Posveta Japanu

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Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #105 : 26. Srpanj, 2010., 19:32 »

Ane jebote. Fakat ne kužim vas OTAKU HURRRRRRR debile koji svršavate na ovakva sranja ;( Odite u kurac
Cuando puedo ni siquiera el tabaco, por lo menos voy a ser oblejan,,,,

Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #106 : 26. Srpanj, 2010., 22:25 »
Baš startam Pokemon: LeafGreen, i reče mi profesor da imenujem rivala...


Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #107 : 30. Srpanj, 2010., 00:27 »

« Zadnja izmjena: 30. Srpanj, 2010., 00:31 Psajdak »



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Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #108 : 30. Srpanj, 2010., 00:40 »

Neke slike stvarno rulaju



Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #109 : 01. Kolovoz, 2010., 06:59 »

Crvi.  :hiha2:

Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #110 : 08. Kolovoz, 2010., 03:00 »
KOJIKURACJESPRSTIMA, premalisu za odraslu zenu.

Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #111 : 10. Kolovoz, 2010., 05:43 »

Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #112 : 10. Kolovoz, 2010., 11:51 »
Hayao Miyazaki, of Studio Ghibli fame, has launched into one of his trademark rambling tirades against the ills of technology, likening “iWhatever” users to “chronic onanists.”

The remarks came in the context of an interview with Miyazaki published in “Neppu,” an in-house Ghibli rag, which had been covering the iPad.

Upon being confronted by an interviewer fiddling with his iPad, Miyazaki let loose:

    “That thing that looks like a gaming device in your hand, along with that strange stroking movement you make with your hands is by no means attractive to me, nor am I at all impressed by it. I feel a sense of revulsion for it, in fact.

    I’m sure in short time there will be an increase in people on trains making those strange masturbatory strokes. It was the same when everyone started reading manga on trains, and when it became cellphones – I’m fed up with it.”

That was merely his initial statement.

The interviewer went on the defensive, describing how he thought the iPad a good tool for research, and something to buy books on and look up information with.

This only aggravated Miyazaki further however:

    “It may seem like I am ignoring your human rights to say this, but you can’t research any of that. Why? Because you have no way of knowing what it’s like to be on an old trireme, or having empathy with the men on board, covered in sweat as they labour at their oars.

    You go out into the world without enriching your imagination. You are merely grasping the iWhatever as a skimming tool you use to stroke yourself.

    I’m sure there are many people who want to become omnipotent by getting their hands on this iWhatever. I’ll tell you sir, there were once a bunch of people who wore radio cassette players (those bulky things) wherever they went in the sixties. They wore it like a priceless emblem.

    They’re mostly probably living off of pension funds now, but you and them are the same. You jump at the newest gadgets, and all you do is relish the pride in owning one as some consumer.

    You must not become a consumer. You must become someone that creates.”

Ne znam, cijenim Miyazakija radi njegovih strašno bajkovitih i kvalitetnih filmova, ali ova usporedba koju je ištrcao mi je malo previše retardirana.
Mislim, čisto sumnjam da itko tko posjeduje taj iPad automatski isti povezuje s drkanjem.

Čovjek se zapita šta je tom starcu stalno na pameti da se tako nečeg sjetio.

Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #113 : 29. Kolovoz, 2010., 17:55 »
A JAPANESE man has admitted to burning down his family home after his mother threw away some of his favourite robot toys from the "Gundam" animation series.

Yoshifumi Takabe, aged 30 and living with his mother, said he had become suicidal after she dumped some of the robots, of which he had enough to fill 300 boxes stacked to the ceiling, the Sports Nippon reported.

The blaze on August 9 last year completely destroyed their two-story wooden house in Kasai, Hyogo prefecture, but no one was injured.

"The Gundam figures are like the partners I spend my life with," he reportedly said after pleading guilty at western Kobe's District Court. "I wanted to die with them in a fire if they were to be thrown out."

The Mobile Suit Gundam series, based on an animation TV series which started in the late 1970s, is about space wars fought by gigantic robots.
Žalosno pomalo.  :(



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Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #114 : 29. Kolovoz, 2010., 17:57 »
Cuando puedo ni siquiera el tabaco, por lo menos voy a ser oblejan,,,,

Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #115 : 29. Kolovoz, 2010., 17:59 »

Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #116 : 30. Kolovoz, 2010., 19:19 »
Nego, ima već podosta od kad sam pročitao ovaj strip, no mislim da bi i ostali...


Nije loš.



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Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #117 : 30. Kolovoz, 2010., 19:54 »
Daj, aj prestani.
Prelaziš sve granice forsa više. Nisi zanimljiv
That would be an ecumenical matter.

Možda imam Alzheimerovu, ali barem nemam Alzheimerovu.

Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #118 : 30. Kolovoz, 2010., 20:14 »
A sad kad tako kažeš...

Jesam ga malo sforso...  :solidus:

Ništa, nađem nešta zanimljivije i pitomije.

Odg: Posveta Japanu
« Odgovori #119 : 11. Rujan, 2010., 00:16 »
Prerula  :hug

Mislio sam da treba neku žrtvu staviti da se Psajdak napokon vrati iz Njemačke :wildboy:

edit, fuzijom carizarda i charmandera se dobije charmander :hiha2:

« Zadnja izmjena: 11. Rujan, 2010., 00:20 depresija »
Ja sam definitivno najveći racio svih vremena.


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