The Witcher Battle Arena

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The Witcher Battle Arena
« : 22. Siječanj, 2015., 17:18 »
Dolazi nam druga spin-off igra smještena u Witcher svemiru, MOBA naslovljena The Witcher Battle Arena
Igra je već dostupna na IOSu, ali počele su cirkulirati neke najave da će doći i na PC (vjerojatno nakon izlaska W3) pa zato tema u ovom podforumu.

The Witcher Battle Arena is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game in which players take control of iconic and powerful characters from the Witcher universe.


War between the kingdoms of the north and the Nilfgaardian Empire tears the land apart. This is a conflict of unparallelled brutality and devastation--a total war. Old alliances have been destroyed and friendships have perished, leaving only trails of bodies and the sound of daggers being sharpened in the shadows. The lost souls displaced by this chaos must forge new destinies. Some lend themselves to the war effort, others decide to seek glory elsewhere. The latter often come to the Nilfgaardian Arena, a dark and bloody place where gladiators fight to the death for gold and the ultimate prize--the emperor’s respect.

Trenutno su dostupna dva igriva moda:

The Arena Map
Deep within the Nilfgaardian Empire lies the infamous Arena. A place of death and sorrow, a place that beckons warriors from all over the Continent. They come here to test their skills, earn gold and glory and, at times, pursue other aims: the emperor of Nilfgaard will grant the winner of the arena any wish in his power.

The Conquest Mode
Players divided into two teams of three fight for control over conquest points. Securing more of them than the enemy starts draining the opposing team’s point pool. The team that drains all their opponent’s points wins the game. Be mindful of the pickup zones located at the top of the map--the bombs and potions available there may save your life.

Također, trenutno je dostupno 9 igrivih heroja.


Nisam baš fan MOBA žanra, ali ovo je nešto što bi definitivno probao čisto da vidim kakve su skillove osmislili za likove.


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