PlayStation Now već drugi mjesec za redom ima atraktivniju ponudu nego PS Plus

Zoran Žalac 02.11.2021.   •   53 komentara

Sony je otkrio koje igre od danas stižu na pretplatničku uslugu PlayStation Now. Već drugi mjesec za redom moglo bi se reći da su zanimljivije od ponude za PS Plus.

Od danas, 2. 11., na pretplatničkoj usluzi PlayStation Now može se pronaći četiri nove igre, a to su: Mafia: Definitive Edition, Celeste, Final Fantasy IX i Totally Reliable Delivery Service. Nisu to baš nove igre, ali bi mnogima mogle djelovati zanimljivije nego ono što se trenutno nudi uz pretplatu na PlayStation Plus.

Tako je već drugi mjesec za redom. Dok se prošlog mjeseca uz PS Plus dijelio Mortal Kombat X, uz PS Now se dobivao pristup do The Last of Us: Part II. Ovoga bi se mjeseca moglo diskutirati kako je Mafia: Definitive Edition uz PS Now atraktivnija propozicija nego Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning uz PS Plus.

Obje su pretplate za sada iste cijene. Međutim, razlika je u tome što PS Now nije službeno podržan za našu regiju, premda mu se može pristupiti zaobilaznim putem.

U bilo kojem slučaju, PS Plus je daleko popularnija pretplatnička usluga od PS Now. Prema zadnjim podacima, PS Plus broji više od 45 milijuna pretplatnika, dok PS Now broji tek nešto više od 3 milijuna pretplatnika.

Komentari (53)

  • A vi kako te

    02.11.2021 - 11:12

    A da napisete za gamepass? Ovaj mj nudi bomba stvari,san andreas, it takes two, horizon 5, football manager 2022…

    • sebo0880

      @A vi kako te, 02.11.2021 - 13:05

      Piše mi kad odem da će San Andreas biti samo na Xbox konzoli. Ne znam jel točno.

    • A vi kako te

      @sebo0880, 02.11.2021 - 16:00


    • lkuka13

      @A vi kako te, 02.11.2021 - 14:42

      Xbox je zabranjena tema ovdje

    • hardko

      @A vi kako te, 02.11.2021 - 18:29

      Kako do te pretplate?

    • A vi kako te

      @hardko, 02.11.2021 - 18:55

      Imas xbox?

    • hardko

      @A vi kako te, 03.11.2021 - 06:51

      Ne ,pc i 5icu.Znam da ima i za pc gamepass ali sve što sam pokušao zbog regije mi pravi problem.Nekužim šta se više ne prošire i na ovaj prostor.

  • Veles

    02.11.2021 - 11:46

    Moze li mi iko objasniti koja je razlika u ove dvije pretplate? I zasto PS ima dva pretplatnicka servisa?

    • Zoran Žalac

      @Veles, 02.11.2021 - 11:51

      S PS Plus dobiješ pristup online multiplayeru u većini igara i nekoliko igara “gratis”. S PS Now dobiješ pristup katalogu igara, od kojih one za PS4 možeš instalirati na konzolu, a za PS3 možeš streamati.

    • Veles

      @Zoran Žalac, 02.11.2021 - 12:04


    • Dick Johnson

      @Zoran Žalac, 02.11.2021 - 14:08

      A ove koje mozes iinstalirat preko PS Now jel se mogu igrat mp?

    • Zoran Žalac

      @Dick Johnson, 02.11.2021 - 15:20


    • Demon90

      @Veles, 02.11.2021 - 21:23

      PS now se isto koristi za stream PS igara ma PC.

  • Xknight

    02.11.2021 - 12:14

    Uzeo PS now prosli mjesec i moram reci da sam bas zadovoljan. Taman sam razmisljao kupiti Mafia Def. Tako da ono bas vrh. Na cdkeys se moze uzeti 3 mjeseca za 30 KM.

    • Smike

      @Xknight, 02.11.2021 - 16:08

      Gdje si nabavio taj cd key za 30 KM.

