Guild Wars 2

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Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #195 : 11. Prosinac, 2011., 20:06 »
Evo da se i ja malo prikljucim temi. Osobno bih cak i rekao da sam GW2 fanboy ali nakon 2 beta vikenda odlucio sam kupiti swtor, a evo zasto....

GW2 nece izaci jos minimalno 4 mjeseca prema trenutnom stanju informacija, a nakon insprobavanja swtor-a zakljucio sam da je igra daleko od "smeca" kao sto neki tvrde. Da budem iskren prije nego sam je probao i ja sam mislio da ce "suckat". Nekako najobjektivniji opis igre koji mogu dati je "WoW" sa Star Wars temom uz daleko najbolje questanje od svih mmo-a koje sam probao. Istina je da koriste provjeren recept i u tome nema nista nuzno lose. Prema mom misljenju swtor ima mogucnosti da za par mjeseci bude najbolji mmo na trzistu, a probao sam prakticki sve vece naslove. Kad izdaju GW2 vrlo vjerovatno prelazim na to, ali GW2 je zasad samo "iluzija".....

u tome je meni problem sto je to WoW u SW svemiru ja vise necu i nemogu taj sistem podnjeti nakon vise od 10 godina dosta mi ga je. Ja osobno nisam anti tor (KOTOR 1 i 2 su mi odlicni i imam oba dvi orginalne) i mislim da bi igra bila uspijeh da je sve osim price totalno smece zbog svih onih SW fanboyeva koji bi popusili sve SW bezobzira na kvalitetu a igra nije smece igro sam je (oko tri sata) i ako nakon 6-7 godina WoWa mozes podnijeti jos pa onda je ovo igra za tebe ali to nisam ja.

baš to, to se spominje u svim tim "pozitivnim" recenzijama. ako to nije argument zašto je swtor sranje, onda nzm šta je.

Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #196 : 11. Prosinac, 2011., 20:11 »
Jedina sličnost između TOR-a  , WoW-a  i većine sadašnjih MMO igara  je combat i u tome da su obje igre themepark klasični MMO sa trinitijem ( tank ,  healer ,  dps zadane role )  sve ostalo je drukčije :

- TOR nema auto attack,    WoW ima

- TOR ima specifičan originalni  crafting system preko companiona  u kojem će igrači biti oslobođeni nepotrebnog grinda i farmanja matsa satima kao u WoW-u gdje će companioni moći proizvoditi iteme za igrače čak do će igrači biti offline.

-TOR ima open world RVR PVP ,  WoW nema

- TOR ima cinematic sekvence i kompletna je igra voicana sa time da priče ima u igri tone kao u par Kotora zajedno a svaka klasa ima svoju priču ,   WoW  ima dosadni standardni tektualni questing

- TOR ima player housing  u pogledu  player shipova,   WoW nema housing

- TOR ima cover klase koje iskorištavaju teren i taktičku vrstu combata,  WoW nema takvih klasa a koliko znam niti jedan sadašnji MMO.

- TOR ima drukčije dizajnirani PVP od WoW-a jer u njemu tankovi će za razliku od WoW imati svoju funkciju i imati mogućnost da rade damage i štite svoje suborce

- TOR ima companione koji su od velike pomoči igračima tokom levelanja i koji mogu preuzeti uloge tanka,  healera i dps-a pritom otvarajući mogućnosti igračima da se levelaju kao tankovi ili healeri kroz cijelu igru ako to žele što u WoW nije baš moguće.

E sad to što  je nekim ljudima dosadio klasični combat u MMO igrama koji je već jako dugo na sceni to mogu razumjeti i biti će igrača koji će htjeti nešto novo u tom pogledu ali to neće niti najmanje umanjiti vrijednost i kvalitetu TOR-a kao igre  koji će imati dovoljno igrača kojima ovakav combat kakav TOR ima odgovara.

« Zadnja izmjena: 11. Prosinac, 2011., 20:19 Loghain »
Tribute to one of the most memorable characters in the games Loghain Mac Tir


Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #197 : 11. Prosinac, 2011., 20:25 »
moram li ti odgovorit zašto je amabaš svaka od tih natuknica nebitna, jer su već ili viđene negdje drugdje i/ili totalno PR-like neistinite.

katkad se zapitam jel logejn radi za bioware, odnosno EA, ko zna možda vide neko proširenje tržišta u budučnosti na ovim prostorima :))

Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #198 : 11. Prosinac, 2011., 20:34 »
moram li ti odgovorit zašto je amabaš svaka od tih natuknica nebitna, jer su već ili viđene negdje drugdje i/ili totalno PR-like neistinite.

katkad se zapitam jel logejn radi za bioware, odnosno EA, ko zna možda vide neko proširenje tržišta u budučnosti na ovim prostorima :))

Meni su te natuknice bitne kada uspoređujem WoW ,  TOR i ostale MMO igre jer su to stavke koje razlikuju TOR kao igru od ostalih.

