Get Even

  • 2 Odgovora
  • 3683 Hitova


  • Suradnik
  • ******
  • 9142
Get Even
« : 08. Siječanj, 2014., 18:27 »

Get Even - 'What Is Real' - Teaser

The game is a first-person shooter that seeks to bend the boundaries of single-player and multiplayer campaigns; players can jump into another's single-player campaign at any time and impersonate the A.I enemies.

Players will also be given the opportunity to experience Get Even's story from the perspective of the title's two opposing protagonists.

Datum izlaska trebao bi biti iduće godine i za PC te next gen konzole. Deadfall Adventures je isto izgledao dobro na slikama, pa na kraju i nije bila igra toliko dobra, a ovo zvuči još ambicioznije. Sama ideja uskakanja drugima u kampanju te igranje kao protivnik je interesantna, valjda će to dobro izvesti.
« Zadnja izmjena: 08. Siječanj, 2014., 18:29 snowblind »



  • ******
  • 5109
  • Snaketicus Murphy Jr.
Odg: Get Even
« Odgovori #1 : 08. Siječanj, 2014., 22:30 »
Bio je dobar Deadfall... moglo je tu biti još posla, ali solidna zabava definitivno
Doduše, kod ovoga mi se ne dopada to MP/SP miješanje... nisam za to načelno



  • ******
  • 11769
    • CroSimRacing
Get Even
« Odgovori #2 : 02. Studeni, 2016., 01:58 »
Get Even

Get Even is a first person shooter video game that is being developed by the Polish video game development studio, The Farm 51 who have previously developed NecroVision and its sequel NecroVision: Lost Company.
The game, which is presumably going to be self published by The Farm 51, is currently being developed for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows PC’s. At this time, there’s very little known about the game despite being slated for a 2015 release. A release date is also yet to be confirmed as well as how it will be made available.

Get Even — Геймплей! Реальный и виртуальный миры! (60 FPS) - YouTube
Djeluje mi fantastično.
Nisam dosada ni čuo za igru, a vidim da je bila najavljivana na Gamescomu.
U ovom gameplay videu, ima za mene nekih fantastičnih ideja i sve mi djeluje jako jako dobro.


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