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« : 27. Lipanj, 2009., 17:35 »
Developer: Frozenbyte
Publisher: Nobilis
Genre: Fantasy Action
Release Date: Q2 2009
Platforms: PSN/PC
Website: http://trine-thegame.com/site/
Demo: Out for both PC and PSN

Details: Trine™ is a fantasy action game where the player can create and use physics-based objects to beat hazardous puzzles and threatening enemies. Set in a world of great castles and strange machinery, three heroes are bound to a mysterious device called the Trine in a quest to save the kingdom from evil.

Change heroes on the fly
Up to 3 player Off Line Co-op
(possible online co op in the future)
Devs have hinted at future DLC
Upgradable weapons and ability's for all heroes


The Knight

Name: Pontius
Gender: Male
Age: 40+
Occupation: Princess savior
Character: Trustworthy
Likes: To eat good meat and drink beer
Hates: To be hungry

Pontius is a Knight - but only in his daydreams. He wants to join the King's army and what better way to do that than to battle against the undead and prove himself worthy of knighthood! The problem is that Pontius doesn't quite understand what "undead" means, and he's the only one left to face the enemy in the castle. Or so it seems...
Pontius is big as a bear and appreciates a good healthy does of meat every hour. He's a friendly, happy fellow, and thinks good of everything. Unless he's hungry, of course. Pontius is a bit slow - he's the one who never gets the joke, and doesn't quite understand how magic works. But that doesn't stop him! He wants to be a hero and save the kingdom!

Pontius has an impressive arsenal of melee weapons that make him quite confident. If you could see the Astral Academy library after his practice sessions, well, you would believe that Pontius can, if nothing else, cause great havoc. His strength also comes in handy when lifting heavy objects - or throwing them onto the enemies. Pontius also has a shield that he can use to block attacks. Pontius cannot swim in his armor though!

The Thief

Name: Zoya
Gender: Female
Age: 20+
Occupation: Robbing the rich to give to "herself"
Character: Mysterious
Likes: To be rich
Hates: Not to be able to steal something

Zoya comes from a distant land. She has heard of an ancient object that has tremendous value. The undead army marching towards the castle has done half the job for her - the castle has been abandoned and there's no-one to keep the treasure safe. The time is right. Zoya is an exceptional thief and has a soft spot for all things shiny, but not much else is known about her. She keeps things close to her chest and doesn't invite anyone to ask her any questions. She's never revealed secrets to anybody.

Zoya is an extraordinary archer. Her ranged attacks are great for hitting enemies at a longer distance. In close combat Zoya doesn't do as well, and it would be good to have Pontius protecting her. Zoya also carries a rope that she can attach to wooden surfaces. She can swing herself over ledges and climb upwards or descend with the rope. And although she is not a wizard, she's heard rumours of an object that would allow her to slow down time...

The Wizard

Name: Amadeus
Gender: Male
Age: 35-45
Occupation: Be a star
Character: Quite full of himself
Likes: All the women who love him
Hates: All the women who don't love him

Amadeus is an older wizard still "studying" at the Astral Academy. By a series of accidents, he's been left behind in the castle. He can see the undead army approaching and he is keen not to die. He wants to escape and get as far away from the undead as possible.
Usually at Amadeus' age, wizards would have graduated and left, but Amadeus never quite passed the wizarding exam. He's never learned the fireball spell, for example, having always been more interested in wooing the girls and goes to great lengths to pretend that he's a magnificent wizard. Usually it only leads to miserable failure.

Despite not having learned the fireball spell, Amadeus knows a few useful spells. He can summon various objects into the world and they act just like real objects would. Boxes and planks come easy to Amadeus. He can also levitate objects and with enough practice, he can cast new objects in larger quantities.

