A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)

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Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #450 : 07. Kolovoz, 2017., 21:08 »
Aj napišite koji spojler da vidim šta će se to dešavati u narednim epizodama. Samo naglasite da je spojler da ostali znaju! Pretpostavljam da pričate o nekom leaku ...


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Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #451 : 07. Kolovoz, 2017., 21:16 »
Ovakav nivo epicnessa samo GoT može ponudit, dva puta sam odgledao bitku i još ću par puta do naredne epizode.

Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #452 : 07. Kolovoz, 2017., 21:17 »
Ja sam slucajno saznao dva spojlera, zato sto nekada budale na youtubeu ne mogu da stave spoiler alert

U iducoj epizodi ce Daenerys da spali zive Randylla Tarlya i sina mu Dickona zato sto ce odbiti da joj se poklone, i u zadnjoj epizodi ce night king ubiti zmaja Viseriona te ce on postati ice dragon, te ce napraviti rupu u Zidu koja ce omoguciti Vojski mrtvih da prođe
« Zadnja izmjena: 08. Kolovoz, 2017., 14:04 hacksor1234 »

Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #453 : 07. Kolovoz, 2017., 22:20 »
Meni jedna od najboljih scena  :)


Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #454 : 08. Kolovoz, 2017., 14:03 »
Evo jos nekih spojlera koje sam slucajno video, citajte na svoju odgovornost

Sam ce pronaci u knjigama da se desila tajna ceremonija vencanja Rhaegara i Lyanne, sto znaci da je Jon legitimni Targeryen, Jon ce uhvatiti jednog White Walkera Cercei i predloziti suradnju koju ce ona u pocetku pripraviti ali ce ga izdati na kraju, Arya ce ubiti Littlefingera sa licem svoje majke
« Zadnja izmjena: 14. Kolovoz, 2017., 15:13 hacksor1234 »

Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #455 : 08. Kolovoz, 2017., 14:36 »
Da istina, ali za ovu prvu stavku pažljivi gledatelji su mogli čak i naslutiti.
« Zadnja izmjena: 08. Kolovoz, 2017., 15:08 darijoman »

Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #456 : 08. Kolovoz, 2017., 15:09 »
Evo jos nekih spojlera koje sam slucajno video, citajte na svoju odgovornost

Majstore gdje točno staviš znak za spoiler tekst. Pokušavao sam razne varijante ali ne pali



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Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #457 : 08. Kolovoz, 2017., 17:30 »
stavi color white pa se ne vidi na bijeloj površini.

inače, thnx na spojlerima :)

Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #458 : 08. Kolovoz, 2017., 20:23 »
I jedna teorija koja potvrđuje da je Jon zapravo Azor Ahai - princ koji je obecan
Naime originalni Azor Ahai je zaustavio white walkere sa svojih 12 drugova, a oni krugovi u pecini u zadnjoj epizodi, ima ih tacno 12, jedan unutar drugoga, a u traileru se vidi kako u snegu u krugu stoji 12 ljudi i medu njima nije Jon Snow



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Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #459 : 14. Kolovoz, 2017., 03:02 »
Čim je taknuo zmaju dobio je ogroman respect od nje,jeste vidili kako ga je samo gledala. Ocekujem je na koljenima kroz narednih par sezona  :clap:

Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #460 : 14. Kolovoz, 2017., 06:11 »
Bice ona na kolenima brze nego ti to ocekujes  :hiha:
Inace dobra epizoda, napokon svi ti likovi koje pratimo godinama kako prolaze kroz svoje avanture, uspone i padove, napokon ih vidimo zajedno, sto je stvarno super



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Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #461 : 14. Kolovoz, 2017., 09:52 »
Kakva se družina okupila  :D



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Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #462 : 14. Kolovoz, 2017., 11:02 »
Koja tragedija kad shvatim da je ostalo još dvije epizode,doslovce vrhunac života zadnjih mjesec dana mi je bio svaki ponedjeljak ujutro :(



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Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #463 : 14. Kolovoz, 2017., 13:00 »
Upravo to hahahha, svaki pon do 3 ujutro derat igre sa ekipom a onda se na stream prebacujemo.Makar meni je favorit ove epizode bio crvenokosi onaj zaboravih mu ime kad kaže "No big women?"

