Pozdrav ekipa... nakon nekoliko mjeseci... ili godina vraćam se na ovaj forum trežeći pomoć
A-Ray Scaner kaže da se radi o:
StarForce detected
Na igri blitzkrieg 2
Nebi mi bilo nimalo žao da freakovi na drugim forumima (engleskim) ne raspravljaju o igri. TAkođer- nekolicini ljudi još ne radi, a neki su uspjeli pokrenuti.
Evo recimo... u svojem angažmanu imam Daemon toolse 4.03, SF nightmare, SF anti file system blocker...
Kad sam dobio dvd sa nekoliko imagea već spremnih kraj njih je stajao ovaj text:
1. Burn with Alcohol 120, at 4x speed( or more this does not
depend if it will work) , use securom NEW profile.
2 When asked, select "Keep TOC as on source cd,
write until end of image file"
3 Use the following cdkey:
4 alternative you can also sfcure this but we do not support
sfcure when a full retail burn can work just check a dvd release
on how to sfcure. One tip as this is a sf 3.4 version it does not
need to physically have the the cables removed from your drive on
the other hand you never know with sf :).
Next to that also SFN should work without sfcure to disable
drives but just use it to be sure.
Recently we been attacked for releasing this so called by some
people crap.
This crap involves a lot of work even with the tool.
So if you don't like it don't leech it if you do and get it
working to enjoy the game we did
Ja sam lijepo instalirao igru, stavio četvorku na daemon, i na Nightmareu sam kliknuo na disable cd... nakon toga najnormalnije sam dvaputkliknuo na shortcut za pokrenut igru kad ono- error
prije tog errora bi mi trebao ponudit polje za unjet serial, međutim ništa
ajte, molim vas najljepše... ak ko zna nek napiše... ili malo pogledajte igre sa zaštitom
http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=155713 (dodatak po kojem sam radio)