Batman: Arkham Origins

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Batman: Arkham Origins
« : 09. Travanj, 2013., 17:10 »
Warner Bros. najavio je treću igru Batman: Arkham serijala, ovaj put ne razvija je Rocksteady već Warner Montreal studio, a nosit će ime Batman: Arkham Origins te stiže 25. listopada za Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360 te PC, a najavljen je i spin-off naslov za 3DS te Vitu, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. Iskreno se nadamo kako promjena studija neće značiti i igru koja je kvalitetom ispod razine prethodna dva dijela. Priča će biti prequel iliti prednastavak i vratit će nas u razdoblje prije oba Arkham naslova, kada je mladi, neiskusni Batman susreo brojne dobro nam poznate zlikovce po prvi put.

Najavljen Batman: Arkham Origins | HCL.hr

Batman: Arkham Origins Trailer - Game Informer Coverage

« Zadnja izmjena: 09. Travanj, 2013., 17:15 Cole »

Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #1 : 09. Travanj, 2013., 17:27 »
Polako mi postaje naporan taj trend prequela.

Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #2 : 09. Travanj, 2013., 17:36 »
I meni isto. Al ajd neću ništa sudit još moram odigrat prva dva dijela :ementaler:
Lista odigranih:2015,2016,2017,2018,



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Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #3 : 09. Travanj, 2013., 18:33 »
Ae, ako moraju već :wildboy:

Iako, ne očekujem puno od ovoga. Nije mi ideja prequela nešto ultra uzbudljiva, a nema ni Rocksteadya. Nije da dissam ovaj studio, ali što su napravili prije ove igre? - Jedino Looney Toons Scooby Doo Cartoon Universe.



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Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #4 : 09. Travanj, 2013., 21:44 »

- Takes place on Christmas Eve
- Years before the previous two games
- Mob boss Black Mask will give a fortune for Batman’s head
- Top assassins and supervillains from the DC Comics universe are out to get Batman
- Cops on the take from the mob join the manhunt as well
- Batman needs to outsmart his enemies, find out why Black Mask wants him dead, and prove to what good cops that he’s on their side


- Porting Arkham City to Wii U let the team get familiar with Unreal 3
- Doing a prequel lets the team carve a unique territory if Rockstar were to move the Arkham timeline ahead down the road
- Rocksteady’s project is tightly under wraps
- Younger Batman also “gives us the opportunity to refresh things a bit”
- Combat system still in place
- Will have “new layers, new opportunities, and new tactics”
- New enemy types
- Batman not as finely honed as in the previous games
- Won’t control the Batwing directly
- Batwing will figure into story sequences and acts as a universe-appropriate form of fast travel
- Has the traditional predator mode in which players swing from perch to perch, glide kick, string guys upside-down, etc.
- New remote claw that is like the grappler in Just Cause 2
- Batman targets two objects and fires out a claw
- This hooks into the first object and launches another claw and rope to the second object
- Can then pull the two objects together
- Use this to knock enemies together, slam heavy objects into foes, string objects or people under a perch
- Can string up an explosive barrel under a perch, lure enemies with a sonic batarang, then cut the rope with a normal batarang, dropping the explosive on their heads
- Team knows Black Mask isn’t the most popular villain
- Old Gotham is only half of the game world
- Another new entire area is across the bridge called New Gotham
- New Gotham is classier and has much taller skyscrapers
- New zone doubles the size of the game world
- Players can dismantle the hacked tower network
- Towers emit a jamming signal that prevents the Batwing from flying into the area, meaning no fast travel
- It also halts Batman’s sensors from placing points of interest on the map
- Taking down the towers are varied and require all of Batman’s navigation, puzzle solving, and combat skills
- Some can be taken down quickly, others must be returned to later with an upgrade
- “Crime in Progress”: ex – saving some cops from a group of thugs, rescuing a snitch from being tossed off a roof
- Activities give Batman a chance for experience point bonuses
- Completing side quests also contributes to the GCPD’s understanding and appreciation of Batman
- They will begin to know Batman and which side he stands on based on how much you take on the optional missions
- Most Wanted system gives players a chance to go after villains outside of the core storyline
- These optional side missions can be tackled when you discover them
- Many optional missions offer upgrades
- Batman’s butler Alfred may notice that he had a tough time in that situation and give him a new gadget
- Dark Knight system is slightly more behind the scenes, though it’s still important
- Dark Knight system provides a lengthy string of tasks that slowly goes up in difficulty as the game progresses
- The team wants to avoid boring tutorials while still training players to be masters of predator and combat systems
- Complete a certain number of counters or silent takedowns to receive XP rewards or a specific upgrade
- Dark Knight system doesn’t replace challenge mode
- Team wants to make challenges more meaningful

Game demo

- Takes place about an hour into the game
- Batman is perched above Jezebel plaza
- Black Mask’s assassins have stirred up the local thugs
- No towering walls keeping villains in check and many citizens call Arkham City home since there isn’t a prison
- Amusement Mile hasn’t been flooded
- Batman is looking to find out why Black Mask is trying to kill him
- Batman decides to go to the party to track down Penguin, who hears about everything
- Eventually, Penguin gives some intel on a murder at Lacey Towers
- Claw grips Batman’s ankle and drags him out of the room before he can finish his questioning
- Batman reaches for the door, but his arm is stomped by a mysterious figure
- Batman ends up suspended upside-down from the rafters
- Deathstroke circles Batman with a drawn sword
- Batman blocks and disarms Deathstroke, using the sword to cut himself free
- Thanks to Penguin’s tip, Batman goes to Lacey Towers
- The cops say it’s a double homicide
- One victim is supposedly Black Mask
- Inside the apartment, Batman sees Black Mask’s girlfriend strung up on a chandelier
- Black Mask’s assumed body is laying face up across the room
- Batman goes into first-person detective vision to examine the situation



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  • But it was so artistically done...
Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #5 : 10. Travanj, 2013., 10:30 »
O da... najbolja vijest cijele godine. Ovo će biti igra godine za mene, ako sve pođe po planu. Jedva čekam. Ufff kolko sam nahajpan :D

Mladi Pingvin totalno liči na sebe :D

Sviđa mi se to što i GPD lovi Batmana, podsjeća me to na Batman: Year One malo. Vjerujem da će imati puno elemenata iz stripova koji pokazuju Batmanove početke.

