2D, Odd Bug StudioDatum izlaska: 28.01.2025.
Prve PlayStation slušalice earbuds tipa iznenađujuće su kvalitetne,…
Optimized for the PC, Mass Effect for the PC incorporates the following features: * Optimized controls designed specifically for the PC. * High resolution visuals - Mass Effect for the PC features highly detailed textures, characters and environments. * Fully customizable controls - PC gamers can re-map the control scheme any way they like. * Run & Gun Control - Players can assign biotic powers or skills to 'hot keys' allowing them to play Mass Effect with a heavier focus on action. * New decryption mini-game. * New inventory screen GUI and functionality - The enhanced inventory system makes it easier for players to equip and modify their weapons and armor.
Bit ce razlike ofkorsCitat:Optimized for the PC, Mass Effect for the PC incorporates the following features: * Optimized controls designed specifically for the PC. * High resolution visuals - Mass Effect for the PC features highly detailed textures, characters and environments. * Fully customizable controls - PC gamers can re-map the control scheme any way they like. * Run & Gun Control - Players can assign biotic powers or skills to 'hot keys' allowing them to play Mass Effect with a heavier focus on action. * New decryption mini-game. * New inventory screen GUI and functionality - The enhanced inventory system makes it easier for players to equip and modify their weapons and armor.