Trine Gameplay

Pošto je prošli topic nestao, opet otvaram, demo je vani i možete skinit, ja sam svršio koliko je dobra igra, prezentacija, grafika, glazba, igrivost ma sve je prejebeno, moja preporuka svakako probajte odigrati demo

Re: Trine
« Odgovori #1 : 27. Lipanj, 2009., 21:40 »
Odigrao sam demo, igra je prezakon, bas bajkovita, zarazna, zabavna  :ave:
Thief je hot  :D



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Re: Trine
« Odgovori #2 : 27. Lipanj, 2009., 22:19 »
Ukratko, za one kojima se neda čitati s engleskog jel, ovo je fantasy akcijska igra smještena u svijet velikih dvoraca i čudnovatih strojeva gdje tri ova gore prikazana ( valjda su to ta ) heroja moraju spasiti kraljevstvo od zla. U igri se koristi podosta i fizika za riješavanje pojedinih prepreka itd. Demo možete pronaći na ovom linku ( http://www.hcl.hr/downloads.php?TekstID=851&select=18 ), a puna verzija igre, koliko sam načuo ovih dana, dolazi nam početkom sljedećeg mjeseca.

Inače, nisam još probao demo, no čini se nekako kul, za kratkotrajnu zabavu barem.  :ementaler:



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Re: Trine
« Odgovori #3 : 28. Lipanj, 2009., 05:18 »
Izgleda veoma lijepo i zabavno, ali likovi su mi strašno odbojni i antipatični.
Ah, well, valjda će ispasti kako-tako zanimljivo.



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Re: Trine
« Odgovori #4 : 29. Lipanj, 2009., 07:09 »
Nista skinut ce se demo da se vidi ..Ako bude kako spada nema nikakvog razloga da se ne nabavi i cijela igra kad izade...

Re: Trine
« Odgovori #5 : 29. Lipanj, 2009., 12:56 »
Igra je predobra. Vitez mi je najdrazi ima stit kao oni iz filma 300 :D

Re: Trine
« Odgovori #6 : 05. Srpanj, 2009., 14:07 »
Koliko vidim, igra je dostupna na Steamu već 3 dana ;) :D


Evo, vidim da je došao i crack :D (Crack je od CPY grupe)  :mrgreen:

EDIT: Šteta, igra ima samo 567 MB  ;) :(



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Re: Trine
« Odgovori #7 : 05. Srpanj, 2009., 14:33 »

Re: Trine
« Odgovori #8 : 06. Srpanj, 2009., 21:07 »
Igra je jako zarazna, jako zabavna, odlicna je za igrat u coop, bude potpuno drukcija kada se igra s nekim "frendom". Za mene ovo je jedan od boljih naslova u zadnje vrijeme.

Re: Trine
« Odgovori #9 : 06. Srpanj, 2009., 21:10 »

kažeš, frend s posebnim povlasticama?



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Re: Trine
« Odgovori #10 : 06. Srpanj, 2009., 21:11 »
Igra je jako zarazna, jako zabavna, odlicna je za igrat u coop, bude potpuno drukcija kada se igra s nekim "frendom". Za mene ovo je jedan od boljih naslova u zadnje vrijeme.

ak me razmeš :hiha:



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Re: Trine
« Odgovori #11 : 10. Srpanj, 2009., 16:38 »
igrah malo, odlično se čini, zasad. iako malo prešareno za moj ukus.
sve neke dobre igre u ljetnom razdoblju, ne očekivah to.



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Re: Trine
« Odgovori #12 : 10. Srpanj, 2009., 16:48 »

kažeš, frend s posebnim povlasticama?

Zašto ga "zezaš"?



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Re: Trine
« Odgovori #13 : 12. Srpanj, 2009., 08:06 »
odigrao. onak kita cijelu igricu, manje više hek end sleš. i naravno zadnji level stave nešto uber teško :tired:
nakurac mi idu. :(



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Re: Trine
« Odgovori #14 : 19. Srpanj, 2009., 19:07 »
Evo i naše recenzije ovog inovativnog platformera


Igralo se na PC-u, probao se i co-op. Sve u svemu vrlo dobra igra, sa par bitnih mušica.

Pročitajte recenziju, ostavite koji komentar i vašu ocjenu igre  :piva:


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