The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #450 : 20. Ožujak, 2015., 22:22 »
Kako ću da pustim bradurinu, e :hihi:

ane :hihi:
Nego, čitam sve to i cijelo vrijeme se pitam "what's the catch?".
Zvuči predobro da bi bilo istinito.
The greatest teacher, failure is.



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Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #451 : 20. Ožujak, 2015., 22:26 »
Kako ću da pustim bradurinu, e :hihi:

Nvidia hairworks:

« Zadnja izmjena: 20. Ožujak, 2015., 22:29 doktor1 »

Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #452 : 20. Ožujak, 2015., 23:11 »
- During his 2 days(not just playing, he also was able to just free fly through the world and things like that) he encountered 3 bugs. One was a savefile that couldn't be loaded but was fixed with a restart of the game.

Prva dva nastavka nisam uspio zavrsit zbog problema sa saveovima, naravno da ce i treci imat istih problema.

3 puta sam igrao The Witcher, najdalje dosao do 3. chaptera, sva 3 puta corruptan save.
The Witcher 2 sam odigrao 10h, iduci put kad sam isao igrat me baci na cca 2h igre, ostalih saveova nije bilo.
Originali na steamu.

Dva puta sam presao prvi dio i 6 puta dvojku i niti jednom nisam imao problema sa saveovima.

Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #453 : 21. Ožujak, 2015., 00:22 »
- During his 2 days(not just playing, he also was able to just free fly through the world and things like that) he encountered 3 bugs. One was a savefile that couldn't be loaded but was fixed with a restart of the game.

Prva dva nastavka nisam uspio zavrsit zbog problema sa saveovima, naravno da ce i treci imat istih problema.

3 puta sam igrao The Witcher, najdalje dosao do 3. chaptera, sva 3 puta corruptan save.
The Witcher 2 sam odigrao 10h, iduci put kad sam isao igrat me baci na cca 2h igre, ostalih saveova nije bilo.
Originali na steamu.

Brijem da si onda jedini na svijetu :(
Si možda brisao igre u međuvremenu pa opet instaliravao ? (znam da je glupo pitanje soz)
jel steam cloud bio uključen ?
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Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #454 : 21. Ožujak, 2015., 07:04 »
Nisam jedini lol, googlao sam u to vrijeme kako rijesiti to, dosta ljudi se zalilo.
Da, brisao sam igre, ista stvar se dogadjala u rasponu kroz par godina, na razlicitim konfiguracijama.
Steam cloud nisam koristio, bilo je preporučeno da se ne koristi za W2 u to vrijeme radi nekog buga, ne sjecam se za W1.

Al sad nije ni bitno, ne mislim ih opet igrat.
Izbacuju svako malo lore filmove, a i tu je wikipedia tak da cu bit up to date sa pricom.



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Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #455 : 21. Ožujak, 2015., 10:33 »
Ja mislim da ovo nije bilo u onoj listi:
*sve te informacije su sa reddita, neogafa, guru3d foruma, gamestar.de stranice i službenih foruma

- gameplay is comparable to Dark Souls, but faster
- there will be a lot more items and loot than in the predecessors
- no completely random quests, hand-made quests with depth instad
- you will be able to visit Kaer Morhen multiple times
- Kaer Morhen and the starting area are quite extensive, both offer at least 4-5 hours of gameplay
- No HP regen during meditation on Hard or Dark mode. Only potions
- Oxenfurt is as big as the biggest cities in Skyrim
- The PC has his own UI (grid), it's not console like
- You can even experience Geralt’s adventure completely without any on-screen display
- switching from a gamepad to a mouse automatically changed the on-screen display
- difficulties (easy, normal, hard, dark) are always changeable. The difficulty changes the enemy intelligence (for example monsters evade less often on the lower difficulties), but not the hitpoints
- Geralt can blow down bottles, break fences or even make blinds swing with his aard sign
- the boat has a damage-model (didn’t say anything about if it’s visual)

A tko razumje njemački ovdje je video od sat i dvadeset iz kojeg potječu sve te nove informacije

Tek sam sada tu primjetio Gerlata sa pjenicom za brijanje, a to je slika još iz prošle godine gdje predstavljaju 16 besplatnih DLCa



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Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #456 : 21. Ožujak, 2015., 14:57 »
Novi screenshot, (onaj koji sam stavio jučer samo drastično kvalitetniji)

Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #457 : 21. Ožujak, 2015., 17:15 »
Nisam jedini lol, googlao sam u to vrijeme kako rijesiti to, dosta ljudi se zalilo.
Da, brisao sam igre, ista stvar se dogadjala u rasponu kroz par godina, na razlicitim konfiguracijama.
Steam cloud nisam koristio, bilo je preporučeno da se ne koristi za W2 u to vrijeme radi nekog buga, ne sjecam se za W1.

