Sony podigao cijene igara i konzola pa upozoravaju da bi Xbox mogao napraviti isto ako kupe Call of Duty

Zoran Žalac 24.11.2022.   •   26 komentara

Sony je u pokušaju da zaustavi Microsoftovu akviziciju Activision Blizzarda argumentirao kako će igračima biti gore nakon toga jer će Microsoft moći podići cijene konzola i igara. Ozbiljno!

Evo nas u kategoriji “vjerovali ili ne”, vjerojatno s jednom od najbizarnijih argumentacija godine. Kao što već vjerojatno znate, Microsoft planira kupiti izdavačku kuću Activision Blizzard te ju smjestiti pod svoju Xbox familiju. No, za to prvo trebaju odobrenje regulatora različitih tržišta, koji trenutno analiziraju bi li takav potez rezultirao nekim oblikom monopola na tržištu igara.

Sony se kao izravni konkurent Microsofta na tržištu konzola potužio regulatorima kako im Microsoft želi preoteti Call of Duty serijal, a s njime i veliki dio publike koji kupuje PlayStation konzole upravo zbog tih pucačina. I svoje su pritužbe argumentirali kroz više točaka, a sve je to postalo javno nakon što su britanski regulatori objavili dokument u kojemu stoje neke gotovo nevjerojatne izjave.

Iz Sonyja tako navode da će publika ispaštati ako Microsoft preuzme Activision Blizzard, jer će Microsoft pokraj oslabljene konkurencije biti u poziciji da podigne cijene za Xbox konzole, svoje igre te Game Pass pretplatu.

Sve je to istina, naravno, ali komični dio je taj da iz Sonyja koriste konzumente za ovaj argument, a upravo su oni ti koji su istim konzumentima prije dvije godine povisili cijene svojih igara, te od ove godine i cijenu svojih PlayStation 5 konzola. U prijevodu, gameri bi ispaštali ako bi Microsoft podigao cijene, ali publika ne ispašta kad Sony učini isto.

Kako sada stvari stoje, Microsoftovo preuzimanje Activision Blizzarda neće se dogoditi ove godine, a upitno je hoće li se na kraju i dogoditi. Postoje indicije da će Američka Savezna trgovinska komisija zatražiti blokiranje akvizicije, što bi moglo dodatno zakomplicirati cijelu situaciju.

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Komentari (26)

  • Mah

    24.11.2022 - 18:36

    Zakaj bi komisija htjela bojkotirati akviziciju?

    • Mah

      @Mah, 24.11.2022 - 18:37

      Treba nekoga podmititi ili kaj? Jer monopol sigurno nije

  • marko1106

    24.11.2022 - 18:43

    Igram na Sonyu ali kad cujem gluposti ovakve volio bih da ih Microsoft sada kupi i da COD bude eksluziva za Xbox. Sony stvarno jede mekinje.

    • PS2MASTE®

      @marko1106, 24.11.2022 - 22:00

      Znas li da je MS rekao ovo prije par sati :

      “”Faced with weaker competition,” Sony continues, “Microsoft would be able to: increase console and game prices for Xbox users (including those that had switched from PlayStation); increase the price of Game Pass; and reduce innovation and quality.”


      For starters, it’s unclear how Sony is defining “short-term” effects here. We now know that Microsoft has recently proposed a deal that would keep Call of Duty on PlayStation for up to 10 years, though Sony’s response (dated October 28) specifies “only until 2027,” presumably based on a prior offer. (Interestingly, it also mentions the eventual launch of the PS6 somewhere after this timeline, and Microsoft agrees new consoles aren’t coming before 2028.) We also know that an existing deal between Sony and Activision will continue to keep the franchise off Game Pass for several years as well, even if Microsoft is clearly keen to bring Activision Blizzard games to the service.

      In case there was any doubt on this point, Microsoft argues in its latest report: “With the Merger, Activision content will be available on at least one subscription service day and date, without the Merger, on none. This matters from a consumer welfare perspective, because the more content consumers can access through subscription services, the lower the average prices of individual games. Absent the Merger, every consumer who wants to play Call of Duty or another Activision title would need to purchase the game at full price.”

