horor, DarkStone DigitalDatum izlaska: 02.08.2024.
Prve PlayStation slušalice earbuds tipa iznenađujuće su kvalitetne,…
After years of intense warfare against Eastern armies, Europe has become the last stand for the battered NATO forces. On the verge of being driven into the sea,NATO command embarks upon a most desperate measure. In the hope of seizing what seems to be a well-guarded military secret, Operation Magnitude is launched.A small group of Special Forces and Researchers are sent to a Mediterranean island deep behind enemy lines.However, the mission is compromised and the task force destroyed, leaving Cpt. Scott Miller washed ashore upon the hostile island.In his effort to carry out the mission, he will face the dangers of modern warfare, an unforgiving environment, and the consequences of his own decisions…
P.S. Napisano je velikim tiskanim slovima jer stvarno vičem. Najozbiljnije.
Operation Arrowhead imao je minimum bugova te je pokazao u kojem će se smjeru ići sa trojkom. Valjda će biti pametni ovaj puta pa neće izbaciti igru prerano i da će imati nekakvo tesitranje koje će uključivati ljude s njihovog foruma. Meni kampanja i nije toliko bitna, multiplayer je glavna stavka ove igre, a s novim editorom taj askpet će se samo još više poboljšati. Ovo je jedina igra zbog koje želim novi PC kupiti.
U kojem si klanu?