Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU

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Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 10:45 »
Novi update za PS3 je dostupan i za područje Europe.
Ima poprilično novosti, a prenosi ih PSU:


Između ostalog, tu je i podrška za novi PlayStation Plus:

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Sony has detailed a major system software update for PlayStation 3, an update that will add the all-new PlayStation Plus subscription package. System software update v3.40 was revealed earlier, highlighted as the update for PlayStation Plus at E3. There are some great new updates in addition to the PlayStation Plus, including the ability to upload your videos stored on your PS3 directly to Facebook or YouTube. The update will likely go live later today or early tomorrow.

In addition to the PS3 update, there will be a simultaneous PSP update, system software update v6.30, which will add PlayStation Plus compatibility and some minor new features.

The main updates included in system software update v3.40 for PS3 include:

PlayStation Plus: A new subscription service package on PlayStation Network, PlayStation Plus offers gamers exclusive services and content on June 29, 2010, worldwide. PlayStation Network users will be able to purchase membership* to PlayStation Plus, providing members with new options to enhance their gaming experience and enable them to gain a special set of features and content. All PlayStation Network users will continue to have free access to its unmatched and expanding suite of new and exclusive content, services and community focused tools – including online game play – while PlayStation Plus subscribers will gain access to an exclusive and expanding set of evolving features, content and functionality.

Photo Gallery: A new network based photo sharing feature is now available on the Photo Gallery. The enhancement allows PS3 users to upload, browse and comment on photos on sites such as Facebook and Picasa Web Album. PS3 users can also opt to share their photos between their PlayStation Network friends.

Video Editor & Uploader: Video Editor and Uploader is a new function found on the XrossMediaBar (XMB), which enables users to edit, save and upload video files stored on the PS3 system to sites such as Facebook or YouTube.

Five Star Rating Support: Users can rate PlayStation Store content they have purchased with one to five star ratings.

Power Save Settings: The default setting for PS3 System Auto-Off will be set at two hours, providing users with additional power save options and further improving power save features on the PS3 system.
"Born with less, but you still precious.

You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit."



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #1 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 10:54 »
Misliš ga metnut na svoj? Zvuči seksi

"There is great strength in numbers, but there is great power in one, for the strength of the will of one may gather numbers to it. There is strength not only in *knowing* the self, but *knowing* how to bring it forth in others."

tl;dr pušite mi kurac xD



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #2 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 11:01 »
Nema ti ovdje misliš ga imati il ne, ak želiš bit na netu moraš ga imati, svaki fw što izađe moraš skiniti.



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #3 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 11:16 »
ja sam napisao da je izasao i skinuo sam ga zacas,za razliku od proslog firmware.Ocete li uzimati ovaj Plus



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #4 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 11:17 »
Nemam PS3, ali ovisi što im znači ovo "Special Content", ako su PS1 igre ili tako nešto, bih

"There is great strength in numbers, but there is great power in one, for the strength of the will of one may gather numbers to it. There is strength not only in *knowing* the self, but *knowing* how to bring it forth in others."

tl;dr pušite mi kurac xD



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #5 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 11:30 »
Mislim da su to one mini igre



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #6 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 12:13 »
O PS Plus ću razmišljati tek kada PSN bude službeno dostupan u našoj divnoj državi



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #7 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 13:51 »

Odbijaju moj novac. Ko ih jebe.
I'm teaching myself to live without sleeping cause i don't trust my dreams.



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #8 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 14:26 »
Mene samo zanima da li ćemo ikada dobiti naš store



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #9 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 14:33 »
Nemoj se zanimat jer očito nitko živ na planeti ne zna odgovor na to... Ako dođe do HR krajem godine kad uzimam PS, dobit će moj novac

"There is great strength in numbers, but there is great power in one, for the strength of the will of one may gather numbers to it. There is strength not only in *knowing* the self, but *knowing* how to bring it forth in others."

tl;dr pušite mi kurac xD



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #10 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 14:44 »
Već godinama spominju dolazak rvatskog storea.
Ne verujem dok ne vidim. Btw, zadnje informacije spominju krajem ljeta ove godine. :wildboy:
I'm teaching myself to live without sleeping cause i don't trust my dreams.



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #11 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 14:47 »
To bi bilo... jednostavno odlično  :hug

"There is great strength in numbers, but there is great power in one, for the strength of the will of one may gather numbers to it. There is strength not only in *knowing* the self, but *knowing* how to bring it forth in others."

tl;dr pušite mi kurac xD



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #12 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 15:11 »
@ faca

Nije li već zadnje dvije godine informacija da dolazi tijekom ljeta ili krajem ljeta?



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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #13 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 16:25 »
Store i Live sigurno dolaze u HR - to je dio pristupa EU-u
"Born with less, but you still precious.

You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit."



  • Suradnik
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Odg: Firmware 3.40 dostupan za EU
« Odgovori #14 : 29. Lipanj, 2010., 16:26 »
Govorilo se da prije pristupa EU-u sigurno dobivamo ta dva servisa
Ne znam u detalje

SRY, slučajana greška kaj se tiče uređivanja poruke
« Zadnja izmjena: 29. Lipanj, 2010., 16:29 Armor »


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