avantura, Cozy Game PalsDatum izlaska: 22.10.2024.
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Kako objasniti otkriće "Božje čestice"?Zadnje objašnjenje
Palaeontologists answer many tricky questions about dinosaurs - but perhaps the most interesting is how did 30-ton animals larger than four-storey buildings have sex.A surprising amount of research has been devoted to the subject - and most researchers have concluded that dinosaurs made love like dogs'All dinosaurs used the same basic position to mate,' said Dr Beverly Halstead, an English researcher who was one of the first to tackle the subject. 'Mounting from the rear, he put his forelimbs on her shoulders, lifting one hind limb across her back and twisting his tail under hers.Scientific illustrators have also attempted to capture the intriguing rituals of the huge beasts - including an illustrator who worked with Dr Halstead on a magazine article in 1988. The physical challenges involved must have been formidable.The penis of a tyrannosaur is estimated to be around 12 feet long.
Bowie je definitivno najveći umjetnik svih vremena.
Ja sam definitivno najveći racio svih vremena.
kad bi mi netko rekao da je uopće moguće KONCPIRATI poveznicu zagorja i epskih dinosaura i složiti je u jedan ekstrakt šabanstva rekao bi mu da je lud.... ali.... uspio si. Uspio si.