avantura, Cozy Game PalsDatum izlaska: 22.10.2024.
Prve PlayStation slušalice earbuds tipa iznenađujuće su kvalitetne,…
Ja sam definitivno najveći racio svih vremena.
Bowie je definitivno najveći umjetnik svih vremena.
Electromagnetic waves have, as the name suggests, two components: the electric component and the magnetic component. These two waves are perpendicular to each other and are in phase, therefore where they meet they push off one another and basically propels itself forward. Therefore EM waves do not require a medium.Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_do_electromagnetic_waves_not_need_a_medium_in_which_to_travel#ixzz1y0VttrNn
The Atlantic reports that the Voyager 1 - which is still managing to communicate with Earth with radio waves that reach us 16 hours later - is beginning to experience a bit of heat.
u kojoj formi su ti podaci? to me zanima jel.radiovalovi SIGNALI, SVEMIRSKI GOLUBOVI XD nezz. i kako dođu do zemlje? jel imaju neke odašiljaće po putu nezz. zabrijao sam, zamišljam neke svemirske bove i sranja.