      Put on your surprised face, because Microsoft claims this arrangement is “yet another example of its pro-competitive nature.” Not pro-consumer, but pro-competitive. Hysterically, it then immediately claims that “in any event, the reality is that Game Pass has no market power.”

      That being said, I agree it is important to note that, largely due to Game Pass (and its market power), Microsoft could easily make Call of Duty more affordable or otherwise more appealing on Xbox while allowing it to stay on PlayStation platforms. Just to pull something out of the air, it could take pointers from the myriad PlayStation-exclusive content in Modern Warfare 2, which was the biggest Call of Duty launch ever on PlayStation.

      This is presumably why PlayStation Plus gets several sections in Sony’s response, with the company claiming that its subscription service would, as a result of this deal, be excluded from Call of Duty opportunities and consequently weakened. Sony claims this would trickle down to independent developers as well, who would “likely receive worse terms for their content from Microsoft or even be required to promise exclusivity” due to the “weakened negotiating position” of PlayStation and PS Plus. Keeping Call of Duty on PlayStation and PS Plus is therefore “essential,” Sony says, again pushing for “a commitment to equal treatment.”

      The circumstances don’t actually appear as dire as Sony implies, though I don’t doubt Xbox will push hard for Game Pass advantages. Microsoft has claimed multiple times that it doesn’t intend to hold Call of Duty hostage and would rather, as Xbox boss Phil Spencer puts it, treat it like Minecraft and make it widely available. I’m somewhat inclined to believe Microsoft on this, explicitly because the company is increasingly desperate to appease regulators like the CMA, and also because its lawyers must know the immense beating they would take in court if the company did outright block Call of Duty on other platforms, especially on the heels of tightening crackdowns on big tech mergers. Interestingly, the Minecraft comparison actually comes up here. Sony says “Minecraft is a completely different proposition” which “says nothing about “[Microsoft’s] strategy with future versions of Call of Duty.”

      Sony’s claims about Xbox hiking prices also raise an eyebrow when you consider that it was among the earliest big names to defend $70 games for the new console generation, and just recently raised the price of the PS5 in multiple major markets. Microsoft has already admitted it may end up raising the price of the Xbox Series X | S and/or Game Pass after this holiday season, but those implied price hikes will seemingly come before this Activision deal is even scheduled to close in mid-2023 – and that’s assuming smooth sailing, which clearly isn’t what we’ve seen so far.

      We should all be more like Nintendo, really
      One of the most amusing claims Sony makes is that “Microsoft wants PlayStation to become like Nintendo” as a “less close and less effective competitor to Xbox.” Sony says this deal would make Xbox a “one-stop shop” for top-selling shooters, listing Call of Duty, Halo, Gears of War, Doom, and Overwatch as examples. Which is a little odd, since Halo and Gears of War are longstanding Xbox exclusives, while Doom and Overwatch are both available on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation (though Doom studio id Software is notably under Bethesda’s umbrella, which Microsoft also bought).

      “Microsoft claims that Nintendo’s differentiated model demonstrates that PlayStation does not need Call of Duty to compete effectively,” Sony writes. “But this reveals Microsoft’s true strategy,” it adds, presumably doing its best Phoenix Wright impression.

      Firstly, just to get this out of the way, I’d say there are far worse things than being “like Nintendo.” Secondly, Sony just bought Bungie, the creators of Halo and the caretakers of Destiny 2, which is still one of the best and biggest shooters you can play today, and the most enduring live service shooter ever. Even disregarding third-party staples like Apex Legends, PlayStation is not without shooters, and we haven’t gotten to third-person shooters like The Last of Us and Uncharted. Microsoft even notes that “Sony also publishes other popular franchises with a ‘shooter’ element such as the Uncharted franchise.”

      If I were Sony and I wanted more shooters, I would want to keep Call of Duty around, but I would also simply invest in more shooters, like it did with Deathloop. Amazingly, Microsoft ever so kindly suggested as much in what is arguably the funniest line in the funniest comedy available on planet Earth right now.

