4fun - memes

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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5850 : 29. Veljača, 2008., 21:29 »
Prejaka scary priča, obavezno pročitat ako već niste... Kažu da je istinita ono... može bit  :solidus:


Well, this one time me and some friends were at my house just hanging out, I forget what for. It was starting to get pretty late and naturally we were all bored, so my one friend has the idea to start looking up freaky pictures on the Internet.

It started off pretty tame, just seeing "ghostly faces" in windows and whatnot, nothing really to lose sleep over and it kept us entertained; but slowly things started to take a drastic change for the worst. These images kept getting more and more violent, it's strange to think that all of this was happening by chance, yet there we were staring in disbelief at some of the things we were seeing.

An image of an evil spirit hovering just above a man's head, seeming to wait for the right moment to strike was the one that proved to be the downfall of the evening. It was after viewing this that the same friend that suggesting we look up frightening images in the first place got a "brilliant" idea. He said that we should try taking some pictures of our own to see if we could catch anything out of the ordinary. I, of course, was somewhat relucant towards the idea but honestly what could I do? They were guests in my house and I had to entertain them, so I went into the living room and got my father's digital camera so our experiments could begin.

As with the images on the net, the experience started off pretty tame: we'd snap a picture, look at it and try to freak each other out by "seeing" things. After a few rounds of these pictures I started to get the heaviest sense of dread I've ever had in my life, finally it was my turn to get my picture taken and I was really not up to it but my friends insisted so I figured just one picture couldn't hurt.

The flash from the camera nearly blinded me, the picture snapped, we all gathered round to see the outcome. There it was again: that feeling that something, somewhere it out of place. We plug the camera into the computer, navigate to the newest image, there I was standing in the doorway, but wait; what's that behind me? Two piercing red eyes surrounded by a shadow from hell stare right into our souls, in its hands fearsome claws soaked in the blood of tortured beings. We were speechless.

What should we do? How do we act? That feeling again, it was getting closer. I could feel the breath on my neck, a noise? What was that? Did something fall over? We begin printing the image, not going fast enough. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. Faster, print faster. There it is on the paper too, so it wasn't our imagination.

I ran faster than I had ever ran in my life into my parent's room, I showed my father then my mother. My father said it was nothing and that I should just go back into my room with my guests, but my mom got scared and said, "You're movin' with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near the liscense plate said "FRESH" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I can say that this cab is rare, but I thought "Naw forget it, Yo homes to Bel-Air."

I pulled up to the house about 7:00 or 8:00 and I yelled to the cabie "Yo homes, smell ya later." Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air.



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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5851 : 29. Veljača, 2008., 23:28 »
Ja sam s godinama shvatio da postoje samo dva ukusa. Moj. I pogrešan. -  Weky
Moji djecacki snovi jesu moj zivot. Nikad ne radim i puno jebem. -  Rider on the Storm
Da za 18. rođendan dobijem strip od svog dečka mislim da bi si na rođendanskom tulumu našla nekog crnca da me pred njim brutalno izjebe. jebem te mrtvog. - Beaver Hunter

Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5852 : 01. Ožujak, 2008., 00:51 »
Svaka drolja zna da ja sam taj
mator pravi nabildovan kao drevni zmaj

Mobilni fontele mi zvoni mala šipu, haklam soni.



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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5853 : 01. Ožujak, 2008., 00:53 »

Lik izgleda ko neki transformers jebote...



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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5854 : 01. Ožujak, 2008., 03:02 »
jadno djete, u pičku mater  :wildboy:



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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5855 : 01. Ožujak, 2008., 15:02 »
Hej, daj vagine mala
Ne ovo nije šala ;D
Skidaj gaće droljo
Ti znaš da ja nisam šoljo ;D
Moj penis će te poderati
Toliko se nisi trebala dotjerati
Ostavit ću te svu u šoku
Bit će kao da si uzela koku ;D
Samo to bijelo na nosu neće biti droga
Već muško mlijeko penisa moga;D



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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5856 : 01. Ožujak, 2008., 15:36 »
Хрватска саjбер лига за победу!

s h u m a . o r g  :approve



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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5857 : 01. Ožujak, 2008., 15:43 »
can lee  :ave:



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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5858 : 02. Ožujak, 2008., 01:21 »
-what was that language?

ahaha  :ave:

Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5859 : 02. Ožujak, 2008., 01:53 »
tulibu dibu douchoo !!1 \:D/
Svaka drolja zna da ja sam taj
mator pravi nabildovan kao drevni zmaj

Mobilni fontele mi zvoni mala šipu, haklam soni.



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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5860 : 03. Ožujak, 2008., 21:38 »



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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5861 : 04. Ožujak, 2008., 00:18 »

Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5862 : 04. Ožujak, 2008., 23:57 »
a majkuti  :hihi:


beaver hunter

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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5863 : 04. Ožujak, 2008., 23:57 »
owned  :kingmortal:
Skini besplatnu smartphone aplikaciju --> Vatreni
InPublic.hr - check it out!
Personalna himna - Beaver Hunter



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Re: 4fun
« Odgovori #5864 : 05. Ožujak, 2008., 08:04 »
Hacker (1994.-2005.) R.I.P.

Ja volim:
Facuuuu, Gr4gu, CMC program i Rengurzica


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