Odg: A Song of Ice and Fire (SPOILERS)
« Odgovori #464 : 14. Kolovoz, 2017., 15:23 »
Najbolji deo kada Davos kaze I thought you were still rowing  :loludara: :loludara:
Uglavnom posto sam slucajno video dosta toga sta ce biti u ovih par epizoda reko sam fuck it, odoh procitati sve
I procitao sam i ima jebeno hrpa toga, stoga evo svih mogucih spojlera za zadnje dve epizode, citajte na svoju odgovornost

EPIZODA 6: The Episode starts with the excursion beyond the wall, which includes Jon, Gendry, Thoros, Beric, Jorah, Tormund, The hound and two or three other soldiers (they’re pretty much red shirts and meat for the great other) Ser Davos does stay behind because he isn’t much of a fighter (as he said when he was defending Jon’s body last season and would slow them down) the excursion continues through the north, as they travel a lot of conversations came up… this is when Jon offers Longclaw to Jorah, Jon snow says that it belongs to him since it belonged to his family but Jorah says something along the lines of “no you keep it I’m not worthy of carrying this sword, my father gave it to you for a reason” Tormund and the hound have a conversation about Brienne which the hound is amazed at how much Tormund admires and likes Brienne… Friki goes on to say how Jon and beric now have one thing in common which is being brought back by Rhollor and they discuss what it may means and what their purpose might be…. They continue north by trying to follow the vision the hound saw in the flames, finally they see the mountain shaped like an arrowhead… this is when a large blizzard starts and they hear a weird growl which they can’t seem to recognize but then one of the soldiers (the red shirt) tries to find out what it is when out of nowhere a reanimated polar bear shreds him to absolute shit, but because of the heavy blizzard no one is sure what has happened when the beast attacks Thoros (who will have a flaming sword) the beast stomps thoros and gives him a few slashes with his claws but thoros is also giving the bear a few slashes with his sword (when the hound sees the flaming swords he freezes in fear of the flames) at the end between all of them they are able to kill the beast but Thoros is badly wounded (think DiCaprio in the revenant) so beric must cauterize his wounds with his flaming sword to try to save his life. The mission must continue, though with a man down and thoros balancing between life and death things look dire… this is when they realize that the reanimated polar bear means that the white walkers are not far and they must hurry but know they cannot avoid them… they run into a hoard of wights and one white walker (one that looks like the one Jon killed previously… but they all look the same so idk why he says this lol) here is when Jon battles his second walker one on one  and as Jon battles him the others try to capture a Wight but it’s hard as the other wights also attack at the same time but at last they finally capture one and either put it in chains or gag him/her to try to immobilize it, at this point the Wight army attacks all at once without mercy, when our group of heroes see this the only thing they can do is run  (Friki never mentions if Jon is able to defeat the WW or if he just sees the wights rushing and decides to cut and run with the others) the group then decides they must split (for a little bit) as they run to raise the chances of survival, Jon then commands Gendry to run back to eastwatch and send a raven to Dany to come and rescue them (the leaks say it’s after the bear attack but Friki is putting it after the first fight against the great other) after they run for a while they come together  in the middle of a frozen lake and all the movement and fighting eventually breaks up parts of the ice and our group of heroes are stuck in the middle of the lake on a large piece of ice that but the hoard doesn’t come so they have to wait and wait till they attack (Friki says the hoard must wait till the night so that the cold can freeze the lake again so the wights can attack) while this happens Gendry is running towards eastwatch (new Gendry rowing meme?) to send a raven… but much time has passed and our wounded red priest succumbs to his injuries and dies (Beric has no one to revive him now if he dies, and with Melisandre now gone there are no red priest left in Westeros, that we know of) Beric then with his flaming sword burns him to avoid him coming back as a Wight….(Friki then theorizes that if the Night King is killed the wights should theoretically all die, just a theory no one in the show mentions it at least for now) Friki also says that during this time of waiting the night king lurks around and from afar stares at Jon and Jon stares back without fear (fuuuuuhhhhh)…. Now that the lake has refrozen the hoard rushes at Jon and the others  at this time hell freezes over (couldn’t help myself with that pun) and everyone starts kicking ass, Tormund is almost overrun even though he is the most bad ass in this scene  but he is saved by his fellow companions, during this time some are fighting alone other are fighting together it’s chaos and not looking good when all the sudden we hear the famous dragon roars of Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal….. Dany has come to save the day but she must first help fight back the Wight and find a place to land that wouldn’t cause the ice to break and her dragons or Jon and co. to drown…. As everyone starts getting on Drogon and Rhaegal as Viserion provides aerial support, Jon stays back fighting Wights on his own to let the others board the dragons and pretty much says “well here I am”  like a challenge for the wights to come at him and not at his friends (this guy does not fookin kneel)… BUT the night king is not about to take this L so he take a lance/spear made out of crystal ice and Hail Marys’ it at Viserion’s neck who is flying overhead and with one throw brings him down (fuuuhhhh!!!!) as I mentioned before this fight is over a lake and when he falls he falls on the ice breaking it and sinking under the water (if the spear/lance didn’t kill him the fall or the water sure did) as this happens Jon hurries to get on top of Drogon BUT falls when Drogon takes off and sinks under the lake as well and when Dany sees that Jon is pretty a goner she leaves with the survivors that believe it or not were able to keep the captured Wight with then and alive (or undead? Idk point is he/she is still moving) … after all this a wounded Jon swims back to the surface but he’s pretty much fucked anyway because the whole undead army is there surrounding him but that’s when your boy Benjen comes to the rescue with his ball of fire or whatever you want to call that and absolutely kicks ass but does give up his life (second life? Possibly just captured or killed and reanimated by the NK…. Also, it is not known if that can happen since he was brought back already by the former three eyed raven with help from the children of the forest…we’ll have to find out) for Jon by making a breach in the Wight army and giving him his horse to ride back to the wall .... the survivors make it back to eastwatch and Dany is traumatized and heartbroken for the loss of her child (Viserion) as any mother would but the mission must continue but Friki does mention that Dany is desolated (besides feeling lost and alone idk what else it could mean in Spanish) Jon arrives at Eastwatch (yes doc brought his DeLorean and got him to eastwatch) badly wounded and is loaded onto a ship heading towards kings landing along with Dany and others…. The hound is entrusted with taking the Wight to the dragon pits… (Friki doesn’t not mention who made it out and who died but in this scene  we see two burning bodies to the right (possibly?) which we know Jon and co. were burning those who fell so that they wouldn’t be reanimated by the NK so it is possible 2 or more companions did die, these two bodies in the back ground could easily just be burning wights since Dany’s dragons did torch a bunch of them but hey there’s some food for thought) In the ship Friki says that Jon is messed up tired and wounded when Dany goes to check up on him Jon sees how hurt she is, so Jon tries to console her which is when Dany tells him “he was like a son to me, it’s like they have taken my son from me” and then she gives one of her famous speeches that goes something like “I promise I will defeat the Night King etc.) Friki goes on to say that Jon sees that she wants to now fully fight the NK and he says if she does indeed join him in fighting the great other he would bend the knee… Jon tells calls Dany “Dany” (no one has called her this since her brother back in season one) which takes her back a little and says “no one has called me that since my brother” to which he responds “what would you like me to call you? ‘your grace, my queen?’ to which Dany says she didn’t mean like that it’s just been a while since some had called her that and it was very personal (not sure why this is important but I assume it’s to show they are getting closer?) then Jon goes on to say that he would bend the knee if he could but makes a notion that he literally cant bend it since he’s so physically fucked up (he doesn’t bend the knee literally but does say the words that he is willing to… so does it count?) this takes Dany by surprise and shocks her which she says “you would bend the knee? What about those who follow you?” Friki doesn’t say what Jon replies to this or what else happens in the boat. The scene does cut to north of the wall where The Night King orders Viserion to be pulled up from the lake… the Wights pretty much fish him out of the lake with GIANT chains and pull him out, he is definitely dead but then he opens his eyes as blue as the NK’s… he is brought back to life and that’s how things end in this episode beyond the wall.

