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« : 26. Lipanj, 2008., 14:58 »
Već neko vrijeme pratim kako Under dodaje screenhote iz ove ire u našu screenshorts galeriju svako toliko i nikako da se potrudim saznati nešo više o igri. Al eto sad me puklo i malo se zainteresirao pa otvaram topic da vidim kakvog je mišljenja šire gamersko pučanstvo o ovome naslovu.

Evo informacija svježe sa wikipedije:

Legendary (previously known as Legendary: The Box and Pandora) is a first-person shooter video game developed by Spark Unlimited and published by Gamecock Media Group. The game is scheduled to be released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC formats.

The game takes place in modern day New York City as well as other undisclosed locales. When a thief named Charles Deckard opens Pandora's Box and releases the evils within it, mythological creatures begin to wage war against the world. It is the task of the player, in the role of Charles Deckard, to stop the invasion and save Earth.


Unique to Legendary is an expansive three way enemy AI. During gameplay, the player is attacked by both human and monstrous opponents. During these exchanges, the AI for both the humans and the monsters are not only focused on the player, but on each other depending on which party is a bigger threat. This mechanic allows for behavioral changes from play session to play session depending on how both the player and the AI approach a given scenario. The game is planned for release during late Spring 2008.

Legendary Beasts: Throughout the game the player will face various legendary monsters varying from Werewolves to Gryphons. Each creature is promised to be a unique challenge of their own. Not to mention that each creature has two classes. There are "Beta" and "Alpha" of each form, Alpha being the more aggressive, more powerful versions. Creatures will also have three "moods" The First being a passive, only attacking out of defense. The second phase is where they attack when attacked, the final phase is where they are actively trying to kill the player, using their environment to their advantage.

Plot Summary

When tasked to break into a museum and steal Pandora's Box, master thief Charles Deckard inadvertently opens the box and unleashes evil on the world. In the process of opening the box, Deckard receives strange powers allowing him to defeat the creatures that have emerged in the aftermath of the box's opening. Using these powers, Deckard fights alongside a clandestine organization against both the monsters that have been released and the Black Order, an occult group who seek to tap into the power of the box for their own selfish ends.


I šta mislite?

Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #1 : 26. Lipanj, 2008., 15:07 »
ideja je kulna, sad neznam jel oni misle to napravit kao open world il kaj, da baš moš ić po njujorku i ubijat beštije i to, jer to bi bilo prejebeno. Ove nekakve magične moći koje kao ima igrač mi se čine gej i ne volim to.  :(
Svaka drolja zna da ja sam taj
mator pravi nabildovan kao drevni zmaj

Mobilni fontele mi zvoni mala šipu, haklam soni.

Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #2 : 26. Lipanj, 2008., 15:16 »
Očekujem treš.  :wildboy:
Da, mogo si i neki noviji članak nać.

The game is planned for release during late Spring 2008.




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Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #3 : 26. Lipanj, 2008., 15:28 »
Nečini se loše. Radnja je zabavna, ali grafika nije baš bajna(ali ako atmosfera bude ok, onda mi i ne treba)



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Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #4 : 26. Lipanj, 2008., 17:17 »
ak ste igrali turning point znate da će ova igra biti smeće do ibera, jer ih rade isti ljudi

ak niste igrali, gore je search i tražite temu
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Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #5 : 26. Lipanj, 2008., 18:02 »
Priča i ovi neki gameplay fićrsi mi izgledaju zanimljivo. Ako atmosfera bude upola dobra kao u condemned-u bit će gg.
Ako ništa drugo bit će kulno malo napucavanja s monsterima čisto da se ubije dosada. :ementaler:
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Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #6 : 14. Srpanj, 2008., 01:01 »
Ocekujem prosjecnu igru nece nis posebno bit ali nece ni za bacanja bit.
What evil hides in the reflection of your soul



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Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #7 : 29. Studeni, 2008., 10:33 »
ane, barem ni ova igra nije govno  :hihi:
prosjecne ocjene se vrte oko 40%
turning point je odlicna igra pokraj ove : (



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Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #8 : 29. Studeni, 2008., 12:50 »
Prvo sam pogledal screense i čini mi se da bi od toga mogel dobiti PTSP :D
Inače sama izvedba izgleda ok ali oni peseki bijesni baš mi ne ulijevaju nadu da mi se bude igra svidjela...
Ovo me podsjeća na Serious Sama ali u svijetu zla :thumbs:

Inače,postoji već full rip te igre od skullpture.
"Born with less, but you still precious.

You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit."

Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #9 : 29. Studeni, 2008., 21:35 »
Meni se čini oke, volim ovakve igre... Malo mi vuče na painkillera... Želim takvu sličnu igru opet  :wildboy:
Ubiše nas bre vručina.



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Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #10 : 30. Studeni, 2008., 13:35 »
painkiller je igrešina pored ovoga, za razliku od legendary sranja, barem je imao stila (samo prvi dio, doduše)

Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #11 : 30. Studeni, 2008., 15:04 »
Painkiler je do jaja... Mnogo mi se sviđao ali ga nažalost nikad nisam prešao. A jedno 5-6 puta sam ga počeo igrat i svaki put stao tam na onom nekom fucking aerodromu. Wizz, kaj si igro ovo? Neznam, meni vuče na PK opasno... A i grafika je bombončić, čini se...
Ubiše nas bre vručina.

Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #12 : 30. Studeni, 2008., 18:18 »
pa nije zanimljivo već je zabavno. Oružja su bila kul, fizika je bila jako kul i bosovi su bili ono brutalni. Nešto ko serious sam, samo bolje.
Svaka drolja zna da ja sam taj
mator pravi nabildovan kao drevni zmaj

Mobilni fontele mi zvoni mala šipu, haklam soni.



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Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #13 : 30. Studeni, 2008., 19:04 »
a šta radiš u bilo kojem drugom FPS-u?

Re: Legendary
« Odgovori #14 : 30. Studeni, 2008., 19:37 »
dobro, al painkiler je bio posebno bezglav
Svaka drolja zna da ja sam taj
mator pravi nabildovan kao drevni zmaj

Mobilni fontele mi zvoni mala šipu, haklam soni.


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