Xenoblade Chronicles X

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Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #15 : 14. Siječanj, 2015., 20:46 »
Wii U - Xenoblade Chronicles X Exploration Trailer

Realno, radi ovoga ću Igoru morati ukrasti njegov Wii U :hiha:



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Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #16 : 15. Siječanj, 2015., 08:51 »
Meni ovo izgleda super ali ja se bojim da to nece biti tak super..

Wii U nema mocan hw i nece moci imati super teksture itd...



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Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #17 : 15. Siječanj, 2015., 09:11 »
Pa, možeš računati da će biti baš ovako kako izgleda na traileru, to je direktni gameplay i Wii U ovakvu grafiku može podnijet.

S tehničke strane (rezolucija tekstura itd.) izgleda kao last-gen igra (na što smo navikli od Wii U već), ali s dizajnerske strane (maštovitost svijeta, dizajn čudovišta) je to već jako zanimljivo, pa je na kraju vizualno zanimljiva. Uglavnom, izgleda dobro.

Nego, europski datum izlaska nikako da dobijemo, ali japanski su objavili jučer u japanskom directu - 29.04.2015. Malo me iznenadili da već u 4. mjesecu dolazi u Japan, valjda i mi nećemo morat predugo čekati :/

Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #18 : 15. Siječanj, 2015., 11:31 »
Uh, kako bu ova igra dobra...:clap:

Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #19 : 15. Siječanj, 2015., 16:14 »
Dizajn svijeta i čudovišta te muzika su fenomenalni. Moram reći da mi zasada izgleda bolje od Final Fantasy XV, barem što se tiče art stila.
Screw you guys, I`m going home!



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Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #20 : 28. Siječanj, 2015., 16:54 »
Iz Famitsua izvučeno:
-Xenoblade was traditional RPG, whereas XenobladeX is an open world RPG. Xenoblade was linear despite having big world. In XenobladeX, you will get quests from different places and have more freedom.
 -Xenoblade had 1 vocal song at the end, but XenobladeX has many vocal song. (Many for RPG)
-Mira is 400km² which is 5 times bigger than Xenoblade. So there is Dolls which can fly. Also you can check your location via gamepad
 -Battle system is based on Xenoblade, but it's faster paced and more action packed.
 -4 player party, you control 1 and AI controls the rest.
 -number of unique monsters and equipments have increased from Xenoblade.
Some more details according to Shinobi (excluding ones already shared by Raven777):

Nagi (Takayuki Sugou)
 -Former Captain of the White Whale and current Military Chief in the Autonomous Government of New Los Angeles.

Guin (Yuichi Nakamura)
 -Worked in the same division as Elma and Irina on Earth. Was their subordinate.

Player Avatars
 -Many options for customization (sex, face type, skin colour, hair style, eyes, make-up, voice, etc).
 -Preset designs done by Kunihiko Tanaka
 -Some famous voices actors providing their voice as options for the avatar, will be announced on the Xenoblade homepage later.

 -Will show character location, question locations
 -Warping to previously visited areas

 -The use of 'X [Cross]' has implications for the online functionality.
 -Not a standard online game, more 'loosely connected'

 -About 90 songs in the game. Sawano involved in all of them.

 -Faster paced, more-actiony than Xenobalde.
 -Differentiates close and distant attacks.
 -No healers.
 -Healing done with new system called 'Soul Voice'.

Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #21 : 06. Veljača, 2015., 16:07 »

Jbt kako ovo dobro izgleda.

Mapa kontinenata.