    • PppPP

      @Smike, 03.11.2021 - 18:58


  • Strahinja Radonjic

    02.11.2021 - 12:23

    Jel ima neko da je na PC-u probao PS NOW sa Dualsense kontrolerom? Rade li PS4 igre? Svako ko na PC koristi Dualsense mora da je čuo i za DS4Windows. Radi li u praksi TLOU 1 i 2 u kombinaciji PC + DS4Windows + Dualsense? Nemam više DS4 kontroler dosta mi ga je… 🤣 A ne bih baš da pravim nalog, plaćam PS Now da mi program kaže “Imaš nepodržan kontroler”…

  • SanKa

    02.11.2021 - 12:57

    zasto ne mergaju usluge, ovo je idiotizam

    • The_Miks

      @SanKa, 02.11.2021 - 13:16

      Ekipa naplacuje igracima koristenje vlastitog interneta, nemamo sta dalje razmisljat.

  • IgorBiH

    02.11.2021 - 13:27

    Haha pa sve nabrojano je smeće osim FF devetke, naravno, ali to je 20 godina stara igra, ako ima neko kome se igra taj pikselizirani bućkuriš u 2021 onda me reži gdje sam najtanji

    • Smike

      @IgorBiH, 02.11.2021 - 16:09

      Ne seri majke ti. Znaci imas gow tlou2 mafia def rdr2 days gone injustice 2…sve vrhunske igre. Daj da čujem šta ima za Xbox halo mozda hahahaa

    • vragec25cro

      @Smike, 02.11.2021 - 16:49

      Forza horizon 5,Gta san andreas definitive edition i fotbal manager 22(ovaj mjesec)day one.Back 4 blood,Medium,control i outriders bili zadnjih par mjeseci koje igrao več kad spominješ xbox 🙂

    • Smike

      @vragec25cro, 02.11.2021 - 17:43

      Hahahahahah hahahahahah kakve su to igre majke ti. Mislim da Control ima i na psnow. Horizont zero,gta 3 remaster, Arkham origin..itd. Mislim da će psnow preteći game pass, pa samo da svoje igre stave Xbox nema tu sta tražiti.

    • tonihrvat96

      @Smike, 02.11.2021 - 18:17

      Za tvoju informaciju PS Now trenutacno ne podrzava PS5 igre i XGP je dostupan u vise regija negoli PS Now. Ps Now nikada nece biti popularniji od XGP. Vidi se da si glup

    • vragec25cro

      @Smike, 02.11.2021 - 18:34

      Control sam spomenuo usput, zaboravio sam spomenuti i Age of empires 4.Nego da ne ulazim sad u te konzolaške ratove jer se smatram gejmerom i igram na platformi na kojoj mi izađe zanimljiva igra koju želim igrati nebitno jel Nintendo,pc,ps ili xbox ovdje se samo osvrnuo ta tvoj of topic komentar gdje mu nije mjesto.Btw Tlou 2 sa moze igrati na pc(ako se ne varamna ps now je) nekih godinu dana nakon izlaska(koga zanima,mene ne).Klinjo odrasti,osvrni se oko sebe i navikni se da nije svijet onakav kakav želiš.Do prije godinu dana si se kleo u 30fps standar kad tvoja kutija nije mogla pokrenuti više kleo si se da nikada nece sony eskluzivena pc evo ih skoro pa vecina razvikanih Odrasti uživaj u gejmingu i možda koji puta o nekoj igri normalno popričamo.

    • TITANagent7144

      @Smike, 02.11.2021 - 18:35

      I jos jedan fan boy

    • RickBarry

      @Smike, 02.11.2021 - 18:37

      Gamepass je svjetlosnim godinama ispred PsNow. Na kraju krajeva, Sony se pokazao totalno nesposobnim za sve što ima veze sa online komponentom.

    • A vi kako te

      @Smike, 02.11.2021 - 19:10

      Ma kakav horizon zero dawn i batman hahhahahh Kopija kosta 50kn. Zelimo day one release igre bruda

    • mg

      @vragec25cro, 03.11.2021 - 10:37

      Ovdje sve te igre imaš besplatno na PC-iju. To plaćanje pretplate za iznajmiti IGRICU nije mi interesantno.

    • vragec25cro

      @mg, 03.11.2021 - 11:23

      Ali trebam pc od 2000€ i još je tome ilegano “besolatno” na pc.

    • mg

      @vragec25cro, 03.11.2021 - 12:17

      Ovdje to nije protuzakonito, kao ta krivotvorena adresa prebivališta za pretplatu. Neće zauvijek grafičke biti s ovakim cijenama, a već tata(sad) konzole če biti zastarjeli hardver.

