Koliko je zapravo snažan Nintendo Wii U?

Igor Belan 05.04.2012.   •   9 komentara

Nakon nedavnih glasina da će Nintendova nova konzola Wii U biti hardverski slabija od onoga što se očekuje od next-gena, Nintendo nas uvjerava da im je iskustvo igranja na prvom mjestu.

Nakon impresivne tehnološke demonstracije na prošlogodišnjem E3-u te nakon što je nekoliko developera progovorili o snazi Nintendo Wii U konzole u kontekstu da je ista svakako snažnija od sadašnje generacije, prije dva dana počela je kružiti glasina koja kaže da je Wii U čak ponešto slabiji od PS3 i X360 konzola u vidu grafičkih mogućnosti.

Anonimni developeri koji već rade na igrama za Wii U, izjavili su za GamesIndustry kako Nintendova prva HD konzola ne može izvršavati grafiku kao što to mogu PS3 i X360, konzole koje su već nekoliko godina na tržištu. “Naravno, neke stvari su bolje, uglavnom kao rezultat toga što je ova konzola općenito modernije dizajnirana. Ali sve u svemu, Wii U jednostavno ne može držati korak [za trenutnim HD konzolama].”, izjavio je jedan od anonimnih developera.

Tko je onda u pravu? Prijašnji developeri koji su potvrdili da je Wii U vrlo sposoban i snažniji od trenutne generacije ili ova nova, anonimna ekipa? Saznati ćemo za dva mjeseca na velikoj Nintendovoj E3 konferenciji za 2012. godinu (koju ćemo pratiti ovdje na HCL-u). Do tada, nadu u to da će Wii U ipak biti iznimno snažan “ispod haube” lagano ubija današnji odgovor Nintenda na navedene glasine.

“Razumijemo da ljudi vole secirati grafiku i procesorsku snagu, ali iskustvo igranja će uvijek biti bitnije od sirovih brojki; nismo fokusirani na tehnološke specifikacije”, Nintendova je izjava.

Dobar je to stav Nintendo, ali iskustvo igranja nije ograničeno dobrom grafikom već ga ista pospješuje. Vjerujemo da to ekipa iz Nintenda zna, kao i to da bi izlazak na tržište s hardverski slabijom konzolom od trenutne generacije u ovo vrijeme bio predmet ismijavanja. Upravo zato ne vjerujemo da će Wii U zaista biti slabiji od PS3/X360 konzola, a jesmo li u pravu saznati ćemo u lipnju.

Nintendo Wii U na tržištu bi se trebao pojaviti prije kraja 2012. godine, a trenutna predviđanja datum izlaska smještaju negdje oko sredine mjeseca studenog.

FORUM: Nintendo Wii U rasprave

Komentari (9)

  • UltimateXioni

    05.04.2012 - 12:00


  • Apocalypse4987

    05.04.2012 - 15:41

    ok da nitendo ne cilja na grafiku, al slabiji od konzola starih 5-6 godina? koliko će onda koštat?

  • Celeber

    05.04.2012 - 16:23

    Ne znam zašto uzimati u obzir izjave ANONIMNIH developera, koji su vjerojatno mrtvi internet trolovi, ako su GearBox/EA/Ubisoft/Epic potvrdili da je WiiU jaci od trenutnih konzola, Gearbox je cak izjavio da wii u verzija ima prave next gen svjetlosne efekte i sluzi kao bridge konzola za next gen. Znači vjerojatno će biti kao ps2, xbox i gc generacije.
    Uostalom zasto se raspravljamo oko glasina..

  • l)oolvl

    06.04.2012 - 11:37

    ne treba se sekirat, zna ninty šta radi…

  • SonOfOsiris

    09.04.2012 - 12:42

    nema šanse da su slabiji, neko baca patke

  • mOOha

    15.04.2012 - 07:55

    Meni uopće nije čudno da bi konzola koja tek treba izaći ove ili sljedeće godine bila jača od konzola starih 6-7 godina — što je tu čudno?