- Open number 8. You're still alive. Are you okay? Don't push it. You just woke up. You're the only one to wake up. I'm Elma. Our journey from Earth was suddenly cut short. We had to make an emergency landing. This is the planet we landed on. It's still untamed. What do you think? Not bad, huh? This is our city, New Los Angeles. Welcome to NLA.
- I'll tell you about NLA. This is our new home. This is the industrial area, at the entrance. Lots of weaponized machinery is made here.
- This is the commercial area. Lots of people gather here. I like to go shopping. This is the residential area, where everyone lives.
- This is the Blade area, our military's headquarters. Lots of weapons and equipment can be bought and stored here. What's a Blade?
- Blades are our police and military, protecting our city. They're also used in recon. Life is our support system. Some life pods broke off.
- We need to go find life pods scattered across the world to recover survivors. Lin will explain the Frontier Net. Your position is shown.
- The shining beam is a Frontier Spot, where you can gather information from data probes. They collect info about the places you set them.
- This probe found a treasure nearby. Each area's objectives are revealed through the data probes. Find 100% of the objectives!
- As you place probes, the dialogue of NLA residents will be expanded. Quests can be undertaken from NLA residents or directly from Blade.
- If you succeed in your quests, you'll be handsomely rewarded. Be sure to clear them. Relationships between characters expand by interacting.
- Planet Mira is still largely unexplored, and there's lots of room to explore. Tatsu will continue explaining. There are several continents.
- NLA is on the grassland continent. Next is the Night Light Forest continent. Then, the Forgotten Canyon. They're all huge. The White Forest.
- Finally, the Black Steel continent. It's a volcanic area. It's really huge! Tatsu keeps saying the continents are huge. He can't help it.
- There are so many locations in each continent that they can't all be explained. Each has a number of landmarks, secret areas, and vistas.
- Did you think traveling would be a hassle? You can dash, jump, and skip travel to data probes you've placed. Navigation Ball helps the lost.
- Just follow the Navigation Ball to your next destination. Use the Hopper Camera to get a bird's eye view from above your current location.
- If you get a Doll (mech), you can travel even faster by transforming into a vehicle or taking to the sky. Find new areas to explore.
- Dolls can't just be used by anyone, only certified Blade members. Creatures of Planet Mira. There are many different kinds, big and small.
- It's best to avoid creatures that are far above your level. Watch out for obards. Creatures with special names require caution.
- Alien species, friendly and hostile, can be interacted with. Our objective is to seek out the Life Points. Sometimes we have to fight.
- Next time, we'll teach you the skills you'll need for survival.
- Releasing April 29


Igra je velika 22.7 GB

Ima podršku za ProController i ide u 720p


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« Zadnja izmjena: 06. Veljača, 2015., 16:51 buby8992 »
Screw you guys, I`m going home!



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Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #22 : 07. Veljača, 2015., 10:45 »
Bome, ne sjećam se kada je neka Wii U ekskluziva prošli put imala preko 20 GB :hiha:

Ali da, izgleda stvarno lijepo - sad još samo da ne odugovlače previše s izlaskom na zapadu :hiha2:



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Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #23 : 06. Ožujak, 2015., 22:08 »

Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #24 : 21. Travanj, 2015., 14:08 »
Stigle i prve ocjene, naravno, od Famitsua - 9/9/8/8



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Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #25 : 22. Travanj, 2015., 19:52 »
Jel ima negdje prijevod recenzije?

Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #26 : 24. Travanj, 2015., 19:22 »
9 / An intricate and involved story, tough difficulty that will give you a solid challenge, and a system with high usability make this a wonderfully old-school RPG in the best sense of the term. The massive open world is crammed with countless stories, and giving them all their due takes time and hard work. The Dolls that you can pilot offer dynamic control, transformations and a rich variety of customization; enough to send any robo-head into a tizzy. There’s so much to do that it can be overwhelming at times, but it also feels very substantial.

9 / Adventuring seamlessly across the vast, liberating world is a lot of fun, and the massive native creatures also provide plenty of thrills. The skip travel function that allows you to move around by touching the map is really convenient, and adventuring remains stress free. There is also a wealth of elements relating to combat and tactics and, while a little complicated, the unique systems are good fun, such as the “Soul Voices” that activate under certain conditions. There’s plenty of other stuff to enjoy as well, including arts, skills and Dolls, providing a wealth of tactics and customization.

8 / A massive title perfectly suited to the word “epic.” The vast game world is beautiful, with vistas changing come day or night, providing an endless source of excitement. The explanation of the world is handled with care, but movies break the action up again and again, slowing down the pacing, which is a bit of a shame. The tempo of the conversations could have done with being a bit faster, too. In terms of battle, it’s great that you can really go on the offensive once you have the system down. The enemies, Dolls and attacks launched from custom parts are all very appealing too.

8 / There’s zero stress in adventuring across the open world, which can be traversed seamlessly, and there are also many elements that take advantage of the size of the map, making moving around and exploring a lot of fun. Battle has a great tempo, combining an action game with command inputs, and is very strategic too. The story is told with care, and you want to find out what happens next, but it also gives you a strong feeling of just sitting there watching movies. Furthermore, a lot of details about the game system are left unexplained, leaving me with an impression of having to blindly stumble through things myself.



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Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #27 : 09. Kolovoz, 2015., 20:54 »

Jel uopće poznat datum izlaska zapadne verzije?

Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #28 : 10. Kolovoz, 2015., 19:50 »
Jel uopće poznat datum izlaska zapadne verzije?




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Odg: Xenoblade Chronicles X
« Odgovori #29 : 10. Kolovoz, 2015., 20:31 »
Lijepo, nekako sam očekivao da će doći nakon godinu dana. Bit će interesantno za vidjeti hoće li igra uspjeti išta značajnije potaknuti prodaju konzole.


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