avantura, Cozy Game PalsDatum izlaska: 22.10.2024.
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- Porting TLOU to PS4 helped Uncharted 4 development - Small team working on it since U3 development ended, half the team moved to U4 after TLOU and the rest after Left Behind - Takes places 3 years after U3 - At the start of U4 Drake is living an happy life with Elena, then Sam appears - Drake thought Sam was dead - Sam life depends on him finding an artifact from Henry Avery - Drake feels indebted of his brother and he can't resist getting back on treasure hunting - Story takes Drake and Sam to Libertalia "a mythic Madagascar colony purportedly founded by pirates" - Says you're not going to spend the whole game on the island, teases snowy and urban enviroments - Two rival hunters, Rafe and Nadine - Rafe is a very different treasure hunter than Drake, with different morale and approach - Nadine owns a private military company in South Africa - Villains will play a bigger role this time - "The lack of Sam being in Nathan life for so long is what's driven him in the last games" - Sam is five years older than Drake - Teases Elena and Sully - Sam is even more reckless than Drake - Sam is jealous of Drake, sees him as the 'better at everything little brother' - Lots of rivalry between them - ND didn't want to talk about Drake and Sam past - Artifacts (collectibles) may contain notes poiting to more treasures/artifacts - Enemies can grab your leg if you try to push them over ledges - More tools besides Rope and Piton (metal spike) - They're not ready to talk about them yet - Wants to incorporate the tools into puzzles - GI saw an extended demo with a new scene. Drake is beaten down while Sam is rested, they start arguing the existance of Avery secret, then something catches Drake's eye, he moves forward, pull some foliage, revealing a gray monument with a carving. - Focusing on navigational freedom for this entry - Showed multiple paths, one finding an extra cave, other bypassing a group of enemies - Plenty of side stories if you're looking for them - In the demo they showed Drake taking a more riskier climbing route, that almost makes him fall in the sea - All paths have consequences, there's no "Golden path" - Rehauled A.I system - Compared Sam A.I to Ellie, but says Sam is a grown up treasure hunter, so he's much stronger than Ellie - Trying to "explore what it's like to be with somebody as capable of Nathan Drake" - Not giving a straight answer if this is Drake last adventure - Still plenty of humour in the game - Concept of set piece is "What's something impactful that we can do to switch expectations and how can we have it emotionally charged?"