• 224 Odgovora
  • 43039 Hitova


  • ****
  • 1389
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #210 : 13. Listopad, 2010., 23:57 »
igraš za rezervnu momčad, a ne prvu možda?

mmmm... vjerojatno, počeo sam s rezervnom momčadi... sam ček, opet mi nije jasno... pa dobio sam 4 tekme, zar je bitno jel rezervna momčad igra ili ne... neznam nije mi jasno, očito ne kužim nogomet :ementaler: :geek:
"Women don't respect salad eaters."

Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #211 : 14. Listopad, 2010., 00:02 »
pa uz prvu momčad, dosta liga ima natjecanja rezervih momčadi tj "rezervne lige", mogli bi reć. i uglavnom, ti igraš te utakmice, dok se ne izboriš za prvu momčad.

kad prođeš "reserve" onda seliš na klupu pa ulaziš s klupe eventualno, pa tek onda postaneš "starting 11" jel, pa "key player", "captian" i mislim "legend" il neki tako kurac.
CSadria - Kupovi, LANovi, intervjui i izvještaji s događanja iz Balkan/Adriatic regije.
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  • 1389
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #212 : 14. Listopad, 2010., 00:16 »
sad mi piše RESERVE CAPTAIN...

al evo trenutno igram protiv Barcelone i onak, igraju Messi, David Villa....
« Zadnja izmjena: 14. Listopad, 2010., 00:18 vilim »
"Women don't respect salad eaters."

Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #213 : 14. Listopad, 2010., 00:42 »
a neznam sad, al taj reserve dio je jako traljavo izveden imho. :(
CSadria - Kupovi, LANovi, intervjui i izvještaji s događanja iz Balkan/Adriatic regije.
Web - Facebook - Twitch - Youtube




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  • 1389
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #214 : 14. Listopad, 2010., 00:47 »
ma užasno zbunjujuče. Al evo, sad sam primljen u prvu momčad i lijepo su rezultati na mjestu kak bi i trebali bit :clap:
"Women don't respect salad eaters."



  • **
  • 537
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #215 : 15. Listopad, 2010., 12:19 »
Trenutno jako dobra ponuda na g2play.net

132 kn za fifu 2011

58% popusta...

do pon!




  • ****
  • 1506
  • xD xD xD
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #216 : 15. Listopad, 2010., 13:36 »
Trenutno jako dobra ponuda na g2play.net

132 kn za fifu 2011

58% popusta...

(Klikni za pregled slike.)

do pon!


stavi to na "Akcije i dobre ponude" temu :D

Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #217 : 15. Listopad, 2010., 15:28 »
to je samo za pc jel ? :<
CSadria - Kupovi, LANovi, intervjui i izvještaji s događanja iz Balkan/Adriatic regije.
Web - Facebook - Twitch - Youtube




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  • xD xD xD
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #218 : 15. Listopad, 2010., 15:31 »
to je samo za pc jel ? :<

yup, PC verzija, downloadable



  • ******
  • 4195
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #219 : 03. Studeni, 2010., 18:16 »
Besplatni DLC, Ultimate Team mod dostupan je s danasnjim PSN-updateom, 139MB ima...
"Born with less, but you still precious.

You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit."



  • Administrator
  • *******
  • 16146
    • HCL.hr
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #220 : 14. Studeni, 2010., 13:07 »
ako se tko još uvijek bavi PC verzijom, evo zanimljivog patcha ako ga niste već vidjeli:

Hybrid Gameplay Patch

PS3/PC Hibrid Gameplay is a free project to improve the gameplay of FIFA 11 and technically it is based on the importation of the console files on the pc version!

