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« : 10. Lipanj, 2018., 12:43 »


FIFA 19 će izaći 28.septembra za PC, PS4, XBOX One i PS4

Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #1 : 10. Lipanj, 2018., 12:45 »
Gameplay :

Active Touch System

This new system fundamentally changes the way you receive and strike the ball, enabling closer control, improved fluidity in movement, more creativity, and increased player personality when. First touch gets an overhaul with new tools such as the disguised touch, flick-up volleys, or even skill specific animations like the Neymar Trap, so that you can stay one touch ahead of your opponent and create scoring chances.

Dynamic Tactics

The reimagined tactical system gives players the tools to set multiple tactical approaches, deeper pre-match customization, and new options for in-match adjustments. Each tactical approach combines formations, mentalities, and attacking and defensive play styles so that you can easily customize your play in any situation.

50/50 Battles

User reactions and player attributes determine the outcome of loose ball duels across the pitch. Thanks to increased teammate intelligence and spatial awareness, every challenge matters in the fight for possession.

Timed Finishing

Get another level of control over every shot with the Timed Finishing system, which puts users in charge of how accurately they connect with the ball. Trigger a timed finish by double tapping the “shoot” button when attempting a strike. The precision and timing of the second button tap determines the result of the contact; perfectly timed strikes increase a shot's accuracy and power, while poorly timed contacts make the shot more likely to miss the mark. Whether it's a hit from outside the box, a precision header, or a deft touch, timed finishing adds a higher layer of control to finishing in FIFA 19.

Real Player Motion Technology

The*game-changing animation system, which brought enhanced player personality and movement fidelity to EA SPORTS FIFA, is back with increased coverage of the entire pitch. Enhanced animations for tactical shielding, impact balancing, and physical jostling take realistic player movement, responsiveness, and personality to unbelievable heights.

Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #2 : 13. Lipanj, 2018., 10:30 »

Novi komentatori :

Real Player Motion Technology #FIFA19




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  • Forza Lazio
Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #3 : 13. Lipanj, 2018., 19:12 »
Svake godine kada vidim najavu FIFA-e dodje mi da je preorderam, uzivam i igram bez stanke. Prosle godine sam napravio takvu gresku  :hihi:



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Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #4 : 14. Lipanj, 2018., 07:10 »
e majstoree zato mi sto neigramo online cekamo popst i uhvatimo za 15 eura kao sada recimo :D
When power of love overcomes love of power the world will know peace! - Jimmy Hendrix



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  • Forza Lazio
Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #5 : 14. Lipanj, 2018., 18:01 »
e majstoree zato mi sto neigramo online cekamo popst i uhvatimo za 15 eura kao sada recimo :D

Uz duzno postovanje svima, FIFA mi je uzas. Offline nijednu igru ne igram osim Horizon Zero Dawn, tako da mi taj dio nije interesantan.

Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #6 : 02. Srpanj, 2018., 16:16 »
Brate isto misljenje kao bh lazio hype naprave odlican s trailerima i pizdarijama onda dode igra pa skontas skoro ista kao prosla samo s novim dresovima i transferima.Volio bi kad bi se vise posvetili career modu managera i playera da ga podignu na razinu 2k mycareer ili tako nesto iako se to nikad nece dogodit.
Zadnje 3 fife uzimao sve na bozicnoj rasprodaji u pola cijene.

Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #7 : 10. Srpanj, 2018., 22:39 »
Ode Ronaldo u Juve, čini se da im se dogodilo što i PES-u lani s Neymarom :D



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Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #8 : 11. Srpanj, 2018., 07:47 »
Imaju skoro puna dva mjeseca za ispravit stvari. Na kraju krajeva, mislim da ga mogu stavit i u onaj FUT dres i svejedno će se prodavati.

Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #9 : 29. Srpanj, 2018., 09:01 »
Gameplay mec fife 19.Veoma slicno kao fifa 18.Cekat bozicni popust i uzeti za 220 kuna ili preskociti fifu ove godine.



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Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #10 : 29. Srpanj, 2018., 10:36 »
Kao fan PESA, cekam fifu da izadje.  :hihi:

I am a gamer. Not because I don't have a life - I choose to have many.



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  • Forza Lazio
Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #11 : 30. Srpanj, 2018., 17:23 »
Ove godine sam dao 50 € za FIFU, prodao i povratio 40 €, zao mi je cak i tih 10 € jer sam npr. toliko platio BF1 i Titanfall 2 bundle na snizenju.



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Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #12 : 30. Srpanj, 2018., 18:49 »
Ma kad pocme zivcirat sa svojim sranjima od scripte- rage quit i zbogom, okrenem neku drugu da igram.

Kad dodje ekipa zabavno je. Radi toga sam je i u uzeo. 

I am a gamer. Not because I don't have a life - I choose to have many.

Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #13 : 01. Kolovoz, 2018., 21:55 »
Ja se nadam da će nešto novo napraviti a ne samo poboljšati grafiku...ukoliko bude samo poboljšanje grafike ostat ću na FIFI 18.
"Ako možeš sanjati možeš i ostvariti"



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Odg: FIFA 19
« Odgovori #14 : 23. Kolovoz, 2018., 08:52 »
kolko sam vidio likovi su licencirali španjolsku ligu, e sad zanima me dali ce to biti kao engleska da ih imaš 4 ili ce ostat na dvije lige :S
When power of love overcomes love of power the world will know peace! - Jimmy Hendrix


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