Valhalla Hills

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Valhalla Hills
« : 28. Listopad, 2015., 21:16 »

Lead your people. Survive the wilderness. Fight for honor. Reclaim your eternal reward. A brand new strategy game from the developers of Cultures and The Settlers II

Sistemski zahtjevi:
OS: Windows 7/8 64-bit
Processor: Dual-core Intel or AMD, 2.5 GHz or faster
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or Radeon HD2900 series card or better (DirectX10 card or better)
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space
Status: Early Access


Valhalla Hills is a building strategy game in the tradition of games like The Settlers or “Cultures”. The player has to lead his outcast Viking heroes to the top of a mountain, where a magical portal is leading to Valhalla. But to do so the Vikings need to do one thing first: Survive!

The player faces challenges and dangers in the inhospitable mountain region and find a way to the peak. Since the Vikings wouldn’t survive long in this territory the player has to take good care of them, protect them, clothe them and feed them as well as help them to fend off ghostly residents and wild beasts. The Vikings with a mind of their own and a thirst for mead tend to have a relaxed view on things, making it harder for the player to achieve his goal. And then the next threat is nearing over the high seas…

Valhalla Hills features an indirect control. You do not control single characters but give general commands. These should be well-thought, the protagonists have their own mind and their own needs they want to follow. Even if that means work is left undone.

Constantly newly generated maps, varying mountain terrains, day and night cycles and a well-balanced economy-system ensure endless challenges and variety.

Technically Valhalla Hills is powered by the Unreal 4 Engine making its optical performance gleam

Igra koja svakako zaslužuje vlastitu temu na forumu. Nakon više od deset godina donosi onaj pravi osjećaj starih Settlers igara, u modernom ruhu i moglo bi se reći sa određenim next-gen mehanikama.

Meni je osobno ovo savršen tip city-builder igre jer vas igra ne vodi za ruku kao mnoge takve i daje vam potpunu slobodu u rješavanju zadataka i prelasku misija. Naoko jednostavno a zapravo jako duboko, pogotovo po pitanju planiranja i risors-menadžmenta. Tek kada "zapnete" u određenoj situaciji ta kompleksnost razmještaja građevina i korištenja ljudske snage dolazi do izražaja.

Igra već sada u Early Accessu nudi jako puno i djeluje dovršeno. Trenutno postoje tri dostupne verzije na steamu:
- Bazična igra za 19,99 €
- Premium Edition za 29,99€ koji sadrži soundtrack, digitalni art book, nekakve wallpapere, dev video i dva specijalna in-game itema
- Contributor Edition za 49,99€ koji sarži sve navedeno iz premium editiona + još 5 specijalnih itema, vaše ime na credistima, prvi (još nenajavljeni) DLC i dvije igre - Cultures - 8th Wonder of the World, Cultures - Northland

Ja sam imao tu sreću da sam dobio ovaj Contributor Edition, ali iskreno nisam još u igri "osjetio" sve što ta verzija nudi. Vjerojatno još nisam došao dovoljno daleko da se otključaju ti specijalni itemi, prešao sam svega par misija.

Inače, meni je VH preskočila Banished na tronu najboljih city buildera izašlih zadnjih godina. Iz jednostavnog razloga što je manje nemilosrdna, nadasve šarenija i sa boljom premisom priče, sadržajnija i sa više opcija u gotovo svemu što nudi.
Za svaku pohvalu je optimizacija (u early accessu!) gdje na mojoj kanti automatski sve radi na ultra bez trunke trzanja i pada frejmrejta. Uz to igra izgleda apsolutno prekrasno i tranzicije između dana i noći (zore i sumraka) su fantastično izvedene.

Do sada sam igrao otprilike 4 sata i pohvatao osnove, kako misije prolaze tako mi se konstanto otključavaju nove građevine i dodaci istima, a pošto developer skoro pa svakodnevno izdaje dev-blogove i updateove na steamu čini mi se da će proći još deseci sati kada ću moći tvrditi da znam igrat ovu igru.

Par mojih skrinšotova:

Par službenih:

Znam da ovdje ima publike za Valhalla Hills, i ovih 20€ se možda čini kao puno, da ne govorim o 50€, ali vjerujte mi vrijedi svakog centa. Pogotovo ako tražite neku strategiju malo opuštenijem tonu, a istovremeno sa dobrom dozom izazova.
Tople preporuke svim ljubiteljima ovakvih strategija i Catana pogotovo. Napišem pravi dojam kad odigram kak spada.



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Odg: Valhalla Hills
« Odgovori #1 : 03. Studeni, 2015., 17:25 »
Ogroman update stigao jučer (skoro 1 gb ukupno). Dodano je puno toga, neke mehanike promjenjene nabolje, nove profesije i zgrade, teža borba.

Neke od bitnijih stavki:


Your Vikings grew tired of taking care of their own tools and weapons all the time. So there's a new face around town: the toolmaker. He fulfills all your Vikings' tool needs, but only commissioned pieces (this means you have to personally order tools).
Since many jobs need proper tools, it's very important for your settlement to hire a toolmaker. Get one as fast as you can!

Weapon Smith

A warrior shouldn't have to forge his own weapon. So, now there's a weapon smith you can order to craft and forge better bows and axes.

