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« Odgovori #2325 : 29. Listopad, 2006., 18:11 »
Hacker (1994.-2005.) R.I.P.

Ja volim:
Facuuuu, Gr4gu, CMC program i Rengurzica



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« Odgovori #2327 : 29. Listopad, 2006., 19:50 »
 :ave: :ave: :ave:

Evo i screenshot iz Beaver Hunter 2, napokon sam dodao health pack:




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« Odgovori #2328 : 29. Listopad, 2006., 20:47 »

kako ga je golman zakucal :D  :ave:
Ja sam s godinama shvatio da postoje samo dva ukusa. Moj. I pogrešan. -  Weky
Moji djecacki snovi jesu moj zivot. Nikad ne radim i puno jebem. -  Rider on the Storm
Da za 18. rođendan dobijem strip od svog dečka mislim da bi si na rođendanskom tulumu našla nekog crnca da me pred njim brutalno izjebe. jebem te mrtvog. - Beaver Hunter



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« Odgovori #2329 : 29. Listopad, 2006., 20:50 »
lolol , a ko da nece...  :ave:



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« Odgovori #2330 : 29. Listopad, 2006., 20:57 »
odličan gol, a ovo zadnje je lololo :ave: :ave:



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« Odgovori #2331 : 29. Listopad, 2006., 21:01 »
Pa to je bilo davno.
Hacker (1994.-2005.) R.I.P.

Ja volim:
Facuuuu, Gr4gu, CMC program i Rengurzica



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« Odgovori #2332 : 31. Listopad, 2006., 13:32 »
Specijalni intervju sa proizvođačem Beaver Hunter 2006!! :dancing:

Dr. BenX says:
Mr. Olander says:
Who is this?
Dr. BenX says:
is this the msn of the maker of Beaver Hunter 2006
Mr. Olander says:
Yes, that is correct.
Dr. BenX says:
I'm a member of IGN
Mr. Olander says:
Dr. BenX says:
I mean, a staff member
Mr. Olander says:
Alright, move along.
Dr. BenX says:
I would like to make an interview with the leader of the company named ToumazWeb
Dr. BenX says:
and I thought this contact is the leader
Dr. BenX says:
so, are you?
Mr. Olander says:
That is very much correct
Dr. BenX says:
well, this is so good
Dr. BenX says:
I'm in a hurry to publish this
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
you made the game with Game Maker, right?
Mr. Olander says:
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
so I'll update you to this
Dr. BenX says:
I'm doing a review
Dr. BenX says:
of your game
Dr. BenX says:
it will be on IGN
Dr. BenX says:
also, I would like to interview you
Dr. BenX says:
and the fact that you made this game with Game Maker would also come into view
Dr. BenX says:
are you with me?
Mr. Olander says:
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
so do you want to do this?
Mr. Olander says:
Dr. BenX says:
it's for the sake of your company
Dr. BenX says:
are you aware of IGN?
Mr. Olander says:
Before we move along, would you mind if a company pal also joined in?
Dr. BenX says:
or is it the first time you hear for it?
Mr. Olander says:
I've heard about you.
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
just add him
Mr. Olander says:
Ack, he lost connection.
 P has been added to the conversation.
Mr. Olander says:
Or maybe not.
Mr. Olander says:
Anyway, this is Marcus Pettersen. He'll only watch our interview.
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
first statement of mine
Dr. BenX says:
one of our staff members
Dr. BenX says:
has decompiled your game
Dr. BenX says:
and we gone through the coding
Dr. BenX says:
and the quality is good
Mr. Olander says:
Dr. BenX says:
so, the game is being sold for about 5 USD?
Mr. Olander says:
That is incorrect, the game is freeware.
Dr. BenX says:
Mr. Olander says:
We had a boxed version that we were going to sell for 5.5 $ but it never happened.
Dr. BenX says:
oh, so that is where I got this reference then?
Mr. Olander says:
Dr. BenX says:
well, what made you change your mind?
Mr. Olander says:
We simply couldn't pull it off.
Dr. BenX says:
Mr. Olander says:
Nor we had any distributor.
Dr. BenX says:
jesi li glup?
Dr. BenX says:
retaj si, znaš
Dr. BenX says:
sorry, my keyboard is doing something strange
Dr. BenX says:
Mr. Olander says:
We was only going to sell it at a local market.
Mr. Olander says:
But sadly, when we were going to sell it we had our hands full, so it didn't really happen.
Dr. BenX says:
ma idiote, pričaj nešto korisno
Mr. Olander says:
Dr. BenX says:
ya, and isn't this piracy then?
Mr. Olander says:
Mr. Olander says:
We were going to release it for free in any case.
Mr. Olander says:
The boxed version was only for those who wanted to support our independancy.
Dr. BenX says:
but it's a game that some poor kid bought of you and then it was made public
Dr. BenX says:
he lost his lunch money
Dr. BenX says:
because of you
Mr. Olander says:
Dr. BenX says:
are you claiming that nobody bought the game?
Dr. BenX says:
or you sold it to someone after all?
Mr. Olander says:
Yes, because we never sold it.
Dr. BenX says:
ma glup si kretenčino glupa
Dr. BenX says:
damn keyboard
Mr. Olander says:
Can I please get a reference to IGN so I know it is really you?
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
there is no real showing of any staff member's name
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
but, I can't think of a way to confirm
Mr. Olander says:
"ma glup si kretenčino glupa" means "are you dumb fucking idiot."
Dr. BenX says:
what are you talking about?
Dr. BenX says:
I'm not being rude
Mr. Olander says:
You wrote "ma glup si kretenčino glupa"
Dr. BenX says:
yes, I'm aware
Dr. BenX says:
but that's not meant for you
Dr. BenX says:
why would I be rude
Dr. BenX says:
Mr. Olander says:
Alright, move along then.
Mr. Olander says:
Never mind.
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
why didn't you use 3d models
Dr. BenX says:
but overlays?
Mr. Olander says:
We wanted to make the game feel retro, plus we didn't really have enough knowledge, nor time to make 3D models.
Dr. BenX says:
okay, I understand
Dr. BenX says:
everything else was standard to todays games
Dr. BenX says:
so, do you think of making a sequel
Mr. Olander says:
Version 1.1 is currently in production.
Mr. Olander says:
Sequels... that'll be buisness later on.
Dr. BenX says:
is it an expansion pack?
Mr. Olander says:
You could call it that, we've added in some new levels, new music packs, and some new features. For example, the beavers are able to attack and kill the player right now.
Dr. BenX says:
cool, that is a very good addition
Dr. BenX says:
but, levels in the game seem a little similar to each other
Dr. BenX says:
is it because you are a retaj?
Dr. BenX says:
retaj - retro
Dr. BenX says:
wrong typing
Mr. Olander says:
Well, it's mostly because we didn't have the time nor the energy to add in a few more. Though we have some slightly more variated levels comping up, with more scenery.
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
this is enough
Dr. BenX says:
for stated
Dr. BenX says:
so, thank you for your time
Mr. Olander says:
When will I see the article?
Dr. BenX says:
it will be on IGN for a couple of years or even a century
Mr. Olander says:
When will it be added to IGN?
Dr. BenX says:
I stated
Dr. BenX says:
it will be on IGN for a couple of years or even a century
Mr. Olander says:
Dr. BenX says:
thank you for your time
Mr. Olander says:
Oh wait
Mr. Olander says:
Please tell Kingmortal that he's sexy from me
Dr. BenX says:
Mr. Olander says:
Since this is obviously a mock interview.
Dr. BenX says:
Dr. BenX says:
are you joking me?
Mr. Olander says:
I know you are affiliated in some way or another with HCL
Mr. Olander says:
You tell me that the article won't be added to IGN for a couple of years.
Dr. BenX says:
I was kidding
Dr. BenX says:
you ever heard for a joke?
Dr. BenX says:
it will most probably be there for a week
Mr. Olander says:
You told me you didn't have much time until you needed to publish it.
Dr. BenX says:
yes, it is written, but it needs to be prove read
Dr. BenX says:
and it will be soon added
Mr. Olander says:
So you mean that you will review BH06 and in the same article have this interview?
Dr. BenX says:
Mr. Olander says:
What is your real name?
Dr. BenX says:
Ben Williams
Dr. BenX says:
and people on HCL will decompile the game and we are going to give the source code to all so they can make their own game!! haahahhahahahaha
Dr. BenX says:
Mr. Olander says:
Dr. BenX says:
and you are a fucking moron to tell the least, idiot, your mom is a transvestit
Mr. Olander says:
Awesome, thanks for the kind words!
Dr. BenX says:
no problem, idiot