      “If Sony no longer had access to Call of Duty (quod non), it could shift the marketing payments it has been making to Activision under the Call of Duty agreements to attract competing titles to its console, exclusively or not,” the company says. “Sony could also easily increase its marketing investments in FIFA, Grand Theft Auto, another shooter franchise like Battlefield or Destiny (developed by Bungie, which Sony has recently acquired), or any other popular title to attract further subscribers to PlayStation Plus.”


      Dakle, MS je savjetovao Sonyu da ako u buducnosti nebude COD na PSu ( vrlo verovatno) da ulozi u GTA, FIFU itd. Valjda se MS nebi bunio ako bi ostao bez GTA il FIFE, jel.

    • franZberg

      @PS2MASTE®, 24.11.2022 - 23:18

      Što stvarno misliš da će netko čitati tvoj komentar?

    • PS2MASTE®

      @franZberg, 25.11.2022 - 00:02

      Nisam ni skuzio da sam kopirao cijeli tekst. Jebga, Android nekad zezne. O ovom se radi :

      “Microsoft ever so kindly suggested as much in what is arguably the funniest line in the funniest comedy available on planet Earth right now.

      “If Sony no longer had access to Call of Duty (quod non), it could shift the marketing payments it has been making to Activision under the Call of Duty agreements to attract competing titles to its console, exclusively or not,” the company says. “Sony could also easily increase its marketing investments in FIFA, Grand Theft Auto, another shooter franchise like Battlefield or Destiny (developed by Bungie, which Sony has recently acquired), or any other popular title to attract further subscribers to PlayStation Plus.”


      Dakle, MS je savjetovao Sonyu da ako u buducnosti nebude COD na PSu ( vrlo verovatno) da ulozi u GTA, FIFU itd. Valjda se MS nebi bunio ako bi ostao bez GTA il FIFE, jel.

    • Darcoolio

      @PS2MASTE®, 25.11.2022 - 00:58

      Dole u dnu da potpišem ugovor?

    • PS2MASTE®

      @Darcoolio, 25.11.2022 - 01:11

      Ma potpisi

  • MeDoNjA

    24.11.2022 - 18:44

    Toliko eskluziva , a ceo PlayStation zavisi od jedne igre koja moze da se igra i na PC-u i na Xbox-u, trebaju se stvarno zapitati u sta su toliko godina upucali , da bi zavisili od jedne igre?……

    • Agent

      @MeDoNjA, 24.11.2022 - 19:05

      Iskreno svi tri jako zavise o toj franšizi i bilo gdje da se ukine broj igrača na toj konzoli bi dosta pao i prebacio se na drugu.

    • MeDoNjA

      @Agent, 24.11.2022 - 19:20

      Ne , potpuno netacno , igrica ima najvise igraca na PS konzolama pa i u ovom momentu kada je mw2 popularan i na pc-u ponovo na ps ima veci broj igraca , po svim statistikama call of duty je najpoznatiji na ps-u. Niti pc niti xbox ne zavise od call of duty-a , glupo je i reći tako nesto kada je pre dok je cod bio na stimu najpoznatiji cod naslov je bio bo3 sa 63k igraca sto je generalno malo, pre njega inifite warfare sa 11k igraca , toliko o tome koliko pc i xbox zavise od cod-a…

  • dTom993

    24.11.2022 - 18:51

    MS kupio pred nekoliko god Minecraft, igru prodanu u preko 238m primjeraka pa je još uvijek na Playstationu…

    Kukvno opravdanje sony-ja za oholo podizanje cijena konzole i igara.
    Gdje su nestale mantre da će igre pojeftinit kada sve bude digitalno jer ce se izbacit ogromni troskovi cijelog proizvodnog i distriburivnog lanca fizickih medija?

    • Agent

      @dTom993, 24.11.2022 - 19:08

      Ma nije stvar da bi nestala nego PS više najvjerovatnije nebi imao eskluzivu a to oni žele samo ne žele reći pa sljedeće što bi rekli da možda prekinu kupnju je ovo.

