avantura, Cozy Game PalsDatum izlaska: 22.10.2024.
Prve PlayStation slušalice earbuds tipa iznenađujuće su kvalitetne,…
điz je peder.zašto postoji pecto knjiga o metalici? šta su oni ikad napravili za muziku revolucionarno ili od bilo kakvog značaja? ikakvog? nisu, samo su popularni. i to je ok.
Metallica - Hero of the day
About bizarro"The Bizarro literary movement is the ultimate in outsider lit."- 3AM Magazine"[Bizarro is] universally intriguing, thoughtful, intelligent and, most importantly, a hell of a lot of fun." - The Pedestal MagazineWhat is bizzaro?1. Bizarro, simply put, is the genre of the weird.2. Bizarro is literature's equivalent to the cult section at the video store.3. Like cult movies, Bizarro is sometimes surreal, sometimes avant-garde, sometimes goofy, sometimes bloody, sometimes borderline pornographic, and almost always completely out there.4. Bizarro strives not only to be strange, but fascinating, thought-provoking, and, above all, fun to read.5. Bizarro often contains a certain cartoon logic that, when applied to the real world, creates an unstable universe where the bizarre becomes the norm and absurdities are made flesh. 6. Bizarro was created by a group of small press publishers in response to the increasing demand for (good) weird fiction and the increasing number of authors who specialize in it.7. Bizarro is like:Franz Kafka meets John WatersDr. Suess of the post-apocalypseTakashi Miike meets William S. BurroughsAlice in Wonderland for adultsJapanese animation directed by David Lynch
Nebi bas reko,živim u Zagrebu i evo jedne situacije:Znači tuku se,imaju 12 godina otprilike i prolaze razni likovi i niko nista,cak je jedan u sali reko Koji je pobjedio..