    • vragec25cro

      @mg, 03.11.2021 - 13:17

      Nema krivotvorene adrese prebivališta jer plačam svojom karticom i svim podacima koje trebao unijeti od drzave,regije adrese i slično za karticu,jedino regija konzole njemacka 🙂 Pa zato sto nije protuzakonito skidanje igara s torenta i Microsof ne podrzava našu regiju,a bogami ni ps now.Btw od 2015 nisam niti jednu igru skinuo s torenta i obje zadnje koje skinuo kupio jet mi se svidjele.Gle ispod i7 i rtx 3080 ne želim niti gledati pc,a več bi ga i kupio da ima grafička za nabaviti.

    • mg

      @vragec25cro, 03.11.2021 - 13:46

      Plačaš pretplatu legalnim putem?
      Regija njemacka zahtjeva potvrdu njemacke sobna iskaznica za ps pretplatu.


    • vragec25cro

      @mg, 03.11.2021 - 13:53

      Šta ima legalnije od toga da placam svojom karticom na koju primam plaču i svojim stvarnim podacima?

    • mg

      @vragec25cro, 03.11.2021 - 14:05

      ljudi isto svojom karticom na koju primam plaču i svojim stvarnim podacima placaju pozivnice za privatne torrent trackere:)

    • vragec25cro

      @mg, 03.11.2021 - 15:52

      Prvi put cujem za to.

    • kebbab

      @vragec25cro, 03.11.2021 - 18:19

      Pa skoro sve je i na ps 5??? samo nema Forza i FM22??

    • vragec25cro

      @kebbab, 03.11.2021 - 20:52

      I Age of Empires 4 .Kako rekoh da ne ulazimo u konzolaske ratove i fanboy prepucavanja.njemu smo napisao kojih se sjetio u zadnje vrijeme da su dosle ili budu tek došle nek day one cak i od trecih studiji pošto je pitao šta ima xbox u sasvim nevezanoj temi za isto.

    • kebbab

      @vragec25cro, 03.11.2021 - 22:06

      Pa Xbox ima Forzu i Halo. Nisam ja fanboy nego ps ima mnogo više ekskluziva i opčenito igara kojih nema za Xbox. Game pass nudi igre starije od deset godina, još od Xbox 360. Taj game pass je za one koji nemaju neke kolekcije igara od prije u suprotnom se ne isplati. Imam ja i Xbox One S i kupit ću Xbox Series X radi ekskluziva ali ništa bez plejke.

    • vragec25cro

      @kebbab, 04.11.2021 - 06:28

      Čovječe ti nisi normalan.Sad se lijepo vrati i pročitaj članak sa RAZUMIJEVANJEM i onda pročitaj sve komentare kako pocela ova rasprava sa RAZUMIJEVANJEM i tek onda mozemo pričati o konzole wars koji uopce ovdije nije TEMA ČLANKA i RASPRAVE.Riječ je o ps now koji je sličan gamepassu i znači kolega IgorBIH rekao kako mu se ne sviđaju igre na ps now i onda se uključio klinjo Smike i nepovezano rekao šta ima xbox.Posto tema slične usluge(ps now i gamepass)ja nabroji neke igre o kojima se pričalo i koje su izašle ove godine na SLIČNOJ USLUGI i koje ce izači sve free.I u krivu si,xbox kao konzola nema eskluzive,ali kao cijeli sustav Xbox games ima više eskluziva od Sonya i više razlicitih žanrova,a bogami bolje igre izbacili do sad i narednih mjesec dva.Age of Empires 4,Microsoft flight simulator,Forza horizon 5 i Halo u 12 mjesecu.Kako nisi odmah fanboy ako me napadaš ovdije bez da si pročitao sve s RAZUMIJEVANJEM i zapocinješ neki konzole wars za koji sam rekao da mi se ne da zbog jednog logičnog razloga.UKUSI SE RAZLIKUJU 🙂

    • kebbab

      @vragec25cro, 04.11.2021 - 14:20

      E vidiš to je problem kod vas. Zapoceo si sta sve ima na Xboxu. Objasnijo sam ti da to imaš i na ps konzoli i zasto je ista bolja, posto tako uporno branis Xbox. E sad ti okreces temu kako ja moram citat sa razumijevanjem jer to nije tema clanka, samo zato sto sam se uklopijo u temu koju si zapoceo??? To se tu cesto događa, neko ostavi komentar i posle odgovor mora biti neka provokacija da se navuku dvojica-trojica koji se posle još 2-3 dana prepucavaju. E posle padaju banovi.