In Winterfell where we left the stark sisters in a bit of an argument. Arya brings the letter she found in LF’s room and confronts Sansa with the letter she signed and asks her wtf it is about. Sansa says something about she had to do it to survive (this looks like the only direct interaction between the two for this episode) later LF keeps trying to get in between Jon and Sansa by telling her that Jon has left them that he doesn’t care about the north so on and so forth to which Sansa gets tired of his shit and tells him that Jon is king and that he should pretty much stop trying to get in her head (fookin finally) there isn’t much left in Winterfell only that Sansa tells Brienne that she needs to go to the dragon pit to represent her since she’s the lady of Winterfell (Friki says that they receive a raven from kings landing to join a meeting requested by Jon and Dany.) Brienne at first doesn’t want to go since she swore and oath to protect her and that she shouldn’t leave her side but when she finds out Jamie will be there she agrees to go. She believes she will be safe, she truly believes Jamie to be an honorable man. Friki also tells us how Sansa wonders what Arya has been doing the whole time she’s been gone, since all Arya has done since she arrived is question her… so she does some sneaking around of her own and possibly finds all the faces Arya owns and poisons (the ones she might have used to kill the Freys) and he also says how Arya truly wants to know what Sansa truly thinks about Cersei and Jon and whether she wants the north for herself.

