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Gaming => Videoigre => Autor teme: Phylip - 03. Svibanj, 2008., 01:26

Naslov: Freelancer LAN
Autor: Phylip - 03. Svibanj, 2008., 01:26
Kak da se umrežim s burazom u ovoj  igri ako nam generira isti account ID?
Jel postoji neki generator ili način  da se to fiksira?
Naslov: Re: Freelancer LAN
Autor: Affirmative - 03. Svibanj, 2008., 01:37

ja sam s frendom igrao prek neta na istom serveru, a imali smo Freelancer s istog cd-a. ne znam u čemu bi bio problem

Naslov: Re: Freelancer LAN
Autor: Phylip - 03. Svibanj, 2008., 02:10
Dobro sad mi oba imaju razlicite accounte ali problem je kad napravim novi fl server ja se na njega
mogu konektat(vidim ga na listi) ali moj buraz ne može,zastrašujuće je što kad napravim na njegovom kompu server ni on sam ga ne vidi.
Naslov: Re: Freelancer LAN
Autor: Phylip - 03. Svibanj, 2008., 12:59
Sad sam probao preko hamachia i opet drugi(burazov )komp ne može detektirat
Naslov: Re: Freelancer LAN
Autor: Affirmative - 03. Svibanj, 2008., 13:12
Start the FLServer app, on the settings page, uncheck "Make Your Server Internet Accessible", adjust any other settings you want to, then click OK. That should be all you have to do to get the server set up. Then all you need to do on the client machines is choose multiplayer, then LAN. You might run into connection issues if you have Window Firewall turned on and you haven't allowed an exception for Freelancer or FLServer.

http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.php?board_id=m-1-913966&topic_id=m-1-41051433 (http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.php?board_id=m-1-913966&topic_id=m-1-41051433)
Naslov: Re: Freelancer LAN
Autor: Phylip - 03. Svibanj, 2008., 13:51
Start the FLServer app, on the settings page, uncheck "Make Your Server Internet Accessible", adjust any other settings you want to, then click OK. That should be all you have to do to get the server set up. Then all you need to do on the client machines is choose multiplayer, then LAN. You might run into connection issues if you have Window Firewall turned on and you haven't allowed an exception for Freelancer or FLServer.

http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.php?board_id=m-1-913966&topic_id=m-1-41051433 (http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.php?board_id=m-1-913966&topic_id=m-1-41051433)

Hvala puno ali već sam to bio  napravio i vidjeh taj topic
Probao sam Little Fighters2 igrat da provjerim dal je mreža u pitanju ali sve je u redu i pingaju se kompići
Probao sam googlat ali nisam našao ništ vrijedno
Naslov: Re: Freelancer LAN
Autor: Phylip - 04. Svibanj, 2008., 23:32
Saznao sam o čemu se radi.Trebalo je stavit statične IP adrese na oba kompa. :D