    • vragec25cro

      @kebbab, 04.11.2021 - 17:32

      Rekoh da naučiš čitati s RAZUMIJEVANJEM jer ja nigdje nisam spomenu da toga na ps5 nema(nekih) nego šta ima na xbox gamepassu.Ti si se sam ovdije našao uvrijeđen i došao pričati kako je playstation bolji šta uopče nije bilo vezano uz moj komentar ili komentar kojemu bio upučen moj komentar ili samu temu,a iskreno meni i nije jer od Hzd neme neke meni zanimljive igre.Pošto si započeo konzolaški rat ja ti lijepo objasnio po čemu xbox u trenutnoj generaciji ps5/xbox series bolji i još sve to u pretplati(koja je slična ali bolja od ps now).E onda si počeo sa dezinformacijama i lažima kako ovaj ima više ekluziva,šta sam ti u nastavku prošloga komentara objasnio da nije toćno.Sad još da ti i objasnim za izrečene laži koje zaboravio u prošlomk komentaru da ti razložim.Od 348 igara na gamepasu(na konzoli a na pc slicno samo manje igara) imaš manje od 20 igara starijih od 10 godina koje nisu u Microsoftovom vlasništvu,njihove su večinom remasteri za free u pretplati a ne 50-70e kao kod nekih.Medium,Outriders,Black 4 blood spomenuo u orginalnom komentaru Smikeu jer su day one bili free u pretplati plus forza koja dolazi ovih dana(več instalirana) i san andreas(instalirava se upravo) plus hrapa igara koje me večino0m ne zanimaju.tako da su večinom igre stare 10 godina na gemapass teorija pada u vodu lažljivče :p Mislim da sam sve nabrojio,ako ti nije nešto jasno objasnim ti i pokažem da si u krivu 🙂 Osim ukusa u to se ne petljam jer su ukusi različiti.P.S. sljedeci put kad pišeš NEISTINE I LAŽI o nebitno jel Nintendo,pc ili xbox spomeni u tvoje ime i neče biti nikakvih problema i bezveznih rasprava 🙂