New feature of FIFA 11 PS3 now added on FIFA 11 PC! Gameplay and AI totally improved!!!! The gameplay it's amazing, PC's made pacing and speed changes, the difficult looks more harder and the body fight for posession it's just great! Statistics blows gorgeous and real! Ball phisics really improved!! New gameplay dinamics activated now! New kick-off! New animations, new ball control! Stamina & fatigue more visible! Shooting accuracy and type of shots, tackling, slow pace, dribble are all improved! All best players was very involved a lot, with best teams! CPU very hard now! A lot replays now! New individual players movements & attribs! All best players was involved a lot, with best teams! Players attributes really visible now!
Gameplay time & game is a real match! You put in field the players more in shape, exploits the speed with prudence and aim well when shots, this is true soccer! ..for all of the remainder can do all what want!
360° Fight For Possession (Feature succesfully added)
True freedom in man-to-man interactions, transforming physical play from individual lateral jostling to full 360° collisions involving multiple players.
Personality Plus (Feature added on 80%) Personal interpretation
Personality + sees a footballer’s performance on the pitch mirrored authentically in game, differentiated and replicated for every player’s skill-set. New body types and player models will further help identify players. Personality+ at every position on the pitch reinvents how players look, and perform – on and off the ball.
Pro Passing (Feature added on 90%) Personal interpretation
A new passing system where pass accuracy is determined by a gamer’s ability on the control pad, and player skill, situation and urgency on the pitch. Poor decisions or over/under striking the ball will mean error-prone outcomes. New types of passes such as swerve passes will enable players to make a safer and more effective play.
« Zadnja izmjena: 14. Studeni, 2010., 13:10 wyzard »



  • ******
  • 4195
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #221 : 03. Siječanj, 2011., 01:11 »
Do maloprije rastural s frendom online!
Fenomenalna igra, nogomet kakav se virtualno samo pozeljeti moze.
Dobil sam samo brazilski derbi Corinthias - Sao Paolo  2:0
Al draga mi je ta pobjeda
"Born with less, but you still precious.

You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit."



  • ******
  • 13453
    • CroSimRacing
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #222 : 03. Siječanj, 2011., 08:48 »
ako se tko još uvijek bavi PC verzijom, evo zanimljivog patcha ako ga niste već vidjeli:

Hybrid Gameplay Patch

PS3/PC Hibrid Gameplay is a free project to improve the gameplay of FIFA 11 and technically it is based on the importation of the console files on the pc version!

New feature of FIFA 11 PS3 now added on FIFA 11 PC! Gameplay and AI totally improved!!!! The gameplay it's amazing, PC's made pacing and speed changes, the difficult looks more harder and the body fight for posession it's just great! Statistics blows gorgeous and real! Ball phisics really improved!! New gameplay dinamics activated now! New kick-off! New animations, new ball control! Stamina & fatigue more visible! Shooting accuracy and type of shots, tackling, slow pace, dribble are all improved! All best players was very involved a lot, with best teams! CPU very hard now! A lot replays now! New individual players movements & attribs! All best players was involved a lot, with best teams! Players attributes really visible now!
Gameplay time & game is a real match! You put in field the players more in shape, exploits the speed with prudence and aim well when shots, this is true soccer! ..for all of the remainder can do all what want!
360° Fight For Possession (Feature succesfully added)
True freedom in man-to-man interactions, transforming physical play from individual lateral jostling to full 360° collisions involving multiple players.
Personality Plus (Feature added on 80%) Personal interpretation
Personality + sees a footballer’s performance on the pitch mirrored authentically in game, differentiated and replicated for every player’s skill-set. New body types and player models will further help identify players. Personality+ at every position on the pitch reinvents how players look, and perform – on and off the ball.
Pro Passing (Feature added on 90%) Personal interpretation
A new passing system where pass accuracy is determined by a gamer’s ability on the control pad, and player skill, situation and urgency on the pitch. Poor decisions or over/under striking the ball will mean error-prone outcomes. New types of passes such as swerve passes will enable players to make a safer and more effective play.

 :hug Razveselio me neko  :ementaler:

Probao, radi izvrsno, osjeti se poboljšanje :)))))))
« Zadnja izmjena: 03. Siječanj, 2011., 12:16 cole »



  • ******
  • 4195
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #223 : 03. Siječanj, 2011., 13:38 »
Pocel danas brazilsku ligu sa Corinthiasom.
Prvo kolo Sao Paolo, drugo Vasco da Gama, nemres vjerovati.
"Born with less, but you still precious.

You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit."



  • ******
  • 13453
    • CroSimRacing
Odg: FIFA 11
« Odgovori #224 : 03. Siječanj, 2011., 20:54 »
Mislim da koju god ligu krenes igrat da ti u prva tri kola, dodju 2 favorita...


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