Al sad nije ni bitno, ne mislim ih opet igrat.
Izbacuju svako malo lore filmove, a i tu je wikipedia tak da cu bit up to date sa pricom.

pa evo ti odgovora ako izbrises igre ode i save file :bonk:
ja imam sačuvane save fileove iz W1 i W2
Lista odigranih:2015,2016,2017,2018,

Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #458 : 21. Ožujak, 2015., 18:07 »
Ode save file bez brisanja igre, brisanje igre nastupa nakon izgubljenih zivaca zbog nestanka saveova lol



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Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #459 : 21. Ožujak, 2015., 21:49 »
A Dynamic Weather System and a Functional Day and Night

The weather system in the game is mind blowing. The game has made the weather a very important factor in achieving realism. It plays a crucial role in influencing how you will play the game and also how you will make decisions. An example is when it rains, people and monster are likely to be found indoor so that raises the stake for those hoping to seek refuge behind closed doors. The rain also washes away the footsteps so that if you are tracking a creature you need to hurry up so that you don’t lose your trail. The day and night cycle is well elaborated in this game and adds another level of realism to the game. Decisions are also affected by the day and night pattern. Let’s just say on certain nights, it is not advisable to hunt werewolves.

Open-World Experience

This is one of the biggest RPG to date and promises a very nice open-world experience. It features a world big enough where you can traverse from one end to another for hours or do the smallest menial task as you carry out your daily experience. You may choose to pick up an item or leave it, save a peasant or abandon them. This game relies on your decisions and a wrong one comes at a price that yields negative consequences just as it does in real life. The geographical area has been made bigger and is now 35 times the size of Assassins of Kings. You are able to hear people discussing politics in the streets and you can see children playing. The towns in the game literally come alive.

Gameplay Improvements

This game features many new improvements and additions. New weapons such as bombs and poisons among others are now at your disposal. Combine them to craft new weapons and this adds even more variety to your weapon arsenals. The while-you-mount-your-horse combat is probably the most intriguing addition. You can fight your way around your enemies on the back of your steed. The magic potions are still limited to five but now each one can perform two operations so that their uses are essentially doubled. Geralt now has a crossbow, which will prove to be a very important weapon to equip. For the first time the monster hunter will be able to climb wall just like in the Assassins Creed games.



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  • 1407
Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #460 : 22. Ožujak, 2015., 11:05 »
Dosta nekvalitetni screenshotovi vezani uz gamestar.de preview igre
Ogromna kompresija!

*dobar grass draw distance!

Ovaj je ljepši od ostalih

*vidljivo odrezan screenshot

Ovo je ta "nova" mapa:


Na "pravoj" mapi sjevernog kraljevstva se vidi da su Kaer Morhen i Skellige Islands dosta udaljeniji od Novigrada

5787x4134 Northern Kingdoms mapa
« Zadnja izmjena: 22. Ožujak, 2015., 12:11 doktor1 »



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Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #461 : 23. Ožujak, 2015., 09:17 »
Ogroman intervju sa Miles Tostom - Level dizajnerom iz Witchera.
Fanovi postavljaju pitanja...
Plus dvije nove slike:

« Zadnja izmjena: 23. Ožujak, 2015., 10:24 doktor1 »



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Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #462 : 23. Ožujak, 2015., 18:21 »
1080p slike, (one dvije gore su skenirane iz časopisa)

Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #463 : 24. Ožujak, 2015., 19:44 »
Ok ok predivno je i svaka čast na trudu al kaj nije sad ovo malo pretjerivanje pa imamo preko 100 skrinsa već samo u ovoj temi
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Odg: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Odgovori #464 : 24. Ožujak, 2015., 20:39 »
Gledam sve ove informacije i screenshotove i mislim si: ako pola od ovoga svega ispadne istina, ovo ce biti najbolja igra ikad! :clap: :piva:


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