    • kebbab

      @vragec25cro, 04.11.2021 - 19:07

      ACA NeoGeo Metal Slug X
      A Plague Tale: Innocence
      Alien Isolation
      AI: The Somnium Files (added September 30th, 2021)
      Alan Wake’s American Nightmare (added October 28th, 2021)
      Aragami 2 (arriving September 17th, 2021)
      Ark: Survival Evolved
      Ark: Survival Evolved: Explorer’s Edition (added November 17th, 2020)
      Art of Rally (added August 12th, 2021)
      Astria Ascending (arriving September 30th, 2021)
      Atomicrops (added July 22nd, 2021)
      Back 4 Blood (added October 12th 2021)
      Backbone (added October 28th, 2021)
      Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
      Bard’s Tale Remastered and Resnarkled (from June 18th, 2020)
      The Bard’s Tale IV: Director’s Cut
      The Bard’s Tale Trilogy
      Bassmaster Fishing 2022 (added October 28th, 2021)
      Battlefield V (added July 20th, 2021)
      Batman Arkham Knight
      Battletoads (added August 20th, 2020)
      Beholder: Complete Edition (added December 17th, 2020)
      Blair Witch (leaving August 31st, 2021)
      Bleeding Edge (March 24th, 2020)
      Bloodroots (added July 15th, 2021)
      Blinx: The Time Sweeper (added July 26th, 2021)
      Borderlands 2
      Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
      Boyfriend Dungeon (added August 11th, 2021)
      Breathedge (added September 9th, 2021)
      Bridge Constructor Portal
      Brutal Legend (added October 8th, 2020)
      Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling (from July 1st, 2021)
      Call of the Sea (added December 8th, 2020)
      Carrion (added July 23rd, 2020)
      Carto (leaving October 31st, 2021)
      Celeste (leaving October 31st, 2021)
      Children of Morta
      Cities: Skylines (added May 21st, 2020)
      Clown Trick (added September 7th, 2021)
      Code Vein (added December 17th, 2020)
      Control (added December 3rd, 2020)
      Conan Exiles (added May 27th, 2021)
      Costume Quest 2
      Crackdown 3
      Craftopia (added September 2nd, 2021)
      Creature in the Well
      Cricket 19 (added October 22nd, 2020)
      Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (added July 26th, 2021)
      Cris Tales (added July 20th, 2021)
      Curse of the Dead Gods (added August 5th, 2021)
      Dandy Ace (added September 28th, 2021)
      Darkest Dungeon (added June 10th, 2021)
      Day of the Tentacle Remastered (added October 29th, 2020)
      DayZ (added May 7th, 2020)
      Dead by Daylight
      Dead Cells
      Dead Island Definitive Edition
      Deep Rock Galactic (added November 5th, 2020)
      Demon’s Tilt
      Desperados 3 (added 21st January, 2021)
      Destroy All Humans! (added April 29th, 2021)
      Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
      Destiny 2 expansions Forsaken, Shadowkeep, Beyond Light (added September 22nd and November 10th, 2020)
      Dirt 4 (EA Play – added August 15th, 2021)
      Dirt 5 (added February 25th, 2021)
      Dirt Rally (EA Play – added August 15th, 2021)
      Dirt Rally 2.0 (EA Play – added August 15th, 2021)
      Dishonored Definitive Edition (added March 12th, 2021)
      Dishonored 2 (with FPS Boost support, added March 12th, 2021)
      Disneyland Adventures
      Dodgeball Academia (added August 5th, 2021)
      Doom (1993) (added March 12th, 2021)
      Doom 2 (added March 12th, 2021)
      Doom 3 (added March 12th, 2021)
      Doom 64 (added March 12th, 2021)
      Doom Eternal (added October 1st, 2020)
      Double Dragon Neon
      Double Kick Heroes (leaving August 31st, 2021)
      Don’t Starve: Giant Edition (leaving August 15th, 2021)
      Donut County (added 21st January, 2021)
      Dragon Ball FighterZ (added October 21st, 2021)
      Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition (added December 4th, 2020)
      Dragon Quest Builders 2 (added May 4th, 2021)
      Drake Hollow (leaving September 30th, 2021)
      Dungeons and Dragons Dark Alliance (added June 22nd, 2021)
      Eastshade (leaving October 31st, 2021)
      Echo Generation (added October 21st, 2021)
      Elite Dangerous (added February 25th, 2021)
      Empire of Sin (added March 18th, 2021)
      Enter the Gungeon
      F1 2018
      F1 2020 (EA Play – added August 10th, 2021)
      Fable Anniversary
      Fable II
      Fable 3
      Fallout 3 (added June 13th, 2021)
      Fallout 4 (added March 12th, 2021)
      Fallout 76 (added March 12th, 2021)
      Fallout 76 (added July 9th, 2020)
      Fallout: New Vegas
      Farming Simulator 19 (added July 15th, 2021)
      FIFA 21 (EA Play, added May 6th, 2021)
      Final Fantasy VIII HD (leaving November 15th, 2021)
      Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster (added May 13th, 2021)
      Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (added February 11th, 2021)
      Final Fantasy XIII (added September 2nd, 2021)
      Five Nights at Freddy’s (leaving October 31st, 2021)
      Flynn: Son of Crimson (arriving September 15th, 2021)
      Football Manager 2022, including Xbox Edition (added November 9th, 2021)
      For Honor (added June 3rd, 2021)
      Forager (added July 16th, 2020)
      Forza Motorsport 7 (leaving September 13th, 2021)
      Frostpunk: Console Edition
      Forza Horizon 4 (Xbox One)
      Forza Horizon 5 (added November 9th, 2021)
      Full Throttle Remastered (added October 29th, 2020)
      Fusion Frenzy (Xbox One)
      Galaga Legions DX
      Gang Beasts (from July 1st, 2021)
      Garou: Mark of the Wolves
      Gears of War
      Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
      Gears of War: Judgment
      Gears of War 2
      Gears of War 3
