, stavim large database i krenem sa "start unemployed". Zaposli me neki osrednji klub iz npr bugarske i lagano kako sezone prolaze samo se dobivaju ponude od večih i večih klubova, i reprezentacija ovisno o visini "knowledgea" u određenoj zemlji. I taj sejv igram cjelu godinu po 20-30 sezona. Prije par godina tako osvojio LP sa Napolijem u ~20. sezoni ukupno :approve

Rekli su da će bit 25 video blogova do releasa, već danas popodne bi prvi trebo bit online :)



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Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #4 : 07. Rujan, 2012., 13:39 »
krenem sa "start unemployed"

je li to stvarni život?



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Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #5 : 07. Rujan, 2012., 13:40 »

Nije daleko ;)



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Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #6 : 07. Rujan, 2012., 17:00 »
Prvi skrinovi

Rula nova sekcija za trening (4. skrin), čini se da će se moć radit upravo ono čemu sam se nadao, iz dana u dan mjenjat fokus na nešto novo i tako se bolje pripremit za tekmu. Ako klub ima trening kamp na visokoj razini bit će ponuđeno više opcija, isto tako ako ima kvalitetan coach staff. Sad se čeka neki video :D

Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #7 : 07. Rujan, 2012., 17:45 »
Sto se tice treninga napokon bi mogao naređivati, jer mi ovaj trening sistem uopce nije vazan odnosno lose odrađen. Najbolji treninzi su oni iz CM 03/04



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Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #8 : 08. Rujan, 2012., 08:27 »
Ce bit patcheva za nelicencirane klubove i onako svi dresovi and shit?  :ementaler:

Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #9 : 08. Rujan, 2012., 09:25 »
Nisu patchevi neko fileovi koje jednostavno ubacis u my documents i imas sve grbove dresove i pravilna imena, dok cekas grbove i ostalo za FM 13 mozes koristiti one iz FM 12 ili bilo kojeg drugog. par tjedana poslije izlaska igre budu grbovi i to, pa cu ja postaviti linkove da mozete skinuti



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Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #10 : 08. Rujan, 2012., 13:26 »
Ce bit patcheva za nelicencirane klubove i onako svi dresovi and shit?  :ementaler:

Naravno :) Možeš si već sad skinut face, grbove, dresove apdejtane za ovu sezonu. LINK

Upute za instalaciju:

1. Extract the zip/rar file into;

My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2011/Graphics/Facepacks
My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2011/Graphics/Logos
My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2011/Graphics/Kits

2. You may need create the above folders, if they do not exist.

3. Load up FM, go to Options > Preferences > Display and Sound

4. Untick ''Use skin cache'' box

5. Tick ''Always reload on confirm''

6. Then click ''Confirm''

7. The faces/logos/kits should appear. Sometimes not all the images appear in the case of megapacks, you may need to re-install the game to ensure the Megapack runs smoothly.

@Redhill jel misliš uzimat original?

Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #11 : 08. Rujan, 2012., 14:32 »
Nego sta :D multi jel? :D



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Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #12 : 08. Rujan, 2012., 14:35 »
Pa da :ementaler: konačno će bit na razini.

Znam da inače ponude za kupit two-pack pa se dobije 20% popusta, ak će tak bit i sad mogli bi nešto skombat ;)

Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #13 : 08. Rujan, 2012., 14:38 »
Na steam chatu cemo to srediti :D



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Odg: Football Manager 2013
« Odgovori #14 : 10. Rujan, 2012., 16:29 »
Prvi video blog je vani. Match Engine je doživio velike preinake, sa pametnijim AI-em i novim camera opcijama.

Football Manager 2013 Video Blog: Match Engine (UK version)

Quick overview of the most important changes and improvements:

    New physics engine: the ball moves more realistically and the players react in a more natural way. The ball is also affected by pitch and weather conditions.
    Players body scaling is more realistic. Head tracking is also improved.
    Rewritten huge amounts of the match engine's AI (Artificial Intelligence) to make it even more realistic.
    Added new cameras and improved already existed angles. Plus you now can zoom in and out for every angle.
    Hundreds of new and improved animations.
    Attention to stadium details.
    Improvements to the 2D pitch as well.


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