Another scene that takes place sometime in the show is in Dragonstone (before Dany receives a plead of help from Jon via Gendry) Dany is seen being nervous for Jon and Jorah but mostly Jon. Tyrion then witnesses how much Dany starts to care about Jon and is uninterested in anything but news of Jon, which is when the raven arrives from the north asking for help to which she goes just to help Jon (and Jorah too) which Tyrion chases her telling her she can’t because if she does and then dies everything that they have been trying to accomplish will be for nothing, but Dany is a fookin dragon and jumps on Drogon and leaves with the other 2 following her . (this all happens as events in the north happen)

This is episode 6…. Could be one of the best in the shows history.

We start in Kings Landing, where we are in the dragon pit where not everyone who was in the north is present. Friki says Dany will bring the unsullied and Dothraki incase that Cersei has a trap for her and places her armies outside Kings landings doors ready in case of a trap. Jamie and Bronn oversee KL’s defenses, they see all of Dany’s armies outside KL doors and admire it. Tyrion and the other arrive at KL via ship where friki says Jon asks how many people live in KL (foreshadowing?) Once docked, Tyrion, Jon, Jorah, Dany, Davos, Theon, the Hound (who is the one with the Wight in a cage) as well as Dany’s Dothraki blood riders are awaited by Bronn when they arrive (Friki also mentions that Brienne has already arrived) Brienne and the Hound see each other and Brienne is amazed that the hound is somehow alive…. they talk about Arya…one of the things said is when The Hound asks her if she shouldn't be taking care of Arya, and Brienne replies that 'The only person needing protecting is the one who gets in her (Arya's) way' and this makes The Hound smile, and say that he doesn't plan to be the one to do that." (Brienne knows Arya is a great fighter after they spar in Winterfell earlier this season) …. Another reunion is Tyrion and Pod, Podrick still admires Tyrion and loves him and even says that to him Tyrion is still his lord… when they arrive at the dragon pit which friki says is a giant amphitheater and in this amphitheater are three large tents, where the major authorities will sit (Cersei, Jon, Euron etc.) at this time Friki says everyone starts to arrive(doesn’t say who everyone actually is(people, soldiers or other lords)) which Tyrion feels like it could be a trap and looks around… Cersei arrives with Euron, the mountain (Friki says no Clegane bowl this episode but that they do see each other and that the hound gives him the “one day I will finish you off” (fuuuuuuuhhh) but that’s all that happens between them this season) and Qyburn and they sit. The hound brings the cage that houses the Wight to the middle of the amphitheater, this is when Cersei asks Tyrion where Dany is (Dany isn’t present at this time with the rest of the gang) which is when Dany arrives on top of Drogon and with Rhaegal (R.I.P Viserion) which everyone is amazed, even Cersei and Euron. But then Cersei wonders where the third dragon is, but the person most amazed is Euron by Drogon’s arrival. Tyrion then explains what this reunion is about (friki side notes another reunion is between Theon and Euron which is when Euron challenges Theon is he’s ever going to do anything, if he plans on ever rescuing Yara, he says he will touch on it later) Jon then tries to explain that the great other is real and that they need to unite to come out victorious to which Cersei calls BULLLLSHIIITTT on…. But then The hound opens the Wight’s cage and the Wight comes out like a wild beast towards Cersei but the hound has him chained up and isn’t able to reach her… Cersei is amazed and afraid, this is when the hound starts to demonstrate how a Wight cannot be killed by just chopping it up bits by bits since it continues to moves even when the hound cuts it up, but then Jon yells out that there are only 2 ways to kill a Wight, the first fire, so they set fire to one of the wights arms and the arm stops moving and the Wight finally displays pain… and the second is dragon glass to which Jon uses to stab the Wight and the Wight dies (Friki doesn’t say if the Wight shatters like WW or if they just drop dead) this is the proof that everyone needed to come together in order to survive the long night. This is when Jon Snow’s trailer speech about the long night is coming…. Euron pretends to be afraid (whether we learn of his deception right away is not mentioned but most likely not since friki mentions something about this later) Euron asks how many of these creatures are there to which Jon’s says hundreds of thousands then Euron ask “well can they swim?” and Jon responds “no” so Euron says “well I’m going back to Pyke and leaves and everyone else can pretty much go fuck themselves… Cersei and Dany see the danger together but Cersei says once the long night is over she must still be queen and offers JS to be the warden of the north but Jon then swears an oath to Dany in front of everyone but doesn't literally bend the knee and says ‘he can only serve one queen and that queen is Daenerys Targaryen” Cersei is surprised that a “northern savage” has said this… and for the second time Jon has bent the knee and his queen is Dany… after this Cersei is pissed, leaves and is unwilling to collaborate because she is unwilling to bend the knee to Dany… Brienne tries to convince Jamie to change Cersei’s mind, Jamie says he admires her loyalty to the starks which is when Brienne say “fuck loyalty… it’s about survival… Jamie has seen all this and believes in the long night and will do his best…. Now that Tyrion, Dany and Jon have seen Cersei’s negative response it means they won’t have some of the southern armies as support in the north…. Tyrion heads to the red keep with the mountain behind him… Tyrion and Cersei have a conversation on how she blames him for all the Lannister’s have gone through, how he killed their mother and father blah blah blah (he doesn’t say what else Cersei blames him for) … and Tyrion says there was nothing he could do and that Tywin just wanted him dead so he had to kill him instead (umm sure?) …. Then Tyrion says if I’m so evil why don’t you order the mountain to kill me… Cersei doesn’t give a command because she’s interested in what he will say next…(Friki then says this is for all of us in the FREEFOLK subreddit asking him about Cersei’s pregnancy) he goes on to say that the leaks say she will have a miscarriage or that Qyburn diagnoses her pregnancy but that Tyrion finds out she’s pregnant when Tyrion decides drinks wine and cerci doesn’t (honestly I would honestly think I just got poisoned but to each his/her own) so he calls her out saying she doesn’t drink because she’s pregnant, cerci doesn’t admit this nor does she deny it but her facial expression say “damn I’m exposed” and that’s it regarding her pregnancy…. Tyrion then heads out with Cersei to meet the rest of the people that were in the dragon pit and Cersei tells them that after speaking to Tyrion she will send troops north to help against the WW… Tyrion and Dany talk about how Dany told Jon that she can’t have children, that the dragons are her children, Jon doesn’t care if she can’t have kids…. This is all in the dragon pit and in KL