Što se tiče GW2 jedina stavka koja razlikuje tu igri od ostalih je combat sa time da još uvijek nije poznato koliko će takav combat odgovarati MMO igračima i da li će biti funkcionalan ,  sve ostalo od dynamic eventa i  masivnih PVP bitaka  je već viđeno u ranijim igrama ovoga tipa.

Inače nažalost ja ne radim za Bioware ali rad za kompaniju reputacije  jednog Biowara bi bila ogromna čast većini ljudi koji prate tržište igara .

Edit :  Niti jedna od ovih stavki koje sam ja naveo gore  nije neistinita i PR like kao što nub rejnger  koji nikada nije zaigrao TOR prezentira jer su sve već dokumentirane i prikazane negdje ili od igrača ili od devova.
« Zadnja izmjena: 11. Prosinac, 2011., 20:49 Loghain »
Tribute to one of the most memorable characters in the games Loghain Mac Tir


Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #199 : 11. Prosinac, 2011., 21:11 »
Kako TOR nema autoattack? Kad sam igrao u beti desni klik na moba i sam udara.

Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #200 : 11. Prosinac, 2011., 21:37 »
Kako TOR nema autoattack? Kad sam igrao u beti desni klik na moba i sam udara.

Pročitaj si




A ovo je sa wiki

Auto-attacking occurs when a character is ordered to attack or use an attack skill on a foe, the character will continue to attack automatically and indefinitely until the target dies or a different command is given. This means a player can choose a target, command an attack, and do other things (such as chat, watch the health, etc) while his/her character continues the assault.

U TOR nema auto attacka kao niti white damaga ,  u TOR-u je u velikom broju slučaja jedan potez - 1 attack koji se ne nastavlja.
« Zadnja izmjena: 11. Prosinac, 2011., 21:54 Loghain »
Tribute to one of the most memorable characters in the games Loghain Mac Tir


Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #201 : 11. Prosinac, 2011., 22:01 »
očigledno sve što si naveo nije istina jer velim ti, moj character je sam udarao kada kliknem desni klik na moba.

nvm, vidim da nije to čisti auto attack nakon što sam pažljivije prošao kroz linkove.
« Zadnja izmjena: 11. Prosinac, 2011., 22:02 Zeus_CM »

Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #202 : 11. Prosinac, 2011., 22:17 »
Prema MMO championu ,  stvarno dobar link jer zapravo potvrđuje sve što sam ja naveo gore  vezano za TOR a opisuje igru još i bolje od mene.

10 things that make TOR stand out
 1. Putting the RPG back into MMORPG. Story story story: In most games, their idea of a story is quest text and fan made website databases. SWTOR not only gives a unique personalized story for each class, but gives you choices in how you complete quests. Think single player quality quests in a mmo environment.

2. Fully voiced: Not something totally new, but being totally 100% voiced changes the flow of how the story is presented. This isn't someone just reading the quest text to you, or yelling to the masses about what's going on in front of you. It lets the story come out in smaller pieces along the way, and adds a depth that we have never seen in an MMO.
3. LS/DS/Grey system: We don't know exactly how it works yet, but the morality system allows for more character customization, as well as quest choices. You don't have to do what the guy next to you did!
4. No invisible walls/loading screens (aside from going from planet to planet, but a cinematic takes the place of a loading screen): The idea is to make you feel like you are in a large world with others. There's no need to look at an uninteresting loading screen when a ship takes you to another place. There are no magical invisible walls blocking you from drowning or jumping over a ridge.
5. Cover system: A new way for ranged to fight. Instead of just kiting all the time, lightly armored ranged characters can hide behind objects to not just LoS things, but to actually shoot from a protected state. An interesting idea considering most npcs in this setting will probably have a gun.

6. Personal starships: A mix of personal housing and a space combat mini-game. Quite a unique solution to both systems.

7. Companions: Not only do these "pets" add to your story, crafting system, and character customization. They add a whole new way to level characters. Healers and tanks can learn their role from level 1 because they will be in a group with their companion even when solo. Exactly how they will work in groups is still being worked out, but in some way or another they will help fill in missing roles in groups.

8. Crew system (quite a unique system for crafting): Crafting without the grinding? Yep. You can do all the work yourself if you really like flying around in circles looking for flowers to pick, but if you don't you can send your companions to farm mats, make items, or even go off on missions.

9. Cinematic combat: Unlike most other MMOs where you have 1 generic animation for each action (different for different races and genders maybe), and sometimes even repeated animations. Here we see jedi blocking attacks from different angles and characters getting knocked backwards mid jump, etc. The subtle animations are amazing to see and make you appreciate the depth that the team took it to.
10. Ranged tanks: In WoW these only showed up as gimmicks in fight mechanics. In this game you can have your main tank shooting from afar, standing toe to toe, or maybe even kiting, all depending on what enemy you are facing, instead of having to poke the boss's toe with a sword. Again an interesting idea considering so many enemies in this game will be ranged.