      Gears of War 4
      Gears 5
      Gears Tactics (added November 9th, 2020)
      Genesis Noir (added March 25th, 2021)
      Goat Simulator
      Golf with Your Friends (added May 19th, 2020)
      Gonner Blüeberry Edition
      Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition (added November 11th, 2021)
      Grid (EA Play – added August 15th, 2021)
      Grim Fandango Remastered (added October 29th, 2020)
      GreedFall (added December 10th, 2020)
      Grounded (Xbox Game Preview; added July 28th, 2020)
      GTA 5 (added April 8th, 2021)
      Guacamelee! 2
      Hades (added August 13th, 2021)
      Halo: The Master Chief Collection
      Halo Reach
      Halo 5: Guardians
      Halo Wars: Definite Edition
      Halo Wars 2
      Halo: Spartan Assault
      Haven (added December 3rd, 2020)
      Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
      Hello Neighbor
      Hotshot Racing (leaving September 13th, 2021)
      Human Fall Flat
      Hyperdot (added April 30th, 2020)
      Hypnospace Outlaw (added August 27th, 2020)
      I Am Fish (arriving September 16th, 2021)
      Ikenfell (leaving September 30th, 2021)
      Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars (from July 1st, 2021)
      Injustice 2 (added 7th January 2021)
      Into the Pit (added October 19th, 2021)
      It Takes Two (EA Play, added November 4th, 2021)
      Jetpac Refulled
      Jurassic World Evolution (added February 11th, 2021)
      Just Cause 4: Reloaded (added May 13th, 2021)
      Katamari Damacy Reroll (added August 5th, 2021)
      Katana Zero (leaving October 15th, 2021)
      Killer Instinct
      Killer Instinct Definitive Edition
      Killer Instinct Classic
      Killer Instinct 2 Classic
      Killer Queen Black (added February 23rd, 2021)
      Kill It with Fire (added November 4th, 2021)
      Kingdom Hearts 3
      Knights and Bikes (leaving October 31st, 2021)
      Knockout City (EA Play, added May 21st, 2021)
      Last Stop (added July 22nd, 2021)
      Lemnis Gate (arriving September 28th, 2021)
      Lethal League Blaze (added July 29th, 2021)
      Library of Ruina (added August 10th, 2021)
      Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition
      Limbo (from July 1st, 2021)
      Lonely Mountains: Downhill
      Lost Words: Beyond the Page (arriving September 23rd, 2021)
      Lumines Remastered (added August 5th, 2021)
      Madden 21 (EA Play, added March 2nd, 2021)
      Maneater (added May 25th, 2021)
      Marvel’s Avengers (added September 30th, 2021)
      Mass Effect
      Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
      MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries (added May 27th, 2021)
      Microsoft Flight Simulator (Xbox Series X and S release, added July 27th, 2021)
      Microsoft Solitaire Collection: Premium Edition (added August 17th, 2021)
      Middle-earth: Shadow of War
      Mighty Goose (added September 30th, 2021)
      MLB The Show 21 (added April 20th, 2021)
      Monster Sanctuary (added December 8th, 2020)
      Monster Train (added December 17th, 2020)
      MotoGP 20 (added December 17th, 2020)
      Mount and Blade: Warband (added July 16th, 2020)
      Mutant Year Zero
      Myst (arriving August 26th, 2021)
      My Time at Portia
      Narita Boy (added March 30th, 2021)
      NBA 2K21 (leaving August 31st, 2021)
      Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered (EA Play, from June 24th, 2021)
      Neon Abyss (added July 14th, 2020)
      Neoverse (added December 17th, 2020)
      New Super Lucky’s Tale (added August 21st, 2020)
      NHL 21 (EA Play, added April 12th, 2021)
      Nier Automata – Become as Gods Edition (April 2nd, 2020)
      Night in the Woods (leaving September 30th, 2021)
      No Man’s Sky (from June 11th, 2020)
      Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition (added October 28th, 2021)
      Nowhere Prophet (added July 30th, 2020)
      Nuclear Throne (added September 9th, 2021)
      Octopath Traveler (added March 25th, 2021)
      Omno (added July 29th, 2021)
      One Step from Eden (added November 11th, 2021)
      Ori and the Blind Forest
      Ori and the Will of the Wisp (March 11, 2020)
      Outlast 2 (added May 6th, 2021)
      Outriders (added April 1st, 2021)
      Overcooked! 2
      Pandemic: The Board Game
      Payday 2: Crimewave Edition
      eFootball PES 2021 (added 7th January 2021)
      Perfect Dark
      Perfect Dark Zero
      Phoenix Point: Behemoth Edition (arriving October 1st, 2021)
      Phogs! (added December 3rd, 2020)
      Pillars of Eternity
      Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire – Ultimate Edition (added February 18th, 2021)
      Planet Coaster (leaving November 15th, 2021)
      PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
      Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (added March 26th, 2020)
      Prey (with FPS Boost support, added March 12th, 2021)
      Project Wingman (added July 29th, 2021)
      Project Winter (added February 4th, 2021)
      Psychonauts (added May 13th, 2021)
      Psychonauts 2 (arriving August 25th, 2021)
      Quake (added August 19th, 2021)
      Quantum Break
      Rage (added June 13th, 2021)
      Rage 2
      Rainbow Six Siege (added October 22nd, 2020)
      Rain on Your Parade (added April 15th, 2021)
      Raji: An Ancient Epic (added July 22nd, 2021)
      Rare Replay
      ReCore Definitive Edition
      Recompile (arriving August 19th, 2021)
      Red Dead Online (leaving September 13th, 2021)
      Remnant: From the Ashes
      Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (added September 3rd, 2020)