Winterfell is next, Starting off with Sansa and Little Finger…. Friki talks about how LF has been trying to get in sansa’s head this whole season but he doesn’t give up and LF tell sansa that Arya is dangerous, that why would she chose to come back to Winterfell now, what Arya will do with the letter (try to frame sansa or something) this is LF’s plan to tear the Stark sisters apart…

Dragonstone is next and this is after they leave KL via ships (no BoatSex yet) Dany is in the war room where they are organizing the defense of the north (where will the unsullied go, the dothraki, the north men, the southerners so on and so forth) Friki goes on to say that jorah knows a lot about strategies and about the strategies of the Targaryen kings says they need a defensive strategy not a strategy used to conquer since that’s not what they’re doing (?)…. Theon and Jon speak about the Starks and The Greyjoy’s and how it used to be when they grew up together… Jon asks if he will come with them to the north which theon says no because he must rescue Yara first, Jon tells him he should and wishes him luck… Theon, now knowing Yara is alive after Euron challenges him to come get her at the Dragon pit, goes and tries to rally the remaining Iron Born left in Dragonstone to come with him to rescue Yara…. This is when the fight between the leader of those iron and theon takes place (friki says the iron born kicks him in the nuts a few times but it doesn’t do anything) the iron born leader gives theon a pretty bad ass kicking but then theon gets his shit together (after being taunted and ridiculed by the iron born) and beats him, they form a rescue party and head out to save Yara.