    Jedino što je opet bedasto je da ovaj Wii izlazi na samom kraju ciklusa tih konzola pa će opet biti najslabiji kroz godinu, do godinu i pol kad treba izaci nova iteracija PSa i XBOXa

    To mu ne ostavlja bas dugi period za nekakav ozbiljan udar na trzistu pogotovo zato što developeri tek pred kraj ciklusa kad su najupoznatiji sam mogućnostima hardvera konzole izbacuju najviše ispolirane igre koje ju u potpunosti iskorištavaju — a skok između novog Wiia i PSa i XBOXa mi ni ne izgleda toliko velik da bi se ta familijarnost mogla zanemariti

    • Ementaler

      @mOOha, 15.04.2012 - 08:24

      Ma nitko ni ne kaža da su navodi da će Wii U biti malo jači od trenutne generacije čudni. Baš obrnuto, čudne su te nove glasine pristigle od "anonimnih developera" koji kažu da je Wii U malo slabiji od X360 i PS3. A za to da Wii U izlazi u neobično vrijeme (pred kraj ove godine), tu se slažem u potpunosti. Noviu PS3 i X360 očekuju se tek pred kraj 2013-te… ili možda u 2014-toj. U biti, radije bi rekao da Wii U kao nova generacija izlazi u pravo vrijeme (nije li dosta bilo ove generacije?), a nove konzole i MS-a i Sonya ćemo predugo čekati. A ukoliko u to vrijeme "između generacija" Nintendu opet uspije s njihovom novom konzolom, neće biti tako lako prodati PS4 i X720 kao nešto što će ekipa tada baš morati imati. Pogotovo ako Wii U bude ipak poprilično hardverski sposoban (kako se u početku govorilo) uz to što je jedinstven po mogućnostima kontrole.

    • ThOr VeLikI

      @mOOha, 15.04.2012 - 09:28


  • ThOr VeLikI

    08.05.2012 - 10:42

    Also, I and many others have posted information in which compares the official specs of the Wii U released by Nintendo themselves versus what current gen hardware is capable of doing at maximum output. Not only is the Wii U more powerful, but it’s graphically capabilities run circles around the PS3 and the 360. Even with the known specs scaled down a notch it still is more powerful than current gen hardware. It doesn’t take much guess work to figure out that the Wii U will be more than capable of competing with the 720 and PS4. So why even question it’s power unless you WANT to believe it is weak or will be too weak, whatever that means.

    The Wii U is not going to be cheap so if people are thinking that the 720 and PS4 are going to be SOOO much more powerful than the Wii U than you better start taking out some loans. The Wii U won’t be less the $300. In order for the 720 and PS4 to to be far and away better than the Wii U those systems would have to have hardware which would push the retail value of the systems into the $500 and $600 dollar range.

    Sony executives have already stated that they are NOT going to make the PS3 as tech-heavy as they did with the PS3 because they cannot afford to take such a loss again. Sony did not turn a profit on the PS3 until 2010 after releasing the system in 2006.

    Microsoft has more money to play with, but they aren’t going to do it either because the have shifted their focus towards the casual crowd and are more concerned with improving and perfecting Kinect 2 for the next console, which is not necessarily a bad idea. If Microsoft is going to put all there chips on the Kinect experience then you’d want to make sure it is running as efficiently as possible.

    What we are gonna see in the next generation is what we saw in the generation previous to the current one. In terms of power the least to most powerful you had…

    Sega Dreamcast
    Sony PlayStation 2
    XBOX 360/GameCube (people debate to this day which system was more powerful but it is not important to discuss here so I put them equal)

    All four systems had different levels of powerful but overall the graphics did not differ that much. You wont see a huge PS1 to PS2 or SNES to N64 level graphics jump in the next gen. At best you will see a PS2 to PS3 level jump in graphics and even that is stretch.

    So as pedantic and childish it is to ‘demand’ a multi-billion dollar company to do anything people still do it because it brings them comfort I guess.

    It is a fact that the Wii U will be a powerful system. Not because I say so, but because the companies whom actually have the dev kits in their hands say so. When companies like EA, Ubisoft, EPIC, Valve, Vigil, Gearbox, Crytek, Capcom, Namco, and Tecmo all say that the Wii U is powerful and the system is easy to develop for, that’s good enough for me. They don’t have any reason to lie and Nintendo certainly doesn’t have the cash to bribe people to say anything.

    The fact that companies like Crytek and Epic whom were outspoken critics of Nintendo in the past have been leading the charge with endorsement for the Wii U for the controller and for the system horsepower should be enough to convince anyone with any measurable sense. Alas, it is not I’m afraid.

    You don’t have to ‘hope’ Nintendo has made good decisions. You only need to ‘accept’ the fact that they have thus far made good decisions. That doesn’t mean they still can’t botch it up, but at present there is nothing to substantiate any reason for worry in terms of ‘bad decisions.’

    People whined about the Wii nothing having 1080p HD graphics. Wii U fixed that. People whined about the Wii nothing having a decent online system. Wii U fixed that. People whined about the Wii not having enough “hardcore” games. Wii U fixed that. People whined about the Wii not having enough 3rd party developers. Wii U fixed that. People whined about the Wii not having enough raw horsepower, and Wii U fixed that too. I’ll repeat. If what Nintendo has done thus far is good enough for anyone, nothing else will be. Period.

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