Grand Theft Auto 5

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  • TS3 IP -
    • GTA Online Crew
Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1725 : 10. Travanj, 2015., 13:11 »
Malo ste ga zasrali sad s tim crewovima. Umjesto da se svi skupimo u jedan, svatko je na svoju stranu. A za HCL je crew otvorio član koji ima 8 postova? Degman, jesi barem kontaktirao admine iz HCL-a?

I ja bi rade tjeo da idemo svi u jedan. Meni je samo vazno da igramo svi zajedno svedno mi je ko je admin crewa.
Mozemo skupiti Toxic i HCL crew sto se mene tice.
Mogu pitati admina ali nisam pronaso admina koji zeli biti u HCL crew.
« Zadnja izmjena: 10. Travanj, 2015., 13:52 D3GM4N »



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  • 19
  • TS3 IP -
    • GTA Online Crew
Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1726 : 10. Travanj, 2015., 13:14 »
Evo pito sam admina za grupu i cekam odgovor :)
« Zadnja izmjena: 10. Travanj, 2015., 13:52 D3GM4N »



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Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1727 : 10. Travanj, 2015., 15:45 »
Eto, bitno je samo dobiti potvrdu od nadležnih iz HCL-a, jer ipak je malo nezgodno otvarati neku grupu pod tuđim imenom i logom.
"Women don't respect salad eaters."



  • *
  • 19
  • TS3 IP -
    • GTA Online Crew
Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1728 : 10. Travanj, 2015., 17:47 »
Eto, bitno je samo dobiti potvrdu od nadležnih iz HCL-a, jer ipak je malo nezgodno otvarati neku grupu pod tuđim imenom i logom.

Evo dobilismo dozvolu za HCL grupu. :clap:
Ja cu jos probati da nabavim veliki TS3 Server za nas ali neznam jel moguce dobit tako lako 100+ slot teamspeak na privatni v-server. :solidus:

Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1729 : 10. Travanj, 2015., 18:03 »
Baš sam htio pitati što mislite kakvi je interni gta voice chat ili da otvorimo neki ts3 server. Ne znam kolika bi nam bila mjesečna članarina za 100 slotova no vjerojatno bi se isplatilo kad bi svi koji bi ga koristili podijelili troškove.
Ja znam kako napraviti privatni besplatni server na vlastitom računalu ali broj slotova ovisi o snazi računala i brzini interneta u uploadu.

EDIT: Evo nasao 250kn mjesecno 100 slotova ts3.
« Zadnja izmjena: 10. Travanj, 2015., 18:09 Froxie24 »



  • *
  • 19
  • TS3 IP -
    • GTA Online Crew
Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1730 : 10. Travanj, 2015., 18:29 »
Baš sam htio pitati što mislite kakvi je interni gta voice chat ili da otvorimo neki ts3 server. Ne znam kolika bi nam bila mjesečna članarina za 100 slotova no vjerojatno bi se isplatilo kad bi svi koji bi ga koristili podijelili troškove.
Ja znam kako napraviti privatni besplatni server na vlastitom računalu ali broj slotova ovisi o snazi računala i brzini interneta u uploadu.

EDIT: Evo nasao 250kn mjesecno 100 slotova ts3.

Ja imam vec jedan TS na privatnom serveru ali je ograničen na 32 slota ako nemam licenciu tako da bi trajalo malo dobiti dozvolu za vise ljudi.



  • ****
  • 1389
Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1731 : 10. Travanj, 2015., 20:06 »
Zaboravi na dijeljenje troškova svih članova, to može funkcionirati samo u nekom paralelnom svemiru:kava:
"Women don't respect salad eaters."

Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1732 : 10. Travanj, 2015., 20:18 »
Baš sam htio pitati što mislite kakvi je interni gta voice chat ili da otvorimo neki ts3 server. Ne znam kolika bi nam bila mjesečna članarina za 100 slotova no vjerojatno bi se isplatilo kad bi svi koji bi ga koristili podijelili troškove.
Ja znam kako napraviti privatni besplatni server na vlastitom računalu ali broj slotova ovisi o snazi računala i brzini interneta u uploadu.

EDIT: Evo nasao 250kn mjesecno 100 slotova ts3.