And 5 more courtesy of Bane123
 I'll give you just 5 reasons why it's different from WoW
1. No auto attack. You might say meh that's not really a reason, but coming from a person who played melee characters for the majority of WoW, I'd see that as a noticeable difference when playing, as i'll have to be actively engaged in fighting or else i would most likely die unless my companion is good enough to take out the whole group for me. Whatever damage you do is a result of what abilities you use, no more white hits on your damage meters hehe.
2. Fully voiced NPCs. That's pretty huge in an MMO where there are tons of different characters that you'd encounter out in the world and even your own character has a voice of his/her own. Daniel Erickson the lead writer for the game stated that there are hundreds of thousands of lines of dialogue present in the game, and enough to fill 50-60 novels. That is a really huge undertaking for an MMO to do, and it will eliminate the quest text skipping that majority of the players have done in WoW and keep them actively involved/immersed in what's actually going on in the story (but there is a skip button - spacebar for those who could care less, but you still have dialogue choices based on what's being spoken in-game).
3. You don't have to farm your mats for yourself. This is true, you won't have to grind for mats any more, although you can do it if you want, but why would you do that when you have 5 companions that can do it for you? I don't know the specific numbers but i think i remember someone stating that you can send out 3 companions to gather the mats for you. You can even tell them to farm it while you're offline, so when you log on you can just get the mats with minimal effort from yourself. It makes sense because in the movies you don't see Darth Vader farming mats, he had his minions do all the grindy work for him.
4. Romance-able companion characters and NPCs. Yes you can romance your companion characters (just the humanoids - no Jawa sex!). Your companion characters have separate personalities and feelings towards your actions, and you can take advantage of that by playing with their feelings and romancing them. You can even do this with NPCs. In a leaked video from a beta tester he kissed one of his quest NPCs (the rest is unkown since it fades to black hehe). You definitely can't do that in WoW hehe.

5. The leveling is different for each class (for the most part). I remember leveling alts many times, just repeating the same quests in the zones that were the easiest to do quests over and over because it was the fastest way to level. In SW:TOR each class has a separate and distinct story that is different from the other classes that you might have played. Some people have stated that it can take 200 hours to level a class. I wouldn’t doubt it because this game is pretty much KOTOR 3 to maybe even 10 combined with the scale at which this game is being made. And beta testers have said that it feels like Vanilla WoW leveling. Different players can level at different rates but with the class stories and world story quests present in the game it can take you longer to level to 50 than it is to level from 1-85 in WoW and it will still feel different when you play a different class because you can’t repeat the same quests or repeat the same dialogue options as they are completely different. Also the dialogue choices you make which can affect your alignment (Lightside/Darkside/Neutral – Grey) can affect the type of gear you can wear and the different looks that come with it, and can give you access to different titles and the looks of your character.
Anyways the list can go on and on with the differences, but it can also go on and on if you’re just playing the game to nitpick to look for similarities that SW:TOR is to WoW. It’s similar and distinct at the same time
« Zadnja izmjena: 11. Prosinac, 2011., 22:23 Loghain »
Tribute to one of the most memorable characters in the games Loghain Mac Tir


Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #203 : 11. Prosinac, 2011., 22:32 »
Ispričavam se ljubiteljima GW2 što sam im odveo topic malo izvan teme ali eto htio sam neke stvari ipak razjasnit :)
Tribute to one of the most memorable characters in the games Loghain Mac Tir


Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #204 : 11. Prosinac, 2011., 23:26 »
np, navikli smo.



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Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #205 : 12. Prosinac, 2011., 20:08 »

Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #206 : 12. Prosinac, 2011., 21:14 »

Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #207 : 12. Prosinac, 2011., 22:44 »

LINK: http://www.croatian-maniacs.com/2011/mesmer-posljednja-gw2-profesija/

Originally Posted by Martin Kerstein View Post
Yes, Mesmer is the final profession. Seems like someone jumped the gun. Official reveal will be on Wednesday, stay tuned.

Guild Wars 2 - Mesmer Reveal Trailer

Loghain što kažeš na ovo?
« Zadnja izmjena: 12. Prosinac, 2011., 23:40 Zeus_CM »

Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #208 : 13. Prosinac, 2011., 00:19 »
Loghain što kažeš na ovo?

Ništa neviđeno u igrama ovoga žanra ako danas pogledaš animacije i clipove od bilo koje Korejanske igre vidjet ćeš dosta sličnosti,  also its another classical fantasy medieval MMO zzzzzzzz.... ,  a combat ne mogu sudit dok  ga ne probam  što znači da moram vidjet betu.
« Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac, 2011., 00:22 Loghain »
Tribute to one of the most memorable characters in the games Loghain Mac Tir


Odg: Guild Wars 2
« Odgovori #209 : 13. Prosinac, 2011., 00:45 »
Loghain što kažeš na ovo?

Ništa neviđeno u igrama ovoga žanra ako danas pogledaš animacije i clipove od bilo koje Korejanske igre vidjet ćeš dosta sličnosti,  also its another classical fantasy medieval MMO zzzzzzzz.... ,  a combat ne mogu sudit dok  ga ne probam  što znači da moram vidjet betu.

hahaha! man you are unbeatable!


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