      Ring of Pain (arriving October 14th, 2021)
      River City Girls (leaving November 15th, 2021)
      Rocket League
      Rush: A DisneyPixar Adventure
      Ryse: Son of Rome
      Sable (arriving September 23rd, 2021)
      Scarlet Nexus (added September 30th, 2021)
      Scourgebringer (leaving October 15th, 2021)
      Sea of Thieves
      Second Extinction – Game Preview (added April 28th, 2021)
      Secret Neighbor
      Shadow Warrior 2
      Shenmue 1 and 2
      Signs of the Sojourner (added September 2nd, 2021)
      Skate (added August 5th, 2021)
      Skate 3 (added August 5th, 2021)
      SkateBird (arriving September 16th, 2021)
      Slay The Spire
      Slime Rancher (added December 3rd, 2020)
      Sniper Elite 4 (offers FPS Boost support)
      SnowRunner (added May 18th, 2021)
      Space Jam: A New Legacy – The Game (Game Pass Ultimate exclusive, July 1st, 2021)
      Spiritfarer (added August 18th, 2020)
      Starmancer (added August 5th, 2021)
      Star Renegades (leaving November 15th, 2021)
      Star Wars: Squadrons (EA Play, added March 18th, 2021)
      State of Decay: Year-One
      State of Decay 2
      State of Decay 2: Heartland
      Stealth Inc. 2: A Game of Clones (added February 11th, 2021)
      Steep (added May 6th, 2021)
      Streets of Rage 4
      Streets of Rogue (leaving November 15th, 2021)
      Subnautica: Below Zero (arriving September 23rd, 2021)
      Sunset Overdrive
      Super Lucky’s Tale
      Superhot: Mind Control Delete (added December 10th, 2020)
      Superliminal (arriving September 16th, 2021)
      Supraland (added October 22nd, 2020)
      Surgeon Simulator 2 (added September 2nd, 2021)
      Tales of Vesperia HD (leaving October 15th, 2021)
      Tell Me Why – Chapter 1 (added August 27th, 2020)
      Tell Me Why – Chapter 2 (added September 3rd, 2020)
      Tell Me Why – Chapter 3 (added September 10th, 2020)
      Tetris Effect: Connected (added November 10th, 2020)
      The Artful Escape (added September 9th, 2021)
      The Ascent (added July 29th, 2021)
      The Catch: Carp and Coarse Fishing (added May 21st, 2021)
      The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics (leaving September 13th, 2021)
      The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan (added August 6th, 2020)
      The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (added March 12th, 2021)
      The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (added March 12th, 2021)
      The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition (added December 15th, 2020)
      The Elder Scrolls Online (added March 12th, 2021)
      The Escapists 2
      The Evil Within (added March 12th, 2021)
      The Evil Within 2 (added June 13th, 2021)
      The Garden Between (leaving November 15th, 2021)
      The Good Life (added October 15th, 2021)
      The Little Acre (added 7th January 2021)
      The Long Dark (added April 16th, 2020)
      The Falconeer (added February 4th, 2021)
      The Forgotten City (added October 28th, 2021)
      The Medium (added January, 28th 2021 – Xbox Series and PC only)
      The Outer Worlds
      The Procession to Calvary (arriving October 7th, 2021)
      The Riftbreaker (arriving October 14th, 2021)
      The Surge 2 (March 19th, 2020)
      The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
      The Walking Dead: The Complete Second Season
      The Walking Dead: Michonne
      The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
      The Wild at Heart (added May 20th, 2021)
      theHunter: Call of The Wild
      Thimbleweed Park
      Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales (leaving September 13th, 2021)
      Totally Accurate Battle Simulator
      Totally Reliable Delivery Service
      Torchlight 3 (added 14th January 2021)
      Touhou Luna Nights (added September 3rd, 2020)
      Trailmakers (added August 6th, 2020)
      Train Sim World 2 (arriving August 19th, 2021)
      Tropico 6 (added July 8th, 2021)
      Twelve Minutes (arriving August 19th, 2021)
      Two Point Hospital
      UFC 4 (EA Play, added July 8th, 2021)
      Undertale (added March 16th, 2021)
      Undungeon (added November 18th, 2021)
      Unpacking (added November 2nd, 2021)
      Unruly Heroes (leaving October 31st, 2021)
      Unsighted (arriving September 30th, 2021)
      Unto The End (added December 9th, 2020)
      Visage (arriving October 7th, 2021)
      Viva Pinata
      Vita Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
      Warhammer Verminitide II (leaving September 30th, 2021)
      Wasteland Remastered
      Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut
      Wasteland 3 (added August 28th, 2020)
      We Happy Few
      What Remains of Edith Finch
      Wilmot’s Warehouse (added December 17th, 2020)
      Wolfenstein: The New Order
      Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (added March 12th, 2021)
      Wolfenstein: Youngblood
      Wolfenstein 2 (added June 13th, 2021)
      World War Z
      Worms W.M.D.
      Worms Rumble (added June 23rd, 2021)
      Wreckfest (added February 18th, 2021)
      Xeno Crisis (added August 6th, 2020)
      Yakuza Kiwami 2 (added July 30th, 2020)
      Yakuza Remastered Collection: Yakuza 3-5 Remastered (added January 28th, 2021)
      Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (added March 25th, 2021)
      Yakuza: Like a Dragon (added June 13th, 2022)
      Yes, Your Grace (added December 3rd, 2020)
      Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (added December 10th, 2020)
      Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection
      Zombie Army 4: Dead War (added April 8th, 2021)