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« Odgovori #2333 : 31. Listopad, 2006., 13:39 »
OMG koji si ti car e imas RESPECT man zasluzio si ga...dokazao si da nisi retaj kako se nekad ponasas...PWNAGE tipa do yaya... BEN RULES!!!!!!!



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« Odgovori #2334 : 31. Listopad, 2006., 13:42 »
ovo mi se čini ko sarkazam :?



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« Odgovori #2335 : 31. Listopad, 2006., 13:43 »
ovo mi se čini ko sarkazam :?

ne iskreno je bilo...odusevilo me ovo sto si napravio..haha kako je blentav tip..jadnik se sav izblamirao oko placanja i prodavanja igre



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« Odgovori #2336 : 31. Listopad, 2006., 13:47 »
okay, thx :D

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« Odgovori #2337 : 31. Listopad, 2006., 13:55 »
neke si stvari zajebo, al inace si ga totalno pwnao :dancing:



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« Odgovori #2338 : 31. Listopad, 2006., 14:05 »
E, dugo se nisam ovako nasmijao!  :lol: :ave: :rockout3: :dancing: =D>

Ali moglo je puno bolje.  :alright:
Pij Domestos da dugo živiš i dobro ti bude na Zemlji. Amen.



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« Odgovori #2339 : 31. Listopad, 2006., 14:44 »
You could call it that, we've added in some new levels, new music packs, and some new features. For example, the beavers are able to attack and kill the player right now.

Omg :ave:

Dr. BenX says:
it will be on IGN for a couple of years or even a century

 :ave: :ave: :ave: :ave:

Хрватска саjбер лига за победу!

s h u m a . o r g  :approve


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