Back to Winterfell, a scene long coming…. Sansa gathers all the northern bannermen and the vale leaders… here when all the lords are present sansa calls on Arya to come forward which is when Arya starts to worry that this is her last day alive, sansa then says it’s time to judge the great treacheries and betrayals that have been done to the north and we will judge the person responsible for them, she looks straight at Arya, sansa then says “you need to tell me how many times you have betrayed the north”.. Arya is can’t believe her sister is saying this to her, sansa says it again “you need to tell me how many times you have betrayed the north, Lord Baelish”…. (fuuuuuuuuhh) at this moment sansa starts to name all his treacheries: “you killed Alyssa Arryn, (talks about the letter from Jon Arryn about Cersei and Jamie’s bastards which LF was also involved in his murder)” this is also when she pulls out the cat’s paw dagger and they ask him if he recognized the dagger which LF said belonged to Tyrion, but that they knew it was his…. Next to Sansa is bran who is the one that has told her all these things (one can only assume there is more) then Bran says “you once told my father ‘I told you not to trust me’ (first season)” LF is shocked when he hears this... then Sansa tells all the lords present how he sold her to the Bolton’s… LF realizes he’s pretty much fucked but he tries to LF his way out by feeding them lies and asking for help from Yohn Royce (vale guy with the oversized armor) and others and Friki says that LF ends up looking pretty pathetic now that he knows he’s pretty much dead… in the end Sansa tells LF “Lord Baelish, thank you for all your lessons, I will forget them all” and after she tells him that Arya comes behind him and cut his throat… LF starts to choke in his own blood and falls to the ground holding his throat and dies…

Back to kings landing… Jamie and Cersei have a conversation about the upcoming war…. Jamie doesn’t know that Cersei has no intention on sending her army north and wants the WW to kill the northern armies and their allies…. Jamie is looking at a map of the north and starting to gather the Lannister armies to get ready to go north when Cersei asks him what he’s doing to which Jamie says he’s getting ready to go north with the army which Cersei say “nah they have dragons and troops, they can handle it” (Friki says she’s pulling a tywin) when she tells him that she has obtained an agreement with euron when he pretended to be a coward and said he would go back to Pyke… but instead he was going to travel to Essos to hire the golden company (doesn’t mention with what money) this is Frikis Video on the golden company… (what she plans to do with them we don’t know just yet)… this is when Jamie is disgusted by Cersei and they continue to argue to which is when we see the mountain draw his sword in case things between Jamie and Cersei get ugly (scene from the trailer) after this ordeal Jamie leaves Cersei (fucking finally) we see Jamie leaving the city and on his way out (Friki doesn’t mention whether he had the leftover Lannister army with him) he stops to fix his golden hand and looks back to the red keep which is when the first snowflakes begin to fall on KL…

Back to Winterfell…. Jon’s Origin… Bran is visited by Sam who bran recognizes, asks what he is doing there and Sam tells him he needs to see JS, Bran says he also needs to tell him a lot, Sam asks bran what he needs to tell JS, to which bran says that Jon isn’t Ned’s bastard but Lyanna’s and Rhaegar’s son and that he was born in dorne and that his name isn’t Jon Snow but Jon Sand but Sam tells bran that he is not a sand… that he has seen it in record that Raeghar had his marriage with Elia annulled and married Lyanna which shocks Bran…Sam then tells Bran that if he can see into the future and past that he should go see for himself…which Bran then does, which is the wedding between Raeghar and Lyanna in a forest (not in front of a weir wood, Friki says the same way Robb and Talisa were wed) as he sees this he realizes that Roberts rebellion was all based on a lie because Robert was pissed and said that lyanna was kidnapped (Friki doesn’t state that Robert lied on purpose to get the other lords to back him) as this flashback is happening we are switching back and forth between Raeghar with Lyanna and Jon and Dany on the boat (HYPPPEEE) as the romantic scene between Raeghar and Lyanna happens we see Jon and Dany’s romantic scene… Jon and Dany enter a cabin together (no words are being spoken) in which they begins to take each others clothes off. (no specific sexual positions or how long our boy JS lasted where mentioned) Tyrion is the only one who notices that they are having BOATSEX… as the BOATSEX intensifies we see the scene where Lyanna is in the tower of joy where she tells Ned that the baby’s name is Aegon Targaryen…(friki then brings out his shirt that shows Jon’s snows picture with the word Aegon underneath it) Bran then says Aegon Targaryen is the legitimate heir to the iron throne…. After Arya and sansa finally make up and reconcile Arya tells Sansa she’s the strongest woman she has ever met and Sansa tells her that she could have never achieved the things Arya has and they make up.

Lastly is the wall, we see these events through the eyes of bran who wargs into a bunch of crows and we are brought to east watch when Tormund and beric are at… we see the army of the dead with the blizzard following them like in episode one outside the wall and Tormund and Beric are shocked as they see this when out of nowhere the Night King flies in on Viserion…. viserion does flybys attacking the wall when he then focuses on one part of the wall and starts melting it and as this happens the wall starts to break apart in a “V” shape, the wall is open to the great other and the episode ends with the NK flying through the wall on Viserion. The wall is breached by fire, not by any mark of bran or anything. 


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