    • Bogy

      @Agent, 24.11.2022 - 19:56

      Ma sony jr problem najviše to što ne bih mogli parirati s gamepass, izgubili dosta novca i samim time mogućnost konkuriranja.

    • Bogy

      @dTom993, 24.11.2022 - 19:49

      Ovo je najveća akvizicija u povijesti gaminga, akvizicija Ms i actavisio oko 27 puta veća od akvizicije Mojang i 20 puta veća od akvizicije Bungie od strane Sony. Zato su sve do sada akvizicije glatko prolazile, jer se nmg opće niti uspoređivati.

  • SonOfZeus

    24.11.2022 - 18:56

    Sony je možda i gori od MS-a trenutno po pitanju kapitalističkog konzumerizma, makar će teško itko srušiti Nintendo s trona.

    • PrydaCro

      @SonOfZeus, 24.11.2022 - 19:26

      Sony se jako priblizio Nintendu zadnji potezi skroz anti consumer. Cijene igara podigli, konzola takodjer, naplacuju graficke postavke itd itd…

    • PS2MASTE®

      @PrydaCro, 24.11.2022 - 22:15

      Znas li da je MS najavio podizanje cijene ili konzole ili pretplate ili igara il svega bas od iduce godine??

  • Dick Johnson

    24.11.2022 - 19:25

    Htio bi da akvizicija prođe, ne zato da Microsoftu bude bolje, nego da Sonyu bude gore, da se spuste na zemlju malo s antipotrošačkom praksom.

  • konjspadi

    24.11.2022 - 19:55

    Microsoft je shvatia nakon prosle lose generacije kad vec ne mogu komparirat na podrucju single player igara u tolikoj mjeri kao SONY da mogu napravit monopol na call of duty. Ova igra je godinama uz fifu jedna od najprodavanijih igara godine. Koliko god ovi sonyev argument je neprikladan i licmjeran ocito su toliko ocajni da im ne pobigne zlatna koka sta je sasvim racionalno. A microsoft je s ovim potezom da kupi activision sigurno aktivira ono milo za drago kod sonya. Ako se oni ponasaju tako ce se i vjv sony ponasat u budućnosti. Nintenda boli briga cini mi se.

  • vragec25cro

    24.11.2022 - 20:37

    Meni svejedno,samo neka se to rijesi da ne citam svaki tjedan ta njihova kukanja.Igram i na “frižideru” i na “modemu” 🙂 https://imgur.com/a/AyLlXcm

  • HeimdallTheWhite

    24.11.2022 - 21:15

    Ako sam se i imalo dilemao kaj u buducnosti uzeti; ps5 ili serija X, sad vise tog dilemanja nema.

    • HeimdallTheWhite

      @HeimdallTheWhite, 24.11.2022 - 21:21

      Ako naravno bude icega za kupiti XD

    • GTA222

      @HeimdallTheWhite, 24.11.2022 - 22:34

      Uzemš PC i Playstation riješena dilema 😀

  • 312AE

    24.11.2022 - 22:47

    Ohh jadan Sony ,da toliko ovisi o jednom COD-u,ali opet su su sami krivi,kolko su godina trošili pare na ekskluzivni content i DLCs samo sa COD na PlayStationu,a svoje pucačine su lagano uspavalo,sami su si složili takav scenarijo.Općenito mi to Sonyjevo guranje u guzicu američkom tržištu u svim mogućim segmentima ide na živce. Drago mi je mnogo igara na PlayStation i s svakim Playstation imam jako puno lijepih sjećanja no u zadnje vrijeme…Kužim da je to puno love,no i Nintendo vrti lovu,a nije ovisan o CoD-u. Sony bi se sigurno mogel konzetrirati, ojačati japanske firme i igre na europskom tržištu i sigurno bi ta fuzija bila cool za sve.

  • Alphen

    25.11.2022 - 10:00

    Microsoft i Sony se ponašaju kao mala djeca sa svađama oko Activisiona i COD-a. Oboje su postali toliko jadni da ne treba više vjerovati ni Microsoftu ni Sonyju.

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