Sawmill, Quarry and Forester

- These extensions have been replaced by their own unique building. There
are now designated buildings for creating planks and ashlars and for
growing trees.
- Lumberjacks will now focus exclusively on lumbering - and masons will
harvest stones.


- The end portal now has to be entered manually, this will no longer happen
automatically. As soon as the portal is successfully activated, the match
- Sometimes, you now have to open various smaller portals and face its
enemies before you can open the main portal to Valhalla.


- You can now assign additional workers to construction sites.
- The baker now also needs tools to bake.
- Foresters will now only grow trees fitting the landscape.
- There's now a new, really large storage. Here you can store loads and
loads of goods.
- Military camps no longer consume leather
- Enemy skeleton health has been reduced.
- The "You Lose" screen now gives you the option to play the same map
- Unlockable content went through some rework
- "F" now lets you select the next weapon or tool smith.
- Buildings and streets can now be demolished by pressing "Del"
- "L" lets you jump to the last position on the map where your Vikings
recently fought an enemy.
- You can now rotate the camera horizontally with "Q" and "E".
- The camera can now be tilted by pressing shift (or the middle mouse
- You can now directly jump to different zoom factors by pressing 1-4
- Water and sky have been visually adjusted
- Signs indicating a deactivated building now have improved visibility
- Various objects now have optimized detail levels

Uz ovo navedeno napravljeno je pedesetak miniskulnih fixeva.



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Odg: Valhalla Hills
« Odgovori #2 : 03. Studeni, 2015., 18:30 »
Definitvno treba probati, pogotovo za ljubitelje starih igara poput serijala Settlers ili Cultures 1 i 2. Cim se skupi novaca kupuje se, jos ako bude na kakvim popustima to bi bilo pravo :thumbs::clap:



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Odg: Valhalla Hills
« Odgovori #3 : 03. Studeni, 2015., 19:08 »
Mislim da će svi fanovi Settlersa potpuno uživat u Valhalla Hillsima. Zapravo najtočnije za reći je da su ovo next-gen settlersi. A i ista ekipa stoji iza igre.
Bit će sigurno na popustu sad pred Božić. Računaj na to da u ovoj "običnoj" verziji igre koja košta 19,99 € dobiš 80-85% sadržaja što je više nego dovoljno da vidiš sve što igra nudi :approve
"Contributor Edition" se isplati uzeti isključivo zbog najavljenog DLC-a (neznamo još kakav će biti) te starih Settlers i Cultures igara koje dobiš u paketu. Ovo je isto fora dodatak za najtvrđe fanove.

Ja se osobno nemogu skinut s igre od kad sam instalirao, barem jedna "mapa" dnevno za gušt evo već više od deset dana. Ovaj novi update je zbilja podigao igru na novu razinu.



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Odg: Valhalla Hills
« Odgovori #4 : 03. Studeni, 2015., 19:28 »
Evo upravo sam kupio na Steamu i skida se. Ja sam fan Settlersa pa mislim da će mi igra dobro leći. Gledao sam malo gameplay na youtubeu.



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Odg: Valhalla Hills
« Odgovori #5 : 03. Studeni, 2015., 20:50 »
Konacno jedna igra da odmorim oci i mozak u opustajucoj atmosferi :piva: Nisam znao za Banished da vam budem iskren, taman cu sebi to pribaviti dok ne bude plata i ne mognem kupiti VH :D

Odg: Valhalla Hills
« Odgovori #6 : 03. Studeni, 2015., 22:56 »
Izgleda zanimljivo i kao nešto za opustiti se od arka malo.



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Odg: Valhalla Hills
« Odgovori #7 : 09. Veljača, 2016., 09:42 »
Stigao je i prvi DLC - 'Sands of the Damned'


With the desert expansion comes a new flat mountain terrain type (only in free game mode or if Vikings earned enough honor in classic mode!).

The dry deserts are a place of sand and instead of bushes with juice berries, there are only cactuses. There's also hardly any water, so fishermen have to stay at an oasis to do their job.
To help the Vikings survive and make the land arable, there's a new type of building: the 'Irrigator'. It turns sand into meadows, so you can grow crops.

The desert is the home of various dangerous scorpions. Mummies will attack players permanently and will start to spread over time. The threats coming out of the portals are considerably stronger!

Essential Changes:

New terrain type: Desert

- A new, flat, sandy mountain type: the desert
- The mountain type can be chosen manually, by starting a new game in free mode or classic mode, if enough honor has been accumulated.

Adjustment to the map generator

- The map generator has been updated to generate narrow passages on desert maps. Desert mountains are generally more flat.

New enemy type: Mummies

- Desert mountains feature new enemies: mummies. Right from the start, there will be 1-3 mummy villages on the map. A village consists of few buildings. Mummies will attack players constantly and will slowly spread.

New building: The irrigator

- The irrigator will turn sand into meadows, so you can grow crops.

An ocean of sand

- Desert mountains are surrounded by sand, not water! Fishermen are only useful in an oasis.

New "bushes "Cactuses

New beasts: various Scorpions


Treba napomenuti da je onima koji su kupili Contributor Edition kada je igra bila u Early Accessu ovaj DLC besplatno dodan u library


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