Ja imam vec jedan TS na privatnom serveru ali je ograničen na 32 slota ako nemam licenciu tako da bi trajalo malo dobiti dozvolu za vise ljudi.

A dobro tak i tak više od 30 igrača ne može igrati gta online u jednom lobbyu.



  • *
  • 19
  • TS3 IP -
    • GTA Online Crew
Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1733 : 10. Travanj, 2015., 20:30 »
A dobro tak i tak više od 30 igrača ne može igrati gta online u jednom lobbyu.

Dobro mozda sam malo previse optimistican sto se tice broja clanova. :hihi:
Ako budemo trebali vise slotova cu rijesiti taj problem kad bude tu. :kava:
Naravno niko netreba placati nista ako bi koristili moj ts.

Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1734 : 10. Travanj, 2015., 20:33 »
A dobro tak i tak više od 30 igrača ne može igrati gta online u jednom lobbyu.

Dobro mozda sam malo previse optimistican sto se tice broja clanova. :hihi:
Ako budemo trebali vise slotova cu rijesiti taj problem kad bude tu. :kava:
Naravno niko netreba placati nista ako bi koristili moj ts.

Ako, nezz fora mi je kad u gta pričaš pa se pomiču usta... :)



  • ****
  • 1407
Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1735 : 11. Travanj, 2015., 08:00 »
GTA 5 PC will go live in the US on Monday

People expected the PC version to be graphically superior to the PS4/Xbox One version, but nobody expected to be so blown away with such a staggering difference.

It's not a Ubisoft-style quick port of the console version, it's been reworked thoroughly to offer an unmatched experience on PC.

They felt like it was designed with bourgeois (very high-end) computers in mind, but there are a lot of graphics options to make sure it runs on just about any hardware.

Runs "perfectly" on older hardware (Core 2 Duo + 9800GT). No mention of which settings or resolution though.

No element pop-up or clipping, unlike the console versions.

New lighting system with different light diffraction.

Some places were radically redesigned, for instance the Playboy Mansion's pool which used to be a rectangle and is now a wild river, complete with a stream a cave.
Supports 3D and dual/triple monitors.

Supports the PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One controllers natively.

GTA Online supports up to 30 players + 2 spectators.

New radio station "The Lab FM" with completely new tracks. "Self radio" station allows list to your own MP3s.

Rockstar Editor offers manual recording, but also always keeps a buffer of the last 30 seconds.

Rockstar Editor offers plenty of options for editing, such as camera angles, transitions, blurs, DOF, lighting saturation. You can also add sounds including all audio files from the game itself (including sound effects, music and dialogs).

"Director Mode" allows to change the time of the day, weather, pedestrian/car traffic density. You can be any character (human or animal) and you can teleport.

"The graphic overhaul doesn't stop at just textures or LOD, cause the studio has totally redone(?) the open world by changing radically some places, to magnify them thanks to the superior calcul power. For example the pool from the Playboy mansion, who was a simple rectangle become a river with current(flow?) and a cave. In the same way, many other places in Los Santos have been reworked to give a more immersive render."

Twice the draw distance.

20 new wild animals.

Recommended specs refer to 1080p 60 FPS.

First impressions are VERY positive. Better graphics are instantly noticeable.

They start the game on mount Chiliad and they can see Blaine county and even Los Santos, every little detail is visible.

It looks very clean and they are very impressed with the lighting system and the draw distance.

They used a similar rig (2x GTX 980 + i7-5930k + 16GB ram) as other testers with the settings on "absolute max"

They noticed that a few shadows from objects loaded too slow while gliding into a valley with the parachute.

When they arrived in the valley a member of the PR-Team "cheats himself a Kuruma".

Then he drives to Vinewood Boulevard in Los Santos and some textures looked a bit crappy but its only noticeable when they really search for it and not noticeable while playing.

Now they get to play:

Mouse and keyboard controls are much better than in GTA 4.

The menu for controls has a lot of options and you can change key bindings.

The game doesnt record video. It records what its happening in-game and you can change things like the camera perspective afterwards.

They made a scene in which Franklin shoots a gas station with a grenade launcher and the camera follows the projectile in slow motion and the gas station explodes.

