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  • "Estuans interius ira vehementi, Sephiroth!"
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Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #60 : 24. Lipanj, 2014., 18:24 »
Ukupno klub može imati 12 mjesta, još 10 slobodno :hihi:



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  • "Estuans interius ira vehementi, Sephiroth!"
    • HCL.hr
Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #61 : 08. Srpanj, 2014., 15:38 »
Utjecaj vremena

How have you approached weather in DRIVECLUB?
 Alex Perkins: We’ve approached our weather system with the same guiding principles as we’ve done with everything in DRIVECLUB, to make it as immersive and fun as possible. We’ve developed a powerful engine that has the capability to model the entire environment in stunning detail; from each cloud that makes up our living skies, to every crest and fall in the tarmac beneath your wheels.

 From there, we’re breathing additional life into the environments by developing the earth’s atmosphere around it. Originally we focussed on authentic lighting and skies as the tool for you to customise stunning backdrops for fun challenges with your friends. Now, we’re developing a dynamic weather system that plays into all of this, adding another powerful tool to your arsenal.

 The cloud cover and conditions you choose will dictate how much snow and rain will fall. The wind direction and speed determines where snow will settle. Then when it stops, the temperature and height of the sun governs how quickly clouds evaporate and roads dry out. We’re really striving for consistency in every detail just like we have done with everything else in the game.

What’s the scale of the weather types in the game? Is it just rain or snow, or can we expect drizzle, sleet, downpours, blizzards and so forth?
 Alex Perkins: You can expect every one of those and you can expect it to change dynamically and unpredictably while you race – because we’ve designed it to be just like real weather systems. Spots of rain can become torrential downpours or transition into blizzards, quickly or slowly, and when the clouds clear up the tracks will dry out too.

 So if you’re in Norway, for example, you’ll face heavier snow when you’re racing atop the mountains and much lighter snow or sleet when you descend to a lower altitude. Lots of things play into this, like elevation, wind speed and temperature. We can even adjust all the way to zero visibility conditions too – the only limit will be the need to balance things for fun and usability.

 And what about really extreme stuff, like thunder and lightning?
 Alex Perkins: Deafening thunder storms with flashes of fork lightning are what we’re aiming for. Our intention is to make this as immersive and exciting as we can.

Obavezno pogledati video s linka, ovo izgleda bogovski  :ave:

EDIT : Evo i youtube video, malo je loše kvalitete, no svejedno se vide prekrasni efekti. Posebno bacite pogled na stazu i haubu automobila

DriveClub - The Drenched Forests of Canada - Rain Gameplay
« Zadnja izmjena: 08. Srpanj, 2014., 16:02 kaisersephirot »



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Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #62 : 08. Srpanj, 2014., 17:09 »
Rekao bih da ovo može konkurirati PCarsu u grafičkom segmentu.



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    • CroSimRacing
Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #63 : 08. Srpanj, 2014., 17:28 »
Sumnjam mada izgleda vrhunski.
Za CARSE se bojim da cak moja konfiguracija nece biti dovoljna da ide glatko...



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Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #64 : 08. Srpanj, 2014., 19:56 »
Ne razumijem. Ako izgleda vrhunski onda i dalje nije dovoljno dobro da se uspoređuje s PCacrs? Uostalom, ovo što je posato kajzer, jel to postoji u Carsima?



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Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #65 : 08. Srpanj, 2014., 20:55 »
ne može izgledati ne znam koliko bolje od ovoga, pogotovo u prikazanim uvjetima. plus, ovo je ekskluziva dok će PCars biti megamultiplatform naslov, što može, a vjerojatno i hoće biti razlog loše optimiziranosti za PC zbog čega će i trebati imati pretjerano jak hardver za solidno pokretanje

"There is great strength in numbers, but there is great power in one, for the strength of the will of one may gather numbers to it. There is strength not only in *knowing* the self, but *knowing* how to bring it forth in others."

tl;dr pušite mi kurac xD



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    • CroSimRacing
Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #66 : 08. Srpanj, 2014., 22:40 »
Pcara je radjen prvenstveno za pc i to kao najbolju verziju.

Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #67 : 09. Srpanj, 2014., 06:26 »
jako jako dobro izgleda.. =D>




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Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #68 : 12. Kolovoz, 2014., 21:14 »



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Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #69 : 11. Rujan, 2014., 15:41 »



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Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #70 : 11. Rujan, 2014., 23:16 »
više tih videa pogledam više se veselim...al ovaj lik vozi ko...majko moja...



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Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #71 : 16. Rujan, 2014., 09:24 »
Driveclub teži samo 17 GB, PS+ verzija dolazi dosta osakaćena, ali bilo je i za očekivati  da nećemo dobiti cijeli proizvod. Bit će taman da se isproba prije kupnje, iakomislim da se deinitivno kupuje. \:D/

Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #72 : 16. Rujan, 2014., 10:12 »
Mislim da cu i ja kupit, jednom kada padne na cijeni.
Sve sto sam dosad vidio se cini gg.

I da, ne zauzima mjesto uobicajenih PS+ igara, znaci trebali bi dobit Driveclub i 2 PS+ igre iduci mjesec.

Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #73 : 16. Rujan, 2014., 11:42 »
Ne znam zasto, ali igra me jako podsjeca na SHIFT...
If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of shit



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Odg: DriveClub
« Odgovori #74 : 16. Rujan, 2014., 13:11 »
Kupit dok padne cijena, drugačije neide, skup je to sport. Možda dobijemo popust kao PS+ članovi za digitalnu verziju, možda.
Znači sad dobivamo tri igre, lijepo, taman još jedan Sportsfriend.
Cura se zarazila sa Road not taken toliko da ja jedva vidim meni od PS4 :-(


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