Final Fantasy XV

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Final Fantasy XV
« : 16. Studeni, 2011., 10:44 »
This is a fantasy based on reality

Square Enix najavio je ovu PS3 ekskluzivu na E3 sajmu već davne 2006. godine.
Igrin je razvoj stavljen pod upitnik, no u zadnje vrijeme neke infomacije su procurile, a potvrđeno je kako se na istoj radi.

Glavni protagonist igre bit će Noctis Lucis Caelum, zadnji pripadnik Caelum dinastije, iz grada koji kontrolira "kristale".
Najavljene su interaktivne scene, po uzoru na Heavy Rain.

WEB: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/fabula/versus13/

FINAL FANTASY Versus XIII Trailer 2011

Rasprave, očekivanja?
« Zadnja izmjena: 11. Lipanj, 2013., 17:01 snowblind »
"Born with less, but you still precious.

You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit."

Odg: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odgovori #1 : 16. Ožujak, 2013., 00:58 »
Hah! Mogu je ozivit jer sam FFfan i moderator. :hiha:

Uglavnom, pazite ovo


Izgleda da je igra vrlo vjerojatno preimenovana u 15esticu. A taman sam se ponadao da ce FF15 biti povratak korijenima. :wildboy:

Odg: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odgovori #2 : 17. Ožujak, 2013., 12:48 »
Test post. About to post info.

OK there we go. Sorry Im on a phone and I thought the thread was locked for some odd reason. Anyway, I can reveal the following info and Im doing it in public now.

I am being told game is NOT being called FF15. Yes it is PS4 exclusive. The budget has surpassed 120 million at this point and Square is not allowing anymore funding. Game will have massive unveiling before E3 with cryptic marketing blitz to follow. Talk of ARG starting soon. Various vehicles for characters that can upgraded and altered for battle. Very dark and mature themes. Themes or betrayal, retribution, and sacrifice for the greater good, with many gray areas and the journey to understand the ramifications of good and evil as philosophical concepts. Is thethe biggest, most ambitious FF of all time with very the mature themes such as forced conception and specifically attacks world religions in a metaphorical sense.

Will have more info soon. Account ban bet on all info above. See you soon.

Apologize for terrible grammar and formatting. Phone posts are impossible.


Screw you guys, I`m going home!



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  • "Estuans interius ira vehementi, Sephiroth!"
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Odg: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odgovori #3 : 17. Ožujak, 2013., 14:28 »
nezz, 120 milijuna buksi već potrošeno, najambiciozniji ff naslov...



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Odg: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odgovori #4 : 11. Lipanj, 2013., 17:01 »
Final Fantasy 15 najavljen za PS4

Final Fantasy 15/Final Fantasy XV Trailer/Gameplay

Predobro mi izgleda. Mogu reći da sam malo nahajpan jer dugo nisam igrao FF.

Odg: Final Fantasy XV
« Odgovori #5 : 11. Lipanj, 2013., 20:28 »
Hoćel biti za PC?



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Odg: Final Fantasy XV
« Odgovori #6 : 11. Lipanj, 2013., 20:31 »
Trenutačno je najavljeno samo za PS4 i Xbone.

Odg: Final Fantasy XV
« Odgovori #7 : 11. Lipanj, 2013., 20:42 »
To je pljuska u lice PS fanovima koji već godinama čekaju igru (kao ja). Stvarno sam se nadao da će biti PS4 ekskluziva.
Screw you guys, I`m going home!



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Odg: Final Fantasy XV
« Odgovori #8 : 11. Lipanj, 2013., 20:43 »
Zašto? Bitno ti je da igra izađe za onu konzolu koju planiraš kupiti.



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  • #IgračVrata
Odg: Final Fantasy XV
« Odgovori #9 : 11. Lipanj, 2013., 20:47 »
Pitaš frajera koji ima PS logo na avataru... i broj u imenu? :hihi:
hardcore gamer | rapist | nerd | cis scum | misogynist |

Odg: Final Fantasy XV
« Odgovori #10 : 11. Lipanj, 2013., 20:52 »



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  • "Estuans interius ira vehementi, Sephiroth!"
    • HCL.hr
Odg: Final Fantasy XV
« Odgovori #11 : 11. Lipanj, 2013., 21:10 »
igra zbilja izgleda super, kupujem čim iziđe :ementaler:



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  • "Estuans interius ira vehementi, Sephiroth!"
    • HCL.hr
Odg: Final Fantasy XV
« Odgovori #12 : 13. Lipanj, 2013., 23:13 »
Još par detalja
dakle, saznali smo pet novih likova dolje sa slike

tu je i novi (po meni odlični) gameplay kojeg možete pogledati ispod
FINAL FANTASY XV - Battle Gameplay First Look (E3 2013)
i da, spominje se izdavanje epizoda uz spominjanje istraživanja online funkcija novih konzola. Možda nas čeka epizodno izbacivanje sadržaja poput onog iz walking deatha :hug



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  • #IgračVrata
Odg: Final Fantasy XV
« Odgovori #13 : 07. Srpanj, 2013., 13:50 »
- Final Fantasy XV has a professional fashion brand, Roen, to create real-life outfits for the CG development team to examine the details and re-create in game.
- Nomura relies heavily on and appreciates the support from his co-directors in managing and making his games.
- Nomura's favorite characters that he created are Sora and Noctis. He expects Noctis to be more clever than Cloud.
- Nomura wants to play a Metal Gear Solid remake.
- Luminous Engine and Fox Engine are two different engines as each can do things the other can't.
- Noctis could drive a car and magiteck in the game. There isn't any plans to have many different types of vehicles.
- Despite Stella's new design looking much younger, the main reason behind her re-design was to make her prettier.
- Noctis' red eyes are indicative of his teleportation ability.
- Nomura says he'll think about adding French-inspired places in game.
- Although it's not a completely certain answer, but Nomura says it's difficult to have a female playable character at this point.
- Before, Nomura stated that it's GAME OVER if Noctis dies, but after the re-branding of the game, there's a chance that may change.
- Nomura won't share any information on equipment and weapon customization.
- There's no concrete plans for a Final Fantasy XV sequel, yet.

hardcore gamer | rapist | nerd | cis scum | misogynist |



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  • "Estuans interius ira vehementi, Sephiroth!"
    • HCL.hr
Odg: Final Fantasy XV
« Odgovori #14 : 07. Srpanj, 2013., 14:04 »
- Despite Stella's new design looking much younger, the main reason behind her re-design was to make her prettier.

meni je osobno najžalije zbog ovoga, jer mi je Stella u starom traileru izgledala savršeno </3


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