EDIT: Jedino mi je malo čudno to što se radi o prequelu, a sve djeluje modernije od Arkham Asyluma i Arkham Citya, čak i Batmanovo odijelo.
« Zadnja izmjena: 10. Travanj, 2013., 10:36 Shazaam »



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Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #6 : 10. Travanj, 2013., 10:34 »
Ako nadmaše Arkham City biti će savršeno ali to je malo teže za izvesti.



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  • But it was so artistically done...
Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #7 : 10. Travanj, 2013., 10:41 »
Ako nadmaše Arkham City biti će savršeno ali to je malo teže za izvesti.
Ne trebaju uopće nadmašiti, samo da igra bude u rangu 80+/100 i ja sam zadovoljan. Rocksteady tim treba nadmašiti samoga sebe s nastavkom.

Iskreno za ovaj Arkham Origins očekujem istu gameplay mehaniku Arkham Citya sa novim gadgetima, pristupima i animacijama, da je Batman malo sporiji i slabiji (što su naveli da će biti), zapravo ako odu korak unazad sa gameplay mehanikom bit će dobro, dokle god je precizno kao u prve dvije igre.

 Volio bih samo da je priča malo bolja. Arkham igre imaju sve na mjestu, jedino su mi priče bezveze. Ljudi misle da je Paul Dini nekakav Bog priča o Batmanu štajaznam... ali zapravo je njegova rekonstrukcija svijeta i likova Batmana (uz dodatak nekih novih poput Harley Quinn) ono što valja. Vidjet ćemo.

EDIT: I za Boga miloga neka mu smanje te mišiće vražje...
« Zadnja izmjena: 10. Travanj, 2013., 10:47 Shazaam »

Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #8 : 10. Travanj, 2013., 11:00 »
Forsaju svi te prequele puno previše u današnje vrijeme. Iako, čudi me da nisu prvo izbacili 3. igru pa onda prequel. Inače, igrat će se definitivno. Mehaniku gameplaya ne moraju niti mijenjati previše po meni jer vjerujem da je u AC bila već savršena tako da... No uvijek ima mjesta za napredak. Hype.
“The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true.” - Robert Oppenheimer

Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #9 : 10. Travanj, 2013., 11:14 »
Rocksteady tim treba nadmašiti samoga sebe s nastavkom.
ne radi isti studio na ovom prequelu koji je radio prve dvije igre.
Lista odigranih:2015,2016,2017,2018,



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  • But it was so artistically done...
Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #10 : 10. Travanj, 2013., 11:21 »
Radi je WB montreal, oni su napravili WiiU preinaku AC.



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Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #11 : 10. Travanj, 2013., 16:37 »
Kada sam saznao da na igri ne radi Rocksteady bio sam podosta skeptičan, no kada su izašle prve informacije o igri i prvi screenovi posao sam dosta optimističan. Prve dvije u Arkham serijalu su vrhunske i nadmašiti ih bilo bi pomalo nerealno očekivati, no isto tako nitko nije očekivao kada je najavljen Arkaham Aslyum da će polučiti takve rezultate i na kraju krajeva ispasti neočekivano hit igra. Screenovi izgledaju jako dobro i može se pretpostaviti da će do biti dobra igra, samo je pitanje koliko su sposobni unjet potrebnu kvalitetu u ovu igru.

Što se tiče Arkham Citya, mislim da je tu dosegnut nekakav maksimum što se tiče gadgeta i borbene moći samog Batmana. Ovim naslovom moći će unjest puno svježine i oslonit mladog i neiskusnog Batmana na druge stvari; očekujem nekakvo postepeno "učenje" kao što je to slučaj sa rebootom novog Tomb Raidera gdje je Lara od preplašene djevojčice stasala u urbanog ratnika. Bio bih presretan kada bi cijeli koncept bio sličan onome iz filma Batman Begins, gdje upoznajemo i saznajemo kako je Bruce Wayne postao Batman. Željno iščekujem nove informacije.



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  • You put the stone in the case?
Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #12 : 10. Travanj, 2013., 17:13 »
Sustav borbe dosadasnjih igara je odlican, imaju osnovu znaci. Mislim da se ne moze tu nesto puno sjebati.



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  • But it was so artistically done...
Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #13 : 10. Travanj, 2013., 19:01 »
Sustav borbe dosadasnjih igara je odlican, imaju osnovu znaci. Mislim da se ne moze tu nesto puno sjebati.
Ne odličan, perfektan. UE3 nemože bolje od toga, može samo bogatije.



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Odg: Batman: Arkham Origins
« Odgovori #14 : 10. Travanj, 2013., 19:17 »
Jedva čekam ovu igru.izgleda super i konačno je open-world ali malo mi je glupo da opet samo "jednu noć" traje,mogli su promjenu dana i noći ubacit


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