The Last Night

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The Last Night
« : 11. Siječanj, 2018., 22:42 »
                                                                The Last Night

Humans first knew the era of survival. Then they knew the era of work. Now they live in the era of leisure. Machines have surpassed human labour not only in strength, but in precision, intellect, and creativity. The fight for survival doesn’t mean food and water, but a purpose for living. People now define themselves by what they consume, not what they create.

The Last Night immerses you in the everyday life of Charlie, a second-class citizen living in a city brimming with augmentation and citizens living a gamified existence -- none of which Charlie can experience himself due to a childhood accident. Apathetic and disheartened by the seemingly pointless world around him, Charlie is presented with an opportunity to take matters into his own hands. But at what risk?

The Last Night is a 2.5D cinematic platform game, where the player controls Charlie, a person living a lower-class existence among the rest of society that is living in an "era of leisure" and where computers and machinery have otherwise taken over all menial work. The player can have Charlie explore his city, talk freely with other citizens, get involved in gunfights, and includes elements of stealth.

Ovo stvarno izgleda savrseno, neznam kad mi se neka igra ovako dopadala i izgledala ovako lijepo. Ko bi rekao da ova pikselasta grafika moze bit ovako predivna, ovo je umjetnost.

Neznam tocno sta bi igra trebala bit, ako neko ima vise informacija neka napise. Al bas izgleda predivno, jedva cekam vise informacija od devova.

Reveal Trailer:
The Last Night - E3 2017 reveal trailer - YouTube

Inace na igri radi mali tim ljudi, ideja je dosla od dvojice brace. Napravili su neki mali projekt za neko natjecanje ili nesto, al ljudima se to toliko svidjelo da su odlucili osnovat tim i napravit punu igru po toj ideji. Koliko sam shvatio igra je u razvoju vec 3,4 godine i trebala bi izac 2018. godine za Xbox i Windows. Kao i sto se vidi vucu puno inspiracije iz Blade Runnera, a to su i sami rekli.

Sta vam se cini?



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Odg: The Last Night
« Odgovori #1 : 12. Siječanj, 2018., 10:51 »
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