    • kebbab

      @vragec25cro, 04.11.2021 - 19:10

      Sad nabroji koliko jih je s Xbox360 i koliko je smeca tu unutra pa vidi ko laže. Vi još to uspoređujete s ps5???

    • vragec25cro

      @kebbab, 04.11.2021 - 19:18

      Majke mi ako si ti normalan.”imaš manje od 20 igara starijih od 10 godina koje nisu u Microsoftovom vlasništvu,njihove su večinom remasteri za free u pretplati a ne 50-70e kao kod nekih” .Kolko puta ti još moram reci da čitaš s RAZUMIJEVANJEM 🙂 Pa nema se kaj usporedivati s ps5 kad ih dere po igrama u novoj generaciji flight simulator,forza 5,halo,sledecu godinu bude mozda obrnuta situacija.Sad reci kolko igara iz ove godine imas na ps now ?Iako tebi svejedno jer volis kupovati igre u fizickom izdanju da ih igras godinama kasnije 🙂

    • LetMeBeFrank

      @Smike, 03.11.2021 - 23:27

      Ti odmah zaronio u console wars, a lik kojem si odgovorio doslovno nema Xbox nego PS. Pravi si primjer onoga sto fanboyizam radi ljudima, pogubljen sav.

  • MrDonDux

    02.11.2021 - 17:27

    Moze mi neko pojasniti ako uzmem ps now preplatu moci cu svohe igre koje vec imam igrati online ili ipak treba ps plus?

    • vragec25cro

      @MrDonDux, 02.11.2021 - 17:34

      Treba ps plus za online.ps now je vise kao netflik dobiješ knjižnicu igara.

    • mazeo10

      @vragec25cro, 02.11.2021 - 17:58

      možeš igrat online online te igre koje su na ps now

    • vragec25cro

      @mazeo10, 02.11.2021 - 18:22

      Pa to da ali je kolega pitao za svoje igre koje več ima.

  • Doberman gang77

    04.11.2021 - 13:07

    Ako vam je ovo atraktivna ponuda,,sta bi te tek onda rekli za gamepass “ponuda za svrsavanje”

  • Bananko

    08.11.2021 - 18:46

    Ja stvarno ne znam kako koristit taj ps now.
    Acc mi je na hrvatsku u ps store prebacim stateftont na Italiju, Njemačku ili UK al svejedno mi pise da ne mogu to kupit da prebacim se na svoju drzavu
    Jel ja moramo onda pravit novi acc s drugom zemljom ili?

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