In the Director Mode you have access to "all sets and characters" almost the whole portfolio of characters is available, like animals, police men, gang members, and soldiers. You can also import your GTAnline characters.

There is another article about technical details:

They used two GTX 980 with 4 GB Ram and a Samsung UHD Display.

The hardware guy knew from the fan noise that it was a multi GPU setup but he was surprised they didnt use Titan Xs and a i7-5960X.

"Holy ****, the draw distance is incredible. Without exaggeration: Something like this have PC gamers not seen before, and other gamers havent either."
FXAA, MSAA and Nvidia TXAA.

He thinks long shadows are probably Contact Hardening Shadows and HBAO+.

There were hundreds of cars very far away and you could only barely see their lights because of the distance.

Pop-up not noticeable except for a few shadows and some vegetation.

He noticed some tiny stutters but that must be because of the SLI setup which is hard at work. "and noisy..."

"Sometimes it dropped to 45FPS but thats fine because hey its 4k!"

He was surprised by how smooth it runs.

Well optimized. Should run on 4K with 30FPS if you turn some settings off with a single GTX 980.

Details are incredible, even underwater.

There were very detailed plants, fish and whales. Also very well animated.

"We are just nit-picking though: The game looks great on PC!"

The interiors of cars were further improved for the PC version.

In the editor they changed camera perspective and scene, lighting, colour and focus effects, they added music and sound effects.

The editor records everything in-game in a certain radius around the player. The playback recording thingy is not locked to 30 seconds: It depends on how much is going on.

They saw a film made with the editor that was an ad for a car, an adrenaline-packed (?) motorcross video and an animal documentary with a stingray.

The tool is so powerful that the recent PC launch trailer was made with it.

Their build of the game wasnt finished but pretty close. I hope that this explains some minor problems. Hopefully the final version and updates further improve the performance.

Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1736 : 11. Travanj, 2015., 10:04 »
Znaci od 14.4. u 13:00 gta ce nam biti dostupan ja cu kasniti za vama neka 2 sata jer radim do 2 a oko 3 sam doma. Tako ako ima netko tko radi u utorak prvu smjenu isto do 2 da se dogovorimo za online da nabijamo lovu i rank da mozemo igrati heist misije. Jos bolje ako ima tko se prebacuje sa ps4 ili druge konzole a ima mogucnost da hosta misije.

EDIT: Zajeb se, igra izlazi po našem vremenu u 1:00 znaći do popodneva ništa. Ma vraga ja prije posla se ranije ustanem samo da nakratko pokrenem igru da vidim kako izgleda. :D
« Zadnja izmjena: 11. Travanj, 2015., 14:09 Froxie24 »



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Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1737 : 11. Travanj, 2015., 10:17 »
Meni se sinoć sve skinulo.

Spreman sam za igrat, ali mi se neda odmah na online... Imam idući tjedan hrpu poslova, pa dok si ponovno napravim lika i sve (odusato sam od prebacivanja PS3 saveova na PC) trebati će mi vremena.
Ne žuri mi se previše i kada ću igrati s nekim online htio bih voice chat i ozbiljnije igrače, a ne klince.
Ja nemam puno vremena za igrat i ne želim trošiti vrijeme ako netko baca glupe fore i stalno umire ili ako nema voice chat...

Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1738 : 11. Travanj, 2015., 10:59 »
Meni se sinoć sve skinulo.

Spreman sam za igrat, ali mi se neda odmah na online... Imam idući tjedan hrpu poslova, pa dok si ponovno napravim lika i sve (odusato sam od prebacivanja PS3 saveova na PC) trebati će mi vremena.
Ne žuri mi se previše i kada ću igrati s nekim online htio bih voice chat i ozbiljnije igrače, a ne klince.
Ja nemam puno vremena za igrat i ne želim trošiti vrijeme ako netko baca glupe fore i stalno umire ili ako nema voice chat...

Potpisujem. Voice chat, neka ozbiljnost kod misija, možemo se malo našaliti i glupirati z freeroamu ali bez trollinga i nanošenja nepotrebne štete drugim igračima.

Odg: GTA V - općenita rasprava
« Odgovori #1739 : 11. Travanj, 2015., 11:17 